Sept. 17, 2020

When Is Failure Not Failure?

When Is Failure Not Failure?

In sidewalk ministry at an abortion center, there can be a lot of apparent failures. However, God can use our faithfulness to turn what seem like failures into victories. In this episode, Vicky and Daniel share some Biblical truths and personal...

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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life Podcast

In sidewalk ministry at an abortion center, there can be a lot of apparent failures. However, God can use our faithfulness to turn what seem like failures into victories. In this episode, Vicky and Daniel share some Biblical truths and personal stories to encourage you with the truth that, if we are faithful to the Lord we can not fail.

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.600 --> 00:00:05.799 I Am Yours, I am yours, I am yours. Send Me, 2 00:00:06.160 --> 00:00:10.750 Lord. I welcome to the Gospel Center pro life podcast. This episode, 3 00:00:10.750 --> 00:00:14.470 Vicki and I share how failure is never failure if we're obedient to God. 4 00:00:15.070 --> 00:00:19.030 Will share a biblical perspective as well as some stories from our experiences that will 5 00:00:19.070 --> 00:00:35.140 encourage you. Stay tuned. I felt show passis touch your heart. Welcome 6 00:00:35.140 --> 00:00:38.369 to the Gospel Center prayer life podcast. Guys, appreciate you tuning in. 7 00:00:38.810 --> 00:00:42.409 Appreciate you guys who share this podcast with your friends and with your family. 8 00:00:42.490 --> 00:00:46.530 We certainly would love to hear some feedback from you guys as well. If 9 00:00:46.530 --> 00:00:50.039 you want to shoot me an email. D Parks at cities for lifecom or 10 00:00:50.159 --> 00:00:53.679 her vcs Oregat cities for lifecom. We'd love to hear from you what you 11 00:00:53.719 --> 00:00:58.159 think about the podcast, if you have any ideas for episodes coming up. 12 00:00:58.439 --> 00:01:00.119 We have some episodes that are that are going to be a real blessing to 13 00:01:00.159 --> 00:01:03.679 you guys. This episode, we hope, will be a blessing, but 14 00:01:03.159 --> 00:01:07.109 in the next couple of weeks we're going to do an episode about sex trafficking 15 00:01:07.150 --> 00:01:11.150 and how the issue of sex trafficking ties into the issue of abortion, and 16 00:01:11.430 --> 00:01:12.670 then we're going to have a good friend of ours, Sheryl Chandler, on 17 00:01:14.109 --> 00:01:17.750 to talk about her ministry, as she does baby showers for mom that mom's 18 00:01:17.790 --> 00:01:21.939 that choose life, and also she's been involved in Pro Life Ministry for thirty 19 00:01:21.980 --> 00:01:23.340 plus years, so she could give us, I think, a lot of 20 00:01:23.459 --> 00:01:29.739 insights on ministry and how to be affective. So make sure you guys, 21 00:01:30.060 --> 00:01:32.930 tune in for those in the coming weeks. But we're going to jump into 22 00:01:32.930 --> 00:01:37.170 a subject today that, as sidewalk counselors, I think we all have dealt 23 00:01:37.209 --> 00:01:40.689 with and deal with on a regular basis. If you're on the sidewalk, 24 00:01:41.090 --> 00:01:42.370 maybe if you're in a pregnancy well, I know if you're in a pregnancy 25 00:01:42.409 --> 00:01:46.930 center, any really any realm of ministry, you're going to deal with the 26 00:01:47.010 --> 00:01:52.799 issue of feeling like you're a failure. We've talked about discouragement, we've talked 27 00:01:52.799 --> 00:01:56.680 about burnout and all that sort of thing. This sort of speaks to some 28 00:01:56.799 --> 00:01:59.719 of those same points, but I think in this episode we're going to give 29 00:01:59.760 --> 00:02:02.989 you some encouragement and share some stories with you, yeah, about what God 30 00:02:04.069 --> 00:02:07.150 can do even when we might feel like a failure. Like we're not doing 31 00:02:07.230 --> 00:02:09.150 what God has called us to do because we don't see any fruit. God's 32 00:02:09.229 --> 00:02:13.469 doing stuff behind the scenes. But let's talk a little bit, Vicki, 33 00:02:13.550 --> 00:02:15.419 before we get into some of the stories, we get into the biblical story 34 00:02:15.460 --> 00:02:19.500 of Joseph, let's just talk practically. Yeah, what are some of the 35 00:02:19.580 --> 00:02:23.180 emotions come with feeling like you're a failure out there on the sidewalk? You 36 00:02:23.259 --> 00:02:29.539 haven't seen any interactions or had maybe even seen any visible outward fruit. That 37 00:02:29.659 --> 00:02:32.770 didn't feel great. Yeah, well, I'll tell you. We talk with 38 00:02:34.210 --> 00:02:38.530 sidewalk missionaries from all over the nation through regular contact now to be encouragers, 39 00:02:38.969 --> 00:02:45.840 and one of I think the most common down that they feel is when they 40 00:02:45.879 --> 00:02:51.280 don't see saves. They don't see saved babies, or they'll say they have 41 00:02:51.479 --> 00:02:59.030 poured everything they have into a woman and and the woman chooses to abort anyway. 42 00:02:59.669 --> 00:03:05.030 It is so discouraging and we are all questioning ourselves at those times. 43 00:03:05.110 --> 00:03:10.229 We're saying, what did we do wrong? It's almost impossible not to personalize 44 00:03:10.229 --> 00:03:13.939 it. What did I do wrong? When I say wrong, what could 45 00:03:13.979 --> 00:03:17.659 I or should I have said or done differently? And you second guess. 46 00:03:17.860 --> 00:03:22.659 Yeah, and you think and it can become severe enough, and I've heard 47 00:03:22.659 --> 00:03:25.340 it where people say I am not cut out for this, I god is 48 00:03:25.419 --> 00:03:30.650 not using me, I'm not meant to be a sidewalk counselor I need to 49 00:03:30.770 --> 00:03:35.129 quit and go, you know, I don't know, do something else, 50 00:03:35.370 --> 00:03:39.610 but this is not for me. So it can be really severe. The 51 00:03:39.930 --> 00:03:47.120 emotional response can be pretty severe and we feel like a failure. We have 52 00:03:47.280 --> 00:03:52.560 let down ourselves, we've let down our fellow counselors, we've let down the 53 00:03:52.680 --> 00:03:55.030 mother, we've let down the baby and we've let down God. I think 54 00:03:55.550 --> 00:03:59.909 all of us have been there. Yeah, at to some degree or another, 55 00:03:59.949 --> 00:04:03.430 at some point or another. