June 25, 2020

Three Parables to Help You In Prolife Ministry, (#3 is funny but very helpful)

Three Parables to Help You In Prolife Ministry, (#3 is funny but very helpful)

We see throughout scripture different word pictures and analogies that help us grasp certain truths. Even Jesus used parables in His ministry. In this episode, Vicky and Daniel share three analogies that have helped them, through the years, to be...

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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life Podcast

We see throughout scripture different word pictures and analogies that help us grasp certain truths. Even Jesus used parables in His ministry. In this episode, Vicky and Daniel share three analogies that have helped them, through the years, to be effective sidewalk counselors.


WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.439 But what happens with a big, steamy parliamoneure? Well, it attracts, 2 00:00:03.879 --> 00:00:08.990 sadly, flies and other tracks flies of all kinds. Yeah, I am 3 00:00:09.310 --> 00:00:14.869 yours, I am yours, I am yours, and welcome to the Gospel 4 00:00:14.910 --> 00:00:18.989 Center Pro Life Podcast, and this episode we're going to talk about three parables, 5 00:00:19.190 --> 00:00:22.739 some biblical and some maybe extra biblical, that will help you as a 6 00:00:22.780 --> 00:00:27.179 sidewall counselor or any other pro life ministry you're involved in. So stay tuned. 7 00:00:27.699 --> 00:00:37.009 Send Me, Lord, I felt show Passish, touch your heart. 8 00:00:39.409 --> 00:00:48.729 Use Me. Welcome to the Gospel Center pro life podcast. We appreciate you 9 00:00:48.890 --> 00:00:54.359 guys listening and we'd appreciate if you guys would share these podcasts. We hope 10 00:00:54.399 --> 00:00:59.479 they're blessing to you. And we're going to cover a subject today that I 11 00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:04.909 think will be particularly applicable to sidewall counseling, but could be applicable to a 12 00:01:06.030 --> 00:01:10.310 lot of other prolife ministries. However, think one of the things we've discovered 13 00:01:10.510 --> 00:01:14.590 is that, since our wheelhouse is sidewall counseling, it's why i's to focus 14 00:01:14.670 --> 00:01:19.579 there. It's just what we know and we try to broaden and generalize as 15 00:01:19.620 --> 00:01:23.260 much as possible to help. Bless anybody who may be listening who works with 16 00:01:23.299 --> 00:01:26.859 a pregnancy center or in any other kind of pro life ministry or just in 17 00:01:26.900 --> 00:01:34.049 general's and it's interested in pro life talk topics. But in our vein sidewalk 18 00:01:34.129 --> 00:01:38.489 counseling, I think we think we probably are better to stay in that vein. 19 00:01:38.530 --> 00:01:46.290 But this topic, as it applies her life ministry, is kind of 20 00:01:46.329 --> 00:01:53.200 a biblical train of thought in that we're talking about parables that really help us 21 00:01:53.280 --> 00:01:56.959 in Ministry, parables that give us good pictures. In this what parables do, 22 00:01:57.280 --> 00:02:00.359 right, they give us a picture, yeah, kind of an everyday 23 00:02:00.510 --> 00:02:07.069 picture of whatever we're involved in to help us, I guess, bring it 24 00:02:07.150 --> 00:02:09.189 down to Earth. Sure, because Jesus did that all the time. Eight 25 00:02:09.310 --> 00:02:14.750 he taught lessons through stories. Yeah, he did, and so that's what 26 00:02:14.830 --> 00:02:16.219 we're going to do. We're actually going to try to just talk through a 27 00:02:16.259 --> 00:02:20.460 couple of stories, a couple of biblical scenarios, maybe some scenarios that are 28 00:02:21.180 --> 00:02:23.900 maybe extra biblical, not in a