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, but of 56 00:04:03.590 --> 00:04:08.830 course in a biblical perspective, as one of the things that we always say 57 00:04:09.990 --> 00:04:14.379 is that our victory is in obedience. Right, that's where the victory is 58 00:04:14.419 --> 00:04:18.379 found. We're not called to save babies, we're not called to get people 59 00:04:18.420 --> 00:04:24.689 saved, we're called to be obedient to God. In within that comes the 60 00:04:24.769 --> 00:04:28.290 fruit of babies will be saved and the Gospel is going to go forth and 61 00:04:28.329 --> 00:04:30.970 people are going to turn to the Lord. But even if we don't see 62 00:04:31.009 --> 00:04:35.569 those things happening, because there are days and there are weeks and there are 63 00:04:35.689 --> 00:04:40.399 scenarios in which you don't see any real outward fruit. And so, yeah, 64 00:04:40.639 --> 00:04:42.600 like you said, you feel like a fail. You feel like you've 65 00:04:42.639 --> 00:04:46.040 let everybody down, you've let even the Lord down. But ultimately the Bible 66 00:04:46.079 --> 00:04:49.680 tells us God sees the heart, God looks at the heart, and that 67 00:04:49.720 --> 00:04:54.910 kind of brings me to the story of Joseph, and you guys know, 68 00:04:55.069 --> 00:04:58.149 well, I'm not gonna I'm not going to recap that story completely, but 69 00:04:58.230 --> 00:05:00.310 you guys know, Joseph got a dream from the Lord, he had a 70 00:05:00.430 --> 00:05:03.949 calling, he had a vision from God. Ultimately, his brothers and even 71 00:05:03.990 --> 00:05:08.540 his father and mother were going to look to him for provision. They were 72 00:05:08.579 --> 00:05:11.540 going to bow down to him in their dream. Right. Yeah, exactly. 73 00:05:11.939 --> 00:05:15.819 And if you haven't watched the movie Joseph, King of dreams, you 74 00:05:15.899 --> 00:05:17.779 know the movie I'm talking about. Some dream works like a cartoon that it's 75 00:05:17.819 --> 00:05:20.850 not a big it's a cartoon. It's like the Prince of Egypt movie. 76 00:05:20.930 --> 00:05:25.850 Ever. Watch that about Moses. Awesome, two of my favorite movies. 77 00:05:26.370 --> 00:05:29.610 Watch that movie. It's really good. It's not exactly a line in line 78 00:05:29.610 --> 00:05:31.889 with the Biblical text, but pretty much anyway, that's a little little rabbit 79 00:05:31.970 --> 00:05:38.519 trail for you guys. But Joseph Story is one of a parent failure, 80 00:05:38.680 --> 00:05:42.439 failure after failure after failure. Yeah, he had a vision from the Lord. 81 00:05:42.519 --> 00:05:44.680 Of many of you guys, you feel called to be out there on 82 00:05:44.759 --> 00:05:46.319 the sidewalk, and certainly you are. We are called to be out there 83 00:05:46.360 --> 00:05:50.310 and to be a voice for those babies, just like Joseph called to be 84 00:05:50.509 --> 00:05:54.589 at least in some position. I guess he didn't really know exactly what when 85 00:05:54.629 --> 00:05:57.509 the Lord gave him the dream, but he knew he was supposed to be 86 00:05:57.509 --> 00:06:01.790 in some position of authority and ultimately to help people. But about down to 87 00:06:01.829 --> 00:06:05.379 him, respect him, follow him. He was the leader. And Yeah, 88 00:06:05.540 --> 00:06:10.420 and what happens to him? So he ends up as a slave in 89 00:06:10.579 --> 00:06:13.459 potiphar's house. Well, first of all his brothers try to kill him and 90 00:06:13.459 --> 00:06:15.860 they throw them yeah, and then they then then they decide no, we're 91 00:06:15.860 --> 00:06:17.139 not going to kill him, will throw him in the well. And then, 92 00:06:17.259 --> 00:06:19.850 yeah, then he sold as a slave. Yeah, so he ends 93 00:06:19.889 --> 00:06:25.810 up in Potiphar's house and he does well there and his fateful there and gets 94 00:06:25.850 --> 00:06:29.930 a pretty good position and Potiphar's house. But then he's set up, or 95 00:06:29.930 --> 00:06:32.480 at least lied on by Potiphar's wife. He ends up in jail. Yeah, 96 00:06:32.560 --> 00:06:36.680 and the Dungeon, I would say. Yeah, and he's got this 97 00:06:36.800 --> 00:06:43.160 promise from the Lord, he's got this this promise of success, and yet 98 00:06:43.199 --> 00:06:46.720 there he isn't a dungeon as a failure at least years, according to the 99 00:06:46.800 --> 00:06:48.790 world over two years. Yes, it's in good law. Yeah, so 100 00:06:48.870 --> 00:06:53.949 according to the world standards he was a failure. Again, however, we 101 00:06:54.149 --> 00:06:57.509 know the story right. The Lord set things up where ultimately he's second in 102 00:06:57.589 --> 00:07:01.259 command of Pharaoh. This this, what was apparently a failure to him ultimately 103 00:07:01.740 --> 00:07:04.699 is what the Lord used to propel him to that position. Had he not 104 00:07:04.819 --> 00:07:09.220 been there in prison, he would not been exposed to the Butler in the 105 00:07:09.259 --> 00:07:14.500 baker who ultimately was the Butler that told or the cupbear of Pharaoh, is 106 00:07:14.819 --> 00:07:18.529 one that told Pharaoh about Joseph and the interpretation of the dreams and all of 107 00:07:18.649 --> 00:07:24.490 that. Say. Think Cup Arrow was apparently watching Joseph during this time in 108 00:07:24.569 --> 00:07:28.850 jail, taking note of something about Joseph that he was willing then to to 109 00:07:29.930 --> 00:07:33.920 recommend Joseph Too Pharaoh, and I think that's an important little side point. 110 00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:40.800 Yeah, he Joseph's been watched while he's in these terrible situations. Absolutely, 111 00:07:41.240 --> 00:07:45.870 and of course that reminds me of a principle again that we teach with our 112 00:07:45.910 --> 00:07:49.870 sidewalk counselors, is the principle of the we're not really out there primarily for 113 00:07:49.949 --> 00:07:53.550 the babies or for the women. Hey, we're out there for the Lord. 114 00:07:53.589 --> 00:07:56.990 Yeah, the Lord looks at what we're doing, he looks at our 115 00:07:57.029 --> 00:08:00.939 fatefulness. He sees US Day in and day out, serving in some some 116 00:08:01.100 --> 00:08:05.740 pretty brutal conditions, not just weather conditions, but you know, opposition. 