bad way they use, but very us 29 00:02:24.020 --> 00:02:28.300 paint to picture right. Yeah, the Lord actually helps me a lot of 30 00:02:28.379 --> 00:02:32.610 times with giving me pictures and analogies and things like that. That helped me 31 00:02:34.090 --> 00:02:36.569 to say, Oh, yeah, that's how this works. And you know, 32 00:02:36.610 --> 00:02:39.569 analogies of course break down at some point. Parables breakdown at some point, 33 00:02:40.009 --> 00:02:44.090 but again, they are helpful in Jesus, like you said, use 34 00:02:44.169 --> 00:02:51.919 parables all throughout and and they can't help us to just come to terms with 35 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:57.879 certain realities and connect certain dots to better understand. Yeah, that's actually yeah. 36 00:02:58.400 --> 00:03:00.750 So we're going to be just mentioned in three parables, and each of 37 00:03:00.789 --> 00:03:07.110 these parables fits into a certain aspect of prolife ministry. Again, in particular 38 00:03:07.150 --> 00:03:09.710 sidewalk counseling and what I was going to deal with, the philosophy of sidewall 39 00:03:09.789 --> 00:03:15.099 counseling, the practice of sidewalk counseling. And the third one deals with the 40 00:03:15.780 --> 00:03:22.020 purpose and the primary goal. Yeah, of PSIDE. So three peas and 41 00:03:22.139 --> 00:03:24.939 that great for you guys, or piece, if you count primary for piece. 42 00:03:25.139 --> 00:03:28.090 Right. Yeah, so like how we like to stay with that. 43 00:03:28.210 --> 00:03:31.250 We do like that. Literation is philosophy practice, right, probably here you 44 00:03:31.289 --> 00:03:37.169 go. Yeah, because what's interesting is how you came up with this idea, 45 00:03:37.330 --> 00:03:40.840 Daniel. Was She said these three parables were kind of running through your 46 00:03:40.919 --> 00:03:46.280 head and you hadn't really quite tied together, like why? But as we 47 00:03:46.360 --> 00:03:51.680 were working through this, it became very apparent. One was talking about the 48 00:03:51.800 --> 00:03:55.870 philosophy, the underpinning of why we do what we do. Another was how 49 00:03:55.949 --> 00:04:00.310 we do what we do or the practice of of what we do, and 50 00:04:00.469 --> 00:04:05.270 then the third one why we do what we do it. It was kind 51 00:04:05.270 --> 00:04:11.379 of interesting. How how that that really gives you a whole picture of a 52 00:04:11.460 --> 00:04:15.180 pro life ministry. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, and of course I believe 53 00:04:15.819 --> 00:04:19.060 throughout our podcasts we've probably touched on every one of these stories, maybe not 54 00:04:19.139 --> 00:04:23.540 the last story that we're going to talk about right, and the that analogy. 55 00:04:23.819 --> 00:04:26.209 What's I want you guys to be ready for, because it's going to 56 00:04:26.250 --> 00:04:29.529 be really fun. Analogy. It's not necessarily a BIBLICO analogy, but we 57 00:04:29.569 --> 00:04:32.250 do have a biblical analogy. We do for our third third point here. 58 00:04:32.250 --> 00:04:39.800 Yeah, but let's hop into philosophy of sidewalk counseling and the parable that, 59 00:04:40.439 --> 00:04:44.920 I think really in the beginning of cities for life and the model of our 60 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:49.959 ministry is kind of fueled what we do and shaped what we do and kind 61 00:04:49.959 --> 00:04:55.149 of given us the framework for not just that well counseling but just this ministry 62 00:04:55.189 --> 00:04:59.790 in general. Yeah, and and before you get into that, I why 63 00:04:59.790 --> 00:05:02.990 is philosophy so important? And I remember when I started home schooling I was 64 00:05:03.189 --> 00:05:08.819 completely at a loss. I didn't want to. It was really I was 65 00:05:08.899 --> 00:05:14.139 almost forced to, but a very wise mentor told me the first thing that 66 00:05:14.300 --> 00:05:16.860 you need to do. I'm overwhelmed with all the things to get set to 67 00:05:17.180 --> 00:05:20.930 start homeschooling, something I had never even heard of before I started it. 68 00:05:21.410 --> 00:05:29.290 She said the first thing you need to do is develop your philosophy of homeschooling. 