117 00:08:05.860 --> 00:08:09.220 People come call you all kinds of names. You're trying to humbly serve the 118 00:08:09.300 --> 00:08:13.610 Lord and people are even passing by, maybe giving you the Middle Finger. 119 00:08:13.730 --> 00:08:16.050 Some of you guys experience that. Today I got shoved out of the way 120 00:08:16.209 --> 00:08:20.730 by what two hundred pound guy who is very angry because he didn't want me 121 00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:24.810 to talk to the women. Right. Yeah, so there's that and it's 122 00:08:24.810 --> 00:08:26.839 easy to get discourage. We have to remember we're doing this as unto the 123 00:08:28.000 --> 00:08:31.920 Lord, so we're always going to be victory, victorious, we're not going 124 00:08:31.920 --> 00:08:33.639 to be failures if we're doing it as unto the Lord. But it is 125 00:08:33.799 --> 00:08:39.080 easy and you can imagine the feelings that Joseph had while he was there in 126 00:08:39.159 --> 00:08:43.070 that dungeon. Here he has this promise from God and he's got this call 127 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:46.110 from God, and you guys on the sidewalk, you've got this call from 128 00:08:46.110 --> 00:08:48.950 the Lord. You're out there because you feel the Lord has birds you with 129 00:08:48.029 --> 00:08:52.269 this call, but you feel like in one sense you're in a dungeon. 130 00:08:52.549 --> 00:08:56.220 You got a place of darkness and death, at a place of a parent 131 00:08:56.419 --> 00:09:01.299 failure. But the Lord sees the fatefulness and it would be so easy for 132 00:09:01.419 --> 00:09:05.379 him during that time period to have become very discouraged. I and I don't 133 00:09:05.779 --> 00:09:09.090 think the Bible really addresses that. I don't know if he did. It 134 00:09:09.490 --> 00:09:13.850 doesn't seem like he did. Right, you did? It certainly isn't talked 135 00:09:13.889 --> 00:09:18.769 about. Right, he was discouraged or that he he said, Oh man, 136 00:09:18.090 --> 00:09:22.850 maybe that, maybe I misinterpreted that dream. or I really can't wait 137 00:09:22.889 --> 00:09:24.799 to get back at my brothers for what they did to me. Look at 138 00:09:24.840 --> 00:09:30.519 this terrible sequence of events that they began. Yeah, or you know, 139 00:09:30.639 --> 00:09:33.519 and what am I doing here in jail? Yeah, when God promised me 140 00:09:33.639 --> 00:09:37.039 so much. Yeah, I think you'd have to believe, just at least 141 00:09:37.039 --> 00:09:39.710 from a human perspective, that Joseph certainly dealt with those. You have to 142 00:09:39.870 --> 00:09:43.230 think. Yeah, and I would, you know, tend to believe that 143 00:09:43.309 --> 00:09:46.950 that's the case. Yeah, if you make a comparison there, here's a 144 00:09:46.990 --> 00:09:48.710 man in a dungeon and here we are on the sidewalk in America, with 145 00:09:48.750 --> 00:09:52.539 a lot of freedoms and all of that. Really a great count, really 146 00:09:52.539 --> 00:09:56.179 a great comparison, but it's sort of brings to mind this idea again that 147 00:09:56.940 --> 00:10:01.379 we need to be faithful to the Lord, that we're not failures as long 148 00:10:01.419 --> 00:10:05.539 as we're doing what we do as unto the Lord. So Joseph Story is 149 00:10:05.740 --> 00:10:09.409 one and it's a story. Maybe we look at it's just kind of a 150 00:10:09.649 --> 00:10:13.289 disconnected story. It's something that, yeah, we can relate to, but 151 00:10:13.409 --> 00:10:16.610 maybe not dire directly in our modern context. But I want you to share 152 00:10:16.690 --> 00:10:20.480 real quick the story that you shared. We shared it on our facebook cities 153 00:10:20.519 --> 00:10:28.039 for Life Charlotte facebook of the Custodian here local had ye, not an exactly 154 00:10:28.039 --> 00:10:31.000 similar but here's a man that's fateful, that's doing what he's going on too. 155 00:10:31.000 --> 00:10:33.799 The Lord in the Lord uses right well and and I didn't share the 156 00:10:33.840 --> 00:10:35.710 whole story because it was kind of a long story, but it's well worth 157 00:10:35.950 --> 00:10:43.870 worth sharing. So this custodian had come to the love life prayer walks which 158 00:10:45.110 --> 00:10:52.700 our churches gathering and praying and marching around the circle loop that the abortion center 159 00:10:52.139 --> 00:10:58.620 is on. And so they knew of love life and they and the resources 160 00:10:58.700 --> 00:11:03.379 that love life provided and they knew of the sidewalk counselors. He had seen 161 00:11:03.419 --> 00:11:07.129 them, okay, had seen us in front of the abortion center. So 162 00:11:07.289 --> 00:11:15.009 the Custodian had served many long years, his entire life as a custodian faithfully, 163 00:11:15.409 --> 00:11:22.399 and it's time to retire. So he had retired and he discovered while 164 00:11:22.679 --> 00:11:26.600 in retirement, just as he's starting retirement, that there's a glitch in the 165 00:11:26.679 --> 00:11:30.840 pension. I didn't quite understand that part of the story, but for whatever 166 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:35.389 reason he had to come out of retirement for one month. Wow, for 167 00:11:35.590 --> 00:11:37.950 just one month. He had to go back to work. Now, imagine 168 00:11:37.990 --> 00:11:41.789 that man, that cod of bomber. Right, you probably got plans. 169 00:11:41.870 --> 00:11:45.190 Maybe and your wife are going to go on a have occasion somewhere. Had 170 00:11:45.309 --> 00:11:48.700 extended like, I don't know, trip out West or something like that. 171 00:11:48.059 --> 00:11:54.100 Connect with his wife and enjoy life and finally sit back in custodio work is 172 00:11:54.139 --> 00:11:56.860 not easy war on top of it, it's not glamorous work. I imagine 173 00:11:56.899 --> 00:12:01.490 it was hard in many ways to be a custodian. Humble work. Yeah, 174 00:12:01.649 --> 00:12:07.649 so, so the the but the custodian goes back to work and in 175 00:12:07.850 --> 00:12:11.649 that month he was cleaning a new school personnel. I'm not going to tell 176 00:12:11.690 --> 00:12:16.480 you what her job was, but she worked at a school and he his 177 00:12:16.600 --> 00:12:20.159 job was to clean her office. So he just meets her in that month. 178 00:12:22.039 --> 00:12:26.039 Now, apparently, during that month, this God fearing, godly man 179 00:12:26.399 --> 00:12:31.190 who has faced now, in a sense, failure, disappointment at the very 180 00:12:31.269 --> 00:12:33.429 last he's backed. I know if I was retired and had to come out 181 00:12:33.429 --> 00:12:37.750 of retirement for like one day, I would be totally bombed. And he's 182 00:12:37.789 --> 00:12:41.750 got to do it for a month. And but but apparently he did his 183 00:12:43.070 --> 00:12:50.259 work in such a manner that the the woman, the school employee, knew 184 00:12:50.340 --> 00:12:56.059 that he was a Christian, or suspected, because she finds herself now, 185 00:12:56.659 --> 00:13:00.929 suddenly in after a month of the custodian cleaning your office, she finds out 186 00:13:00.970 --> 00:13:07.570 that she is pregnant and unexpected pregnancy and actually really bad circumstances. Yeah, 187 00:13:09.090 --> 00:13:13.480 and she doesn't know what to do. She knows that she cannot have this 188 00:13:13.639 --> 00:13:18.799 baby. She knows she has to abort. That's that's what she's feeling. 189 00:13:18.879 --> 00:13:22.720 There is no other option but to abort this child. But there's a piece 190 00:13:22.799 --> 00:13:28.870 of her that knows maybe that's not the only answer, maybe it's not the 191 00:13:28.909 --> 00:13:33.190 best answer. So she goes into work and the custodian is there as she 192 00:13:33.350 --> 00:13:37.789 finishes her day and she says, Hey, we let me ask you, 193 00:13:39.149 --> 00:13:43.899 are you a Christian? And he said well, yes, and she said 194 00:13:43.940 --> 00:13:46.940 because I really need I need to talk to someone who knows God. She 195 00:13:48.059 --> 00:13:52.820 didn't know God, she was not a believer, and yet she knew that 196 00:13:52.059 --> 00:13:56.929 she needed to talk to someone who was. And the person that she chooses 197 00:13:58.009 --> 00:14:03.049 to talk to is, just as God would have it, this man who 198 00:14:03.809 --> 00:14:09.250 was only there because he had been called into an apparent failure out of retirement 199 00:14:09.970 --> 00:14:15.360 to for a month to clean her office. Yeah, and he's there at 200 00:14:15.440 --> 00:14:20.759 the exact appointed time. Yeah, that God has appointed. Yeah. And 201 00:14:22.120 --> 00:14:28.190 so the the Custodian then listens to her story and he said he was way 202 00:14:28.309 --> 00:14:31.669 out of his league right. He did not feel at all equipped. He 203 00:14:33.070 --> 00:14:35.590 he said. When later I spoke with him and and he told me, 204 00:14:35.629 --> 00:14:41.740 I had no idea what to tell her. She had significant tissues. I 205 00:14:41.940 --> 00:14:43.659 just didn't know what to do. So I prayed first of all. I 206 00:14:43.820 --> 00:14:48.620 took her out into the beautiful day and I said, do you see that 207 00:14:48.899 --> 00:14:52.889 sun? Do you see that light that the sun is casting? That's where 208 00:14:52.889 --> 00:14:54.250 you need to be. You need to be in the light, not in 209 00:14:54.330 --> 00:14:58.049 darkness, and I can point you to people who can lead you to that 210 00:14:58.210 --> 00:15:03.169 light. Yeah, and so he prayed with her and then told her about 211 00:15:03.210 --> 00:15:09.639 Love Life Charlotte, and then told her about these sidewalk counselors who help women 212 00:15:09.879 --> 00:15:15.879 in dire situations like hers, and he asked if it would be okay if 213 00:15:15.919 --> 00:15:20.669 one of those sidewalk counselors called him, called her, and he contacted love 214 00:15:20.789 --> 00:15:26.990 life, who then contacted me and I called her and ultimately we had a 215 00:15:26.070 --> 00:15:33.950 huge, long discussion about God and about her circumstances. She I shared the 216 00:15:35.029 --> 00:15:39.059 Gospel, as I do with everyone when I'm given the opportunity. She came 217 00:15:39.179 --> 00:15:41.740 to the Lord and when I finished sharing the Gospel, I said, well 218 00:15:41.820 --> 00:15:48.700 now, could you still consider killing your baby now that you've asked Jesus to 219 00:15:48.740 --> 00:15:50.529 be Lord of your life and she said no, she could not, and 220 00:15:50.690 --> 00:15:54.850 so she chose life. Yeah, as well. And it was only it 221 00:15:54.929 --> 00:15:58.090 was only later that, and I don't even remember the kind of miraculous circumstances, 222 00:15:58.169 --> 00:16:02.450 where I met the counselor, I'm sorry, the Custodian, and and 223 00:16:03.169 --> 00:16:07.159 he told me the background of the story, which made it even more miraculous, 224 00:16:07.799 --> 00:16:11.480 and it just made me think a couple of things. Number One, 225 00:16:11.919 --> 00:16:18.240 when God has called us to whatever situation he's called us, and it may 226 00:16:18.279 --> 00:16:25.269 seem like a failing situation, a situation we just really do not want to 227 00:16:25.429 --> 00:16:27.710 be in, but if he's calling us there, first of all go, 228 00:16:29.149 --> 00:16:32.389 yeah, go where he's calling you, like the Custodian did. He went, 229 00:16:32.710 --> 00:16:36.580 yeah, he went back and and and God had a divine appointment for 230 00:16:36.700 --> 00:16:38.620 him. But the second, I think major point, which I think is 231 00:16:38.740 --> 00:16:44.220 a major point for me in the Joseph Story, is people are watching. 232 00:16:44.259 --> 00:16:52.289 Yeah, people are watching us, perhaps more strongly in the periods of time 233 00:16:52.809 --> 00:16:59.250 when we're facing grave disappointment or failure. They're watching US and they're watching our 234 00:16:59.769 --> 00:17:06.440 walk with God, particularly Joseph in the story. I read nowhere that Joseph 235 00:17:06.519 --> 00:17:11.039 ever abandoned God or his faith in God, he seems to have. In 236 00:17:11.240 --> 00:17:15.869 fact, when he's asked to interpret the dreams, he shows a marked change 237 00:17:15.990 --> 00:17:21.069 in his character. He doesn't take the glory like he kind of did, 238 00:17:21.430 --> 00:17:23.910 kind of lorded it over his brother's he said you're going to bow down to 239 00:17:25.069 --> 00:17:29.269 me in the original dream, but now he says I can't, I can't 240 00:17:29.349 --> 00:17:33.700 interpret your dream, but my God can. So he gives God the glory. 