69 00:05:29.490 --> 00:05:33.329 Yeah, so philosophy kind of guides everything else, everything that you do. 70 00:05:33.490 --> 00:05:36.000 So it's a great place, I think, for us to start. 71 00:05:36.040 --> 00:05:41.160 Yeah, you know, I think one of the things also is not only 72 00:05:41.199 --> 00:05:46.160 that philosophy guides, but it also sustains, and one of the reasons why 73 00:05:46.160 --> 00:05:49.870 I think a good philosophy of ministry, especially when you're involved in sidewalk counseling, 74 00:05:49.910 --> 00:05:54.870 sidewalk out reach ministry, because it can be such a and intense ministry. 75 00:05:54.910 --> 00:05:58.670 Yeah, spiritual warfare. Interactions with people are not always pause of it 76 00:05:58.949 --> 00:06:02.870 right, and so it's hard to listen. We have people that come out 77 00:06:03.899 --> 00:06:09.019 that you know, their whole whole philosophy of ministry people that come out to 78 00:06:09.019 --> 00:06:12.620 volunteer is they want to. They want to save these poornessent women that save 79 00:06:12.660 --> 00:06:14.819 the world. I'm going to save the world. I found my purpose in 80 00:06:14.899 --> 00:06:16.779 life. Right. I want to save these poor women from this terrible mistake 81 00:06:17.019 --> 00:06:20.329 all abortion. Right. I want to save these babies, which you know. 82 00:06:20.410 --> 00:06:23.649 Both of those, you know, often what I say the enemy of 83 00:06:23.730 --> 00:06:28.250 the best. It's always the good. Right. So it's good to save 84 00:06:28.370 --> 00:06:31.529 women from the destructive nature of abortion, to save babies, of course, 85 00:06:31.569 --> 00:06:36.240 right. We believe that that's good. But is that the best? Now? 86 00:06:36.360 --> 00:06:41.639 Really the best is to bring Lord to God. Right, our focus 87 00:06:41.680 --> 00:06:45.759 has to be on the Lord, and in this parable I think Jesus sets 88 00:06:45.879 --> 00:06:50.829 things in their proper perspective, because I won't say a bad philosophy of ministry, 89 00:06:51.389 --> 00:06:55.389 for Sidewalk Counseling is to love your neighbor. It's not a bad that's 90 00:06:55.430 --> 00:06:59.470 not a bad philosophy. That's actually a good philosophy of ministry to love our 91 00:06:59.509 --> 00:07:03.740 neighbor. But the best philosophy of ministry is to love God, and then 92 00:07:03.819 --> 00:07:06.699 out of that flows a love for your neighbor. You know, Jesus talks 93 00:07:06.740 --> 00:07:12.420 about the two great commands and what are they? What's Love The Lord, 94 00:07:12.500 --> 00:07:15.850 your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Right? 95 00:07:15.129 --> 00:07:18.649 And then he says the second command is like unto the first. That means 96 00:07:18.649 --> 00:07:23.490 they're tied together, right, and which is love your neighbor as yourself. 