241 00:17:33.819 --> 00:17:38.019 So in this time of a parent failure and testing, he has come 242 00:17:38.220 --> 00:17:44.529 to a greater understanding of who God is and a greater of understanding of his 243 00:17:44.769 --> 00:17:48.650 own lack of strength and then need to bely on God's strength. And people 244 00:17:48.690 --> 00:17:51.890 are watching him, those people in prison. Potiphar was watching him. The 245 00:17:51.970 --> 00:17:56.930 people in prison were watching him and just as that woman was watching the Custodian, 246 00:17:57.880 --> 00:18:03.839 God ultimately is glorified, his purposes are realized and there's victory. And 247 00:18:03.960 --> 00:18:11.200 I think that's a just such an encouragement to us as sidewalk counselors, because 248 00:18:11.359 --> 00:18:15.549 we were also being watched in that story. This man, this custodian doing 249 00:18:15.670 --> 00:18:21.829 the prayer walk, saw us and new look at those people. They know 250 00:18:21.990 --> 00:18:23.549 what to do. I don't know what to do, but they they do. 251 00:18:23.789 --> 00:18:29.259 They're trained. Yeah, and and he saw us in action as he's 252 00:18:29.299 --> 00:18:33.500 doing the prayer walk and it was us that he called. Yeah, yeah, 253 00:18:33.500 --> 00:18:37.940 and that speaks again to this faithfulness, unto the Lord, that we 254 00:18:38.140 --> 00:18:42.410 do what we do not for ourselves, not for our own glory. We 255 00:18:42.529 --> 00:18:45.609 certainly don't do it to try to earn favor with God. We were accused 256 00:18:45.650 --> 00:18:49.049 of that by some folks that you're out here to, from the pro abortion 257 00:18:49.089 --> 00:18:52.089 people. Out here to try to make yourself feel better here to try to 258 00:18:52.210 --> 00:18:56.279 earn points with God is like no God has already given us all the points 259 00:18:56.359 --> 00:19:00.680 he can give us in that he gave us Jesus to be our salvation. 260 00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:06.160 We're out there out of love toward him, right, and so when we're 261 00:19:06.200 --> 00:19:11.349 faithful toward him, God will see to it that our faithfulness is seen by 262 00:19:11.390 --> 00:19:15.789 others and I would say even even if we don't find out about it. 263 00:19:15.869 --> 00:19:18.509 This is a promise that I always make. If you've listened to this podcast, 264 00:19:18.589 --> 00:19:21.390 you've heard me say this a lot, that if you are out there 265 00:19:21.430 --> 00:19:23.109 in ambortion center, if you are faithful to be out there, I can 266 00:19:23.150 --> 00:19:27.180 make two promises God will use you to save babies. Right. His word 267 00:19:27.220 --> 00:19:30.619 doesn't return void. Whe Do you find out about it or not? God 268 00:19:30.819 --> 00:19:33.299 is using your witness, your testimony, to be out there and just your 269 00:19:33.339 --> 00:19:37.259 presence out there to say babies. Yeah, and you're going to grow in 270 00:19:37.380 --> 00:19:41.250 areas of your life that you might not otherwise. Actually you definitely, I 271 00:19:41.329 --> 00:19:44.529 would say, won't otherwise grow. And one of those areas is one of 272 00:19:44.609 --> 00:19:48.650 faithfulness. The Bible says it's in proverbs twenty. I think it's for six. 273 00:19:48.170 --> 00:19:52.400 It says each man will proclaim his own goodness, but a faithful man 274 00:19:52.680 --> 00:19:56.880 who could find God is looking for faithful people. Jesus says, when the 275 00:19:56.960 --> 00:20:00.839 son of man returns, will he find faith on the earth? Is He 276 00:20:00.920 --> 00:20:03.720 going to find faithful people? As he looks in your city, wherever you 277 00:20:03.839 --> 00:20:08.910 are, across the United States or across the world? Is God looking in 278 00:20:08.990 --> 00:20:15.109 your city and is he finding faithful people? Are you faithful to do what 279 00:20:15.190 --> 00:20:17.269 God has called you to do, to be where God has called you to 280 00:20:17.349 --> 00:20:19.430 be? Because if you are just like that custodian, yeah, just like 281 00:20:19.509 --> 00:20:22.900 Vicki, whose faith will be out there in the sidewalk. Yeah, if 282 00:20:22.940 --> 00:20:25.740 your faithful, God is going to use you. Yeah, I re read 283 00:20:25.779 --> 00:20:29.700 a scripture here. This is Colossians chapter three and seventeen, and then I'm 284 00:20:29.700 --> 00:20:33.220 going to jump to verse twenty three, because these two scriptures are tied in 285 00:20:33.299 --> 00:20:36.130 together. And if you guys have an opportunity to just read the whole book 286 00:20:36.130 --> 00:20:38.569 of Collossians, as pretty sure it's a good book. Yeah, but Cassius 287 00:20:38.569 --> 00:20:45.009 chapter three speaks similarly to kind of what we're talking about in seventeen three, 288 00:20:45.329 --> 00:20:48.609 seventeen, it says, whatever you do in word or deed, do it 289 00:20:48.690 --> 00:20:51.480 all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Lord Jesus, 290 00:20:51.559 --> 00:20:53.839 giving thanks to God, the father, through him. And skipping on the 291 00:20:53.839 --> 00:20:57.480 Verse Twenty Three. And whatever you do, do it hardly as unto the 292 00:20:57.599 --> 00:21:00.839 Lord and not to men. Yeah, it goes on a verse twenty four, 293 00:21:00.920 --> 00:21:04.150 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, 294 00:21:04.670 --> 00:21:10.670 for you serve the Lord Christ. So again this puts things in its proper 295 00:21:10.750 --> 00:21:18.069 perspective, that we're not serving those babies and those mothers primarily, we're serving 296 00:21:18.700 --> 00:21:22.299 the Lord. We're serving God now because, like we often say, we 297 00:21:22.420 --> 00:21:23.859 have to love God first and then we can love our neighbor, because we're 298 00:21:23.859 --> 00:21:27.740 serving the Lord. We're serving those babies, but he's primary, he's the 299 00:21:27.819 --> 00:21:33.170 focus. Our faithfulness is to him. We serve the Lord Christ, like 300 00:21:33.289 --> 00:21:37.410 it says, the Lord Jesus, and so that's what that custodian was doing. 