97 00:07:24.170 --> 00:07:28.730 And I'll say you can't actually properly love your neighbor until you first love God. 98 00:07:29.449 --> 00:07:33.000 If you love your neighbor first, your motivation is flipped on its head, 99 00:07:33.000 --> 00:07:35.879 it's upside down. The Cart is before the horse. Our love for 100 00:07:35.920 --> 00:07:39.399 our neighbor has to flow out of, first and foremost, our love for 101 00:07:39.519 --> 00:07:43.879 God, because if you love your neighbor and that's the primary focus, you'll 102 00:07:43.920 --> 00:07:47.670 end up either compromising the truth, compromising the Gospel, or you end up 103 00:07:47.709 --> 00:07:51.550 going to some other radical extreme. You know. So you want to make 104 00:07:51.629 --> 00:07:56.310 sure our love for God is first, and that's where our philosophy of ministry 105 00:07:56.750 --> 00:08:00.259 really is important, again, not just to get us out there and to 106 00:08:00.300 --> 00:08:03.420 keep us, but to sustain us, because you can get burned out and 107 00:08:03.420 --> 00:08:05.339 you know, if you have a mentality, and you know it well, 108 00:08:07.139 --> 00:08:07.939 when you you know you can come out here, you're going to save these 109 00:08:07.939 --> 00:08:13.170 poor innocent women from the terrible, the destructive nature of abortion and you find 110 00:08:13.170 --> 00:08:16.529 out, well, not all these women are poor innocent victims. They're actually 111 00:08:16.009 --> 00:08:20.089 fairly vile and say say them things to you there show that they're not just 112 00:08:20.209 --> 00:08:24.930 poor innocence to them don't want to be saved, so that you get burned 113 00:08:24.970 --> 00:08:28.360 really quick if that's your philosophy of ministry. So it's a love for God 114 00:08:28.519 --> 00:08:33.399 first. So let's jump into the parable that we have first, as it 115 00:08:33.559 --> 00:08:37.200 pertains to a philosophy of ministry, and that is Luke chapter ten. We've 116 00:08:37.240 --> 00:08:39.720 shared this with you guys before, which is the heart of our ministry. 117 00:08:39.039 --> 00:08:43.269 And Verse Twenty Five, and this is Jesus sharing with a man's who said, 118 00:08:45.070 --> 00:08:48.230 teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And that's when 119 00:08:48.230 --> 00:08:50.190 he talks about the two great commands. Love the Lord, your God, 120 00:08:50.309 --> 00:08:54.629 with all your heart, with all your mind, and love your neighbor as 121 00:08:54.710 --> 00:08:58.940 yourself. And then the man asked, who is my neighbor? And then 122 00:08:58.940 --> 00:09:03.700 Jesus share this parable. And this is in Luke Chapter Ten, starting in 123 00:09:03.740 --> 00:09:07.820 Verse Twenty Five, he begins to share the parable in verse thirty and says 124 00:09:07.860 --> 00:09:11.409 a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped 125 00:09:11.409 --> 00:09:16.090 him of his clothing, wounded him and departed, leaving him half dead. 126 00:09:16.210 --> 00:09:20.009 So here's this man who is left half dead, naked in the ditch and 127 00:09:20.090 --> 00:09:22.690 then, of course the parable goes on. The levite sees this man, 128 00:09:22.809 --> 00:09:26.600 passes by on the other side, the priest sees this man passes by on 129 00:09:26.679 --> 00:09:31.919 the other side and then a Samaritan comes and the Samaritan sees the man, 130 00:09:31.039 --> 00:09:35.480 looks on him with compassion and then goes into the ditch to get him out. 131 00:09:35.360 --> 00:09:39.549 And that is again the philosophy of our ministry is to go into the 132 00:09:39.669 --> 00:09:43.669 ditch, right, but it has to be motivated by love for God first, 133 00:09:43.870 --> 00:09:46.269 because in line with this this parable, that's what Jesus talking about, 134 00:09:46.309 --> 00:09:50.389 right. But we're not just going and talking to the man in the ditch, 135 00:09:52.309 --> 00:09:54.500 we're not just praying about the man of the ditch, right, we're 136 00:09:54.539 --> 00:10:00.019 not just getting the community excited about doing something about the man into the ditch 137 00:10:00.100 --> 00:10:01.820 problems. Someone else to go take care of that man. And I did 138 00:10:01.899 --> 00:10:07.690 here. Am I send someone else here? I'm high. Send them here. 139 00:10:07.850 --> 00:10:09.409 My send the politicians. I mean, if you think about a lot 140 00:10:09.490 --> 00:10:13.250 of government deal with that man the ditch. But let the government. We 141 00:10:13.330 --> 00:10:15.970 need to Hey, we've got to do something about the man in the ditch. 142 00:10:15.970 --> 00:10:18.129 Let's bring it before the city council. Right, not that any of 143 00:10:18.169 --> 00:10:22.320 that is bad, but a Christian that sees a person in the ditch is 144 00:10:22.399 --> 00:10:26.720 not just going to vote about the man in the ditch problem, they're going 145 00:10:26.759 --> 00:10:30.320 to actually got into the ditch. And so that's what a sidewalk counselor does 146 00:10:30.720 --> 00:10:33.080 and that's what we've done as a ministry's we go to the ditches in our 147 00:10:33.159 --> 00:10:37.750 society, which are the abortion clinics. Yes, and in this case, 148 00:10:37.830 --> 00:10:41.309 of course, that baby is the one in the ditch and that mother is 149 00:10:41.389 --> 00:10:43.070 the one in the ditch. So we want to go to them, we 150 00:10:43.190 --> 00:10:46.950 want to with our voices, try to get them out of the ditch with 151 00:10:46.070 --> 00:10:50.620 the resources and things put them on our animal. That's the picture, right, 152 00:10:50.659 --> 00:10:52.580 Yep. And so he what does he do? He goes to the 153 00:10:52.659 --> 00:10:54.539 man in the ditch, he gets him out of the ditch, cleans off 154 00:10:54.659 --> 00:10:58.539 his wounds, and so that's that's the picture of US sharing the Gospel. 155 00:10:58.580 --> 00:11:03.139 What's the wound? What covers this person in sores and and and despair? 156 00:11:03.690 --> 00:11:07.250 It's sin. There's right and yeah, so we should the Gospel. Yeah, 157 00:11:07.490 --> 00:11:11.769 and then we put them on our animal and sometimes that literally means put 158 00:11:11.889 --> 00:11:15.289 them in our vehicle, driving them to a pregnancy center, driving them to 159 00:11:15.330 --> 00:11:18.679 a maternity home, which is the end, right. It's the picture. 160 00:11:18.840 --> 00:11:22.039 Yeah, take them to an end, provide for their knees until they get 161 00:11:22.080 --> 00:11:26.639 on their feet, and that's kind of the philosophy of ministry. Right pertains 162 00:11:26.720 --> 00:11:30.080 to s right counsel. Yeah, yeah, and that, and that, 163 00:11:30.360 --> 00:11:35.669 in the end, is the innkeepers paid for the ongoing care through, through 164 00:11:35.750 --> 00:11:39.149 the good Smaritan, for the ongoing care, and that's very analogous to as 165 00:11:39.230 --> 00:11:45.590 we pass these moms off to mentorship programs through you, through our sister ministry 166 00:11:45.669 --> 00:11:48.539 love life, Charlotte, so that the ongoing needs will be addressed. It's 167 00:11:48.620 --> 00:11:52.100 not just that we're going to buy put a bandage on the wound, which 168 00:11:52.220 --> 00:11:56.100 is better than what some people do, but that's not enough. That's not 169 00:11:56.299 --> 00:12:01.490 God says that's not enough. You put the bandage on, you carried them 170 00:12:01.529 --> 00:12:05.129 to a place of healing and then you provide the other ongoing yeah, one 171 00:12:05.169 --> 00:12:09.529 of the things that I'll say is that you can't properly love your neighbor like 172 00:12:09.610 --> 00:12:13.250 you're supposed to unless you love God first. Right, but you're not truly 173 00:12:13.289 --> 00:12:16.639 loving God if you're not loving your neighbor. It's like those two are todd 174 00:12:16.679 --> 00:12:20.039 very closely