301 00:21:37.609 --> 00:21:40.329 That's right and being faithful to the Lord. Yeah, and I think 302 00:21:40.490 --> 00:21:45.450 it helps us to reframe the whole idea of failure. Yeah, there is 303 00:21:45.890 --> 00:21:49.640 no failure in the Lord. There really is not. Whatever he has brought 304 00:21:49.680 --> 00:21:52.759 you to, there is a purpose to it. Yeah, and if you 305 00:21:53.000 --> 00:22:00.599 are truly working as to the Lord and not to men, you cannot fail. 306 00:22:00.720 --> 00:22:04.390 It may feel like failure by worldly standards, maybe it is, but 307 00:22:04.470 --> 00:22:08.069 not by God's yards. Yeah, by got standards. You're in that place 308 00:22:08.630 --> 00:22:14.150 for a reason and even those whatever terrible circumstances you're facing, yeah, for 309 00:22:14.390 --> 00:22:18.740 a reason. Well, that sort of speaks to just our experiences out there 310 00:22:18.740 --> 00:22:21.339 on the sidewalk. You know, we've been, and I say it's all 311 00:22:21.420 --> 00:22:25.500 by God's grace that I've been able to be out there for going away actually 312 00:22:25.779 --> 00:22:30.410 little over fifteen years, just being out there consistently, and our team's being 313 00:22:30.450 --> 00:22:34.569 out there for over ten years. Individuals just preaching out and we've really, 314 00:22:36.170 --> 00:22:38.769 lack of a better term, planted our roots deep there at the abortion center 315 00:22:40.009 --> 00:22:42.450 actually right down the road from here, not not too far from our office 316 00:22:42.529 --> 00:22:48.240 here, and we have, on a regular basis, women come who they're 317 00:22:48.279 --> 00:22:52.079 not coming to the abortion center. Actually, they're coming to us because we 318 00:22:52.200 --> 00:22:55.319 helped a friend of theirs right over the years. We helped them over the 319 00:22:55.359 --> 00:22:57.990 years and they got a difficult situation. Our desires, of course, to 320 00:22:59.069 --> 00:23:03.230 break that cycle of sin and destruction, but sometimes that cycle is not broken 321 00:23:03.230 --> 00:23:06.990 immediately when they choose life for their their baby, they get caught in another 322 00:23:07.029 --> 00:23:11.029 situation. Yeah, we are thankful, however, that they've observed our faithfulness 323 00:23:11.029 --> 00:23:14.420 in such a way that, rather than going to the abortion center, they 324 00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:17.579 actually come to us, they come to the mobile unit or they just come 325 00:23:17.700 --> 00:23:18.900 and say, Hey, I know you guys helped me before. Will you 326 00:23:18.980 --> 00:23:22.900 help me again? Yep, yeah, and even to the point where we've 327 00:23:22.980 --> 00:23:26.099 had, and maybe you can recall this story, maybe share a little bit 328 00:23:26.140 --> 00:23:30.809 more that I'm sharing, but we've had people that work inside the abortion center 329 00:23:30.890 --> 00:23:33.690 right who hate us, yeah, until they realize that they need us. 330 00:23:33.730 --> 00:23:38.450 Right. We've even had people who are very close to some of the directors 331 00:23:38.529 --> 00:23:45.359 and some of the administrative folks come out to us because they knew that we 332 00:23:45.440 --> 00:23:48.799 could help them, right, because they were in a difficult pregnancy situation and 333 00:23:48.960 --> 00:23:52.240 they didn't want to have an abortion, even though they work for the abortion 334 00:23:52.359 --> 00:23:55.200 center, actually reach out to us. You want to recount any of that? 335 00:23:55.359 --> 00:24:00.029 Right? I remember one story where I do remember some and some of 336 00:24:00.069 --> 00:24:03.630 them we actually are not allowed, because I'm sure laws, to tell who 337 00:24:03.670 --> 00:24:04.990 they were. But, like you said, they were pretty high up there 338 00:24:06.029 --> 00:24:10.339 and and they came on board the the mobile ultra sound unit, and we 339 00:24:10.380 --> 00:24:12.740 were just all like our eyes popping open, like, why did you come 340 00:24:12.779 --> 00:24:15.420 to us? I thought you hated our guts. But I do know of 341 00:24:15.500 --> 00:24:21.859 an another story where an abortion worker, she I think she was a nurse 342 00:24:22.140 --> 00:24:26.210 in in the abortion center and it was in the past seven years that I've 343 00:24:26.210 --> 00:24:29.650 been out there. I don't know exactly when, but where she had a 344 00:24:29.849 --> 00:24:36.210 woman who clearly just was so conflicted to the point that this worker told her, 345 00:24:36.289 --> 00:24:41.720 look, honey, you obviously don't want an abortion. There are people 346 00:24:41.079 --> 00:24:45.359 that will help you. Go Out and talk to those people on this sidewalk. 347 00:24:45.680 --> 00:24:48.519 That's the abortion center. Yeah, telling I'm sure if anyone knew she 348 00:24:48.640 --> 00:24:51.920 had said that, they would have fired her. I'm sure if the people 349 00:24:51.920 --> 00:24:57.789 a management but but so are. Our actions speak louder than anything. We 350 00:24:57.950 --> 00:25:02.750 are there helping and end people are watching us. Yeah, watching US do 351 00:25:02.990 --> 00:25:06.470 that. So there's a second story. I don't know if we have time 352 00:25:06.549 --> 00:25:11.339 for me to tell. Yeah, the story very similar theme. That happened 353 00:25:11.460 --> 00:25:15.099 again within just the past three days, which is why this are we really 354 00:25:15.140 --> 00:25:19.420 failing when we think we're feeling are we really failing? And and and our 355 00:25:19.460 --> 00:25:25.490 answers no, but this was a day that it felt like failure. We've 356 00:25:25.529 --> 00:25:29.690 been out there, hot day, tons and tons of antagonism and opposition, 357 00:25:30.210 --> 00:25:33.809 no apparent baby saved. WE'RE CLEANING UP, we're packing all of our stuff 358 00:25:33.809 --> 00:25:37.559 away, feeling a little you can't help it, no matter how many times 359 00:25:37.599 --> 00:25:41.519 we tell you it's okay, we're there for the Lord. You do feel 360 00:25:41.960 --> 00:25:48.039 deflated. Yeah, when you haven't seen any apparent fruit. And a policeman 361 00:25:48.279 --> 00:25:52.789 comes and comes to me because I was still there. Again, it was 362 00:25:52.869 --> 00:25:55.910 it. He would have come to any of us, but I just happen 363 00:25:55.950 --> 00:25:57.829 to be the one that was still there. Yeah, and and he said 364 00:25:57.869 --> 00:26:03.589 Hey, we've got a mom at the police station, pretty desperate situation. 