together, because you you can say you love God all day long 175 00:12:20.279 --> 00:12:24.600 and leave your neighbor in the ditch. Look at the priest in the Levi. 176 00:12:24.919 --> 00:12:28.200 What do they do? Well, they're the religious people, but they 177 00:12:28.240 --> 00:12:30.350 don't care about the man of the ditch. Matter of fact, they pass 178 00:12:30.429 --> 00:12:33.029 by on the other side of the road. Did they truly love God? 179 00:12:33.389 --> 00:12:35.429 Right, yeah, Morsel, that was it was evidenced in the fact that 180 00:12:35.509 --> 00:12:39.590 they walk abound the other side of the road that they didn't truly love God. 181 00:12:39.669 --> 00:12:43.389 Yes, I always found it curious that the the man, the the 182 00:12:43.509 --> 00:12:48.340 rich man who is talking to Jesus, asking him or talk, talking with 183 00:12:48.419 --> 00:12:52.340 him, and he has loved God, apparently, he says, but that 184 00:12:52.500 --> 00:12:56.059 he asks who is my neighbor? I always thought that that was an interesting 185 00:12:56.139 --> 00:13:00.490 question. Who is my neighbor? I wondered. Was He trying to like, 186 00:13:01.049 --> 00:13:05.769 limit who he would go and Save, or was he truly wondering? 187 00:13:05.850 --> 00:13:09.610 Did he really have no clue, like what parameters God would put on who, 188 00:13:11.250 --> 00:13:13.399 you know, was his neighbor or not his neighbor? Yeah, I 189 00:13:13.519 --> 00:13:18.320 mean the Bible doesn't tell us why he asked that question and so we can 190 00:13:18.399 --> 00:13:22.679 speculate on why. But Jesus certainly did so. If there were some parameters 191 00:13:22.720 --> 00:13:26.750 that this man had put on who was his neighbor, j'sus certainly tore all 192 00:13:26.909 --> 00:13:31.549 that down by introducing a Samaritan into the picture. That's right, and affected 193 00:13:31.710 --> 00:13:35.269 in the enemy, yeah, of Jewish society at that time. Yeah, 194 00:13:35.549 --> 00:13:39.309 it's. And then he he sort of in a sense, well, and 195 00:13:39.870 --> 00:13:43.259 not just in the sense, just outright pits this Samaritan, who's just an 196 00:13:43.299 --> 00:13:50.980 everyday nobody kind of guy and again dejected by Jewish people, against the priests 197 00:13:50.059 --> 00:13:54.100 and the Levites, who were supposed to be like the Pinnacle of human existence 198 00:13:54.220 --> 00:13:58.570 in the Jewish mindset. And he pits them against each other and said, 199 00:13:58.610 --> 00:14:01.210 okay, this is the guy that pleased God. These guys did right, 200 00:14:01.409 --> 00:14:05.289 right, and the neighbor was that kind of the ditch, someone in, 201 00:14:05.929 --> 00:14:11.000 you know, a very compromise, vulnerable position. So your neighbor is not 202 00:14:11.159 --> 00:14:15.440 necessarily someone that you know you're going to go bring them a pizza. UN 203 00:14:15.480 --> 00:14:18.919 He'll, he'll bring you a pizza the next day it's someone that there's no 204 00:14:18.440 --> 00:14:24.309 anticipation of any kind of reward from that person in the ditch, say and, 205 00:14:24.509 --> 00:14:30.429 and I think that paints a very perfect and analogous picture to the unborn 206 00:14:30.470 --> 00:14:33.990 babies and these women, who are often in pretty desperate, yeah, situations. 207 00:14:33.070 --> 00:14:35.669 Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Well, this next one, I 208 00:14:35.909 --> 00:14:41.419 think could be, believe, the philosophy one. That's really important. Yeah, 209 00:14:41.500 --> 00:14:43.659 understand that we're supposed to love God first. Forget that. This is 210 00:14:43.700 --> 00:14:46.980 not just about love for the man in the ditch. is about love for 211 00:14:46.019 --> 00:14:48.580 God and because of that we meet the needs of the man and that that's 212 00:14:48.580 --> 00:14:52.820 right. Mom and the baby are demonstrating our love for God. Dies actually 213 00:14:52.860 --> 00:14:54.769 treat our NA. The second one is really practical. Yes, this is 214 00:14:54.809 --> 00:14:58.570 a picture that the Lord kind of spoke to my heart and many p people 215 00:14:58.570 --> 00:15:01.690 use this. This scripture, proverbs thirty one, verses eight nine, as 216 00:15:01.730 --> 00:15:07.009 it pertains to Sidewall councling ministry. But I think there's some particulars in this 217 00:15:07.049 --> 00:15:11.799 scripture that really help us and this analogy. As you know, I'm really 218 00:15:11.919 --> 00:15:16.840 kind of maybe stretching the analogy, and so you guys call me out if 219 00:15:16.879 --> 00:15:18.399 you think I'm taking it too far, but I think it really fits in 220 00:15:18.559 --> 00:15:24.629 so many ways with sidewalk counseling, with abortion minded women, with the abortion 221 00:15:24.710 --> 00:15:28.950 industry, and so let's hop into it. It's proverbs thirty one, eight 222 00:15:28.070 --> 00:15:31.549 and nine. You guys have heard me quote this a thousand times and you'll 223 00:15:31.590 --> 00:15:35.659 hear two thousand more. But it's open your mouth for the speechless, in 224 00:15:35.820 --> 00:15:39.940 the calls or the case of all who are appointed to die, open your 225 00:15:39.980 --> 00:15:45.779 mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Yeah, 226 00:15:45.940 --> 00:15:48.179 so one of the things that sticks out immediately to me, and probably 227 00:15:48.299 --> 00:15:52.769 would stick out to most American Christians, is the word judge. We're told 228 00:15:52.809 --> 00:15:56.730 not to judge. That's matter of fact. That's one of the worst things 229 00:15:58.009 --> 00:16:00.330 that you can be accused of judging people right, not by the Bible but 230 00:16:00.570 --> 00:16:03.519 by by others. Yeah, but you're too modern, you're not a Christian, 231 00:16:03.559 --> 00:16:07.279 because you're told Thou shall not judge. Right, Corsi's valid. I've 232 00:16:07.320 --> 00:16:11.279 even heard it in perfect King James English. Ok, vout, shalt not 233 00:16:11.639 --> 00:16:15.440 judgeth right. Yeah, it's one of the ten commandments of her that one's 234 00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:18.389 well, yeah, really is it? I haven't read that. Yeah, 235 00:16:18.990 --> 00:16:23.950 but this analogy in this this scripture tells us to open our mouth, and 236 00:16:25.029 --> 00:16:27.350 that's what we do in sidewalk counseling. We've open our mouth. We literally 237 00:16:27.470 --> 00:16:30.909 speak for those that can't speak for themselves. Right. But notice, as 238 00:16:30.909 --> 00:16:33.580 I was reading through this, it says open your mouth for the speechless in 239 00:16:33.620 --> 00:16:37.100 the calls. And jumped in there and said the case, because that word 240 00:16:37.299 --> 00:16:42.659 cause can also mean case. And the analogy really here is there is a 241 00:16:42.899 --> 00:16:48.250 person who's innocent, who is scheduled to die, who's before a judge that's 242 00:16:48.289 --> 00:16:52.049 Harshan to die. Yeah, before a judge, before a judge, and 243 00:16:52.289 --> 00:16:56.490 that judge is going to condemn that person to die, right, and there's 244 00:16:56.490 --> 00:17:00.169 someone pleading, yeah, the case. Yeah, you know, we use 245 00:17:00.250 --> 00:17:06.160 the term sidewalk counselors and we're talking about we did a podcast about that a 246 00:17:06.240 --> 00:17:07.680 long time ago. What is styble counseling? You guys listen to that? 247 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:11.880 