365 00:26:03.990 --> 00:26:10.700 She left the abortion center and would you guys come talk to her? Yeah, 366 00:26:10.859 --> 00:26:15.220 so what's interesting? First, they didn't go to the abortion center and 367 00:26:15.539 --> 00:26:19.970 say, would would you go talk to this distraught woman that you have made 368 00:26:21.130 --> 00:26:23.609 so, so distraught, and would you help her? They didn't go to 369 00:26:23.690 --> 00:26:27.730 the pro choice crowd, who claims that we hate women and they're the ones 370 00:26:27.769 --> 00:26:30.930 that are there helping women. Well, why didn't they go to then, 371 00:26:30.009 --> 00:26:34.359 to those people that are supposedly helping women? They didn't even use their own 372 00:26:34.400 --> 00:26:38.759 police resources. There the cops. Why didn't they help the woman? They 373 00:26:38.839 --> 00:26:42.279 came to us. They didn't go to city council, who who is passed 374 00:26:42.319 --> 00:26:47.789 many laws hindering our ability to help these women. They came to us. 375 00:26:47.789 --> 00:26:52.910 Yeah, and we dropped everything. I went zipping over to the police station 376 00:26:53.869 --> 00:26:57.950 and this woman was again. She had been very, very terrible. She 377 00:26:57.990 --> 00:27:02.779 had been tricked into going to the abortion center. She didn't know was an 378 00:27:02.779 --> 00:27:06.500 abortion center. Her mother had woken her up early in the morning, driven 379 00:27:06.619 --> 00:27:08.579 three hours to bring her to the abortion center, telling her she was going 380 00:27:08.660 --> 00:27:14.460 to a doctor appointment, and then the mother dropped her with the name of 381 00:27:14.500 --> 00:27:18.049 a counselor that she was supposed to go look for in the abortion center. 382 00:27:18.730 --> 00:27:21.890 Again, the girl doesn't know why she's there. She walks in, quickly 383 00:27:21.930 --> 00:27:27.809 figures out it's an abortion center and she believed very strongly abortion was wrong. 384 00:27:29.130 --> 00:27:33.039 Yeah, she did not want to get this abortion. So she goes running 385 00:27:33.039 --> 00:27:37.640 out and her mother is gone. Her mother has left with the car is 386 00:27:37.759 --> 00:27:42.440 gone. The mother's gone, the mother's not answering the phone. All the 387 00:27:42.559 --> 00:27:47.910 girl had on her was her phone and a charger. No Mon me, 388 00:27:48.349 --> 00:27:52.029 she did have her ID. No car. She's she is abandoned, three 389 00:27:52.109 --> 00:27:56.950 hours from home and clearly I think she probably got a hold of the mother 390 00:27:56.990 --> 00:27:59.059 enough to say I'm not going to do it, and that's when the mother 391 00:27:59.220 --> 00:28:00.740 just said, basically, you're on your own. Yeah, wow. So, 392 00:28:00.859 --> 00:28:06.220 so we got her a free ultrasound, we got her launch, we 393 00:28:07.099 --> 00:28:10.539 we shared the Gospel with her. She was honestly, she ended up. 394 00:28:10.619 --> 00:28:12.730 Just to kind of willow back you real quick, she was not at the 395 00:28:12.809 --> 00:28:17.809 latrobe abortion center, but she was at another abortion another abortion center around the 396 00:28:17.890 --> 00:28:19.170 corner. Yeah, and there's a police station not far from there. So 397 00:28:19.250 --> 00:28:22.690 apparently she either walked to the police station called the police. All them said 398 00:28:22.730 --> 00:28:26.730 what do I do? They gave her directions and said come to the police 399 00:28:26.769 --> 00:28:30.319 station and we think we know some people that can help you. Yeah, 400 00:28:30.680 --> 00:28:34.119 and that's when they came and got us and and we I was going on 401 00:28:34.200 --> 00:28:37.440 a long trip the next day and I didn't relish the idea of a six 402 00:28:37.559 --> 00:28:41.869 hour round trip drive, but I would. I would have, as would, 403 00:28:41.869 --> 00:28:45.029 I think, any one of our counselors had they been faced with the 404 00:28:45.109 --> 00:28:48.950 same situation. But it just happened the nurses, Sun was, who did 405 00:28:48.990 --> 00:28:52.150 the ultrasound for her, was going to be driving to her city that very 406 00:28:52.190 --> 00:28:56.019 day. Yes, God would have it again, I'm a miracle of God 407 00:28:56.180 --> 00:29:00.299 providing. And so we got this girl home, we got her launch, 408 00:29:00.460 --> 00:29:03.859 we got her help. We're going to be helping with a baby chower. 409 00:29:03.940 --> 00:29:10.369 We we've connected her already with counseling services and with mentorship services in her city. 410 00:29:11.130 --> 00:29:17.289 But the the main point of that story is that we were being watched 411 00:29:17.329 --> 00:29:22.369 during all these apparent failures. The police out there. They see us a 412 00:29:22.490 --> 00:29:26.319 lot, they're out there a lot and some of them don't particularly like us 413 00:29:26.359 --> 00:29:32.160 either. They don't, and that was why this was almost shocking that. 414 00:29:32.680 --> 00:29:36.920 But who did they decide to go to? They've seen us in failure, 415 00:29:37.359 --> 00:29:41.309 because there is the most most people do aboard. So it does feel like 416 00:29:41.430 --> 00:29:45.950 failure after failure. They have observed us, but what they have observed is 417 00:29:45.190 --> 00:29:48.549 that we are faithful, that were always there, that we do what we 418 00:29:48.670 --> 00:29:52.539 say, that we love the Lord and that we were the ones that they 419 00:29:52.660 --> 00:29:59.299 went to get help for this woman. So that the apparent failure of that 420 00:29:59.579 --> 00:30:02.900 day or of the whole year or all the years that the police have been 421 00:30:02.940 --> 00:30:07.609 watching us, when women by the drobe still go into a board, maybe 422 00:30:07.650 --> 00:30:15.690 it's not failure. Maybe it's it's God allowing people to see my people will 423 00:30:15.730 --> 00:30:18.609 stand in the gap for me no matter what. Yeah, no matter what 424 00:30:18.730 --> 00:30:23.240 they face. Yeah, we're not pretending that it's at all easy. Oh 425 00:30:23.359 --> 00:30:27.079 No, day in and day out. Yeah, and you know, you 426 00:30:27.200 --> 00:30:33.359 may look those who are doing sidewall counseling nationally. Maybe you've looked on our 427 00:30:33.400 --> 00:30:37.990 facebook page and some of our blog posts and that sort of thing and you've 428 00:30:37.789 --> 00:30:41.349 saw some of the fruit. And certainly God by His mercy. Yeah, 429 00:30:41.430 --> 00:30:45.269 we see baby saved on a regular Basi Do. Yeah, but if you 430 00:30:45.390 --> 00:30:49.099 look at the volume of babies that are being killed inside of that abortion center 431 00:30:49.700 --> 00:30:52.259 and compared to the volume of babies that are saved, if you did like 432 00:30:52.299 --> 00:30:59.500 a ratio analysis, the vast majority are killing their children. That's right, 433 00:30:59.539 --> 00:31:03.500 the vast majority of those that we reach out to. You might look at 434 00:31:03.500 --> 00:31:07.849 it and say, just you guys are failures. Yeah, the reality is, 435 00:31:07.970 --> 00:31:10.329 though, we're not if we're faithful to the Lord, and it's not 436 00:31:10.369 --> 00:31:14.369 just because we have these numbers of babies that were saved or whatever. Yeah, 437 00:31:14.769 --> 00:31:17.410 it's because we're faithful to the Lord. Were faithful to do what he's 438 00:31:17.450 --> 00:31:19.640 called us to do. So this is an encouragement to you guys. Continue 439 00:31:19.720 --> 00:31:22.640 to be faithful, continue to do what God has called you to do, 440 00:31:23.519 --> 00:31:27.160 and God is going to position you to be used in some of these ways. 441 00:31:27.200 --> 00:31:33.349 You're going to have stories to tell of what God has done and your 442 00:31:33.430 --> 00:31:38.710 faithfulness is not overlooked, first and foremost by the Lord Right, but also 443 00:31:40.470 --> 00:31:45.309 by other people who are observing, by other people who are even maybe opposition 444 00:31:45.349 --> 00:31:48.420 people from the outside looking in. I mean I've even had some of our 445 00:31:48.460 --> 00:31:52.700 pro abortion opposition people say, I know you guys aren't going away because you 446 00:31:52.779 --> 00:31:53.660 know some of them. They're out there to try to get us to go 447 00:31:53.700 --> 00:31:57.420 away from that abortion center and telling Hey, till this place is closed, 448 00:31:57.779 --> 00:32:01.930 we're going to be here and we maybe even recognize we know that right. 449 00:32:02.250 --> 00:32:07.490 So even they might see our faithfulness and maybe it'll turn their horse. And 450 00:32:07.490 --> 00:32:09.490 I have another story that that. It's a quick one but one of the 451 00:32:09.890 --> 00:32:17.759 most. We've got this new crop of pro abortion people who really are very 452 00:32:17.920 --> 00:32:22.759 difficult and very, very adversarial. But one of them came to one of 453 00:32:22.839 --> 00:32:28.559 our other counselors and told her about a friend of hers who is in a 454 00:32:28.759 --> 00:32:31.269 very difficult situation and, in a mocking tone, said are you going to 455 00:32:31.349 --> 00:32:35.910 help her? And we said yes, and we did, and we did 456 00:32:36.549 --> 00:32:39.109 so they even knew. I think initially it was sort of mocking, but 457 00:32:39.349 --> 00:32:44.819 then I was the one that actually got called to help this friend and we 458 00:32:44.859 --> 00:32:47.619 actually had then another counselor be the one that contacted that friend. But I 459 00:32:47.779 --> 00:32:52.059 went to her like a couple days later and said you're the one that referred 460 00:32:52.099 --> 00:32:53.220 your friend, right, and she said yes, and I said, well, 461 00:32:53.259 --> 00:32:57.779 I want you to know we we've met, had several calls and and 462 00:32:58.099 --> 00:33:02.650 we are helping her, and she was genuinely I think surprised but grateful. 463 00:33:04.450 --> 00:33:09.569 So again here you know, where you least expect it, people watching and 464 00:33:10.089 --> 00:33:17.920 noticing, and even your enemies can become your cheering squat. Yeah, because 465 00:33:19.000 --> 00:33:22.240 you're helping them. Yeah, but it all comes in faithfulness to the Lord. 466 00:33:22.440 --> 00:33:27.549 It does. Our faithfulness is never failure. Yeah, as long as 467 00:33:27.589 --> 00:33:30.990 our faithfulness is unto the Lord. Right, right. So I hope this 468 00:33:30.269 --> 00:33:34.950 podcast was an encouragement. Do you guys who all of our PODCASTS are? 469 00:33:35.190 --> 00:33:37.910 We again, like I started out, like to hear some feedback from you 470 00:33:37.990 --> 00:33:40.619 guys, some ideas for further episodes. That would be a blessing to y'all. 471 00:33:42.460 --> 00:33:45.259 You can reach out to me at D parks cities for Lifecom, her 472 00:33:45.339 --> 00:33:51.180 V cussy organ cities for lifecom. Also check out our sidewalks for life website, 473 00:33:51.259 --> 00:33:54.500 sidewalks the number four lifecom, where we put out articles on a regular 474 00:33:54.539 --> 00:33:59.809 basis, almost a weekly basis, of some and mainly it's Vicki writing these 475 00:33:59.849 --> 00:34:02.809 articles, because you can write an article in like a third of the time 476 00:34:02.890 --> 00:34:07.690 that it takes me to write an article. These articles are supposed to be 477 00:34:07.730 --> 00:34:09.400 an encouragement. Do you guys? We hope that they are. Dealing with 478 00:34:09.440 --> 00:34:14.519 all kinds of subjects, but focused around sidewalk counseling. So check that out, 479 00:34:14.840 --> 00:34:19.760 share that and wrap this thing up. So until next time, God 480 00:34:19.800 --> 00:34:30.110 bless gap. That's y'all. Give me O love for love, give me 481 00:34:30.869 --> 00:34:44.099 our love for gratitude. I know it will cost me my life. Nothing's 482 00:34:44.219 --> 00:34:45.860 too precious in some you