Yeah, but the word counselor, and I think I mentioned this in that 248 00:17:11.000 --> 00:17:15.559 podcast, is not just us sit down and counsel with somebody. We're doing 249 00:17:15.640 --> 00:17:18.109 that, yes, but also has to do with like legal counsel. Yeah, 250 00:17:18.150 --> 00:17:21.589 you know, when you watch shows, if you've watched, you know, 251 00:17:21.710 --> 00:17:25.349 lawyer shows, in these law and order shows, you know they say 252 00:17:25.630 --> 00:17:27.509 counsel. What do you get to say about this? That's how the attorney 253 00:17:27.589 --> 00:17:32.420 is referred to as counsel, right, because they're not just counseling there, 254 00:17:32.539 --> 00:17:36.819 they're they're defendant. There, they're actually, on behalf of that defendant, 255 00:17:37.380 --> 00:17:41.660 giving counsel to the judge and actually pleading with the judge. Yeah, they're 256 00:17:41.700 --> 00:17:45.809 being an advocate, they are advocating for the life of their client. Yeah, 257 00:17:47.049 --> 00:17:49.890 absolutely. So how does that fit in with sidewalk counseling? And what's 258 00:17:49.970 --> 00:17:55.130 the what's the analogy? Well, here's the analogy. That baby is the 259 00:17:55.250 --> 00:17:59.359 innocent person that scheduled to die. That's a pointed. According to this point, 260 00:17:59.400 --> 00:18:03.200 it's right to Anna cannot speak, that that I'm born child cannot speak. 261 00:18:03.680 --> 00:18:07.759 And who is the judge in this analogy? Let's look. This is 262 00:18:07.799 --> 00:18:11.039 an interesting part, because you guys might be tempted to think right aways you're 263 00:18:11.039 --> 00:18:12.230 thinking about a judge. Okay, WHO's the judge? God, at my 264 00:18:12.349 --> 00:18:15.430 first thing. So it's got, but it's not. It's more even, 265 00:18:15.670 --> 00:18:19.309 okay, the abortionist. That's the judge. Yeah, I even think that 266 00:18:19.549 --> 00:18:22.710 that would be the case. So who are we pleading our case to, 267 00:18:22.950 --> 00:18:29.339 to tip the balance, to bring justice? Who are? Yeah, and 268 00:18:29.420 --> 00:18:32.779 so the picture is here, guys, that we're appealing to someone right, 269 00:18:33.019 --> 00:18:36.099 as the judge, as the one who can slam down the galvel and say 270 00:18:36.180 --> 00:18:38.420 innocent or guilty, right, the one that can can give a sentence, 271 00:18:38.460 --> 00:18:41.250 as the car you're set for you, right, exactly. Yeah, and 272 00:18:41.369 --> 00:18:45.529 that person in this analogy, when you're dealing with a woman going into the 273 00:18:45.569 --> 00:18:48.329 abortion clinic, is the woman that's right, she is the judge. Yeah, 274 00:18:48.410 --> 00:18:52.170 she is the judge in the jury. She's the one that gets the 275 00:18:52.250 --> 00:18:56.400 determined. Unfortunately, the way that the laws are set up in this country 276 00:18:56.599 --> 00:18:59.680 is that she can choose to kill her child through abortion. She can do 277 00:18:59.839 --> 00:19:03.079 that and not it's not right before God, but in the situation that we're 278 00:19:03.079 --> 00:19:07.799 given in front of an abortion clinic, she can walk on in those doors, 279 00:19:07.079 --> 00:19:10.509 and so we've got to do it. So we've got to appeal to 280 00:19:10.630 --> 00:19:12.269 her, yeah, just like we appeal to a judge. Now I want 281 00:19:12.269 --> 00:19:15.950 you, guys, to listen real closely to this, because this is really 282 00:19:15.990 --> 00:19:19.349 important, because there's there's a mentality of people that go out to abortion clinics 283 00:19:19.390 --> 00:19:22.390 that think I just show up and I just say whatever comes out of my 284 00:19:22.509 --> 00:19:26.859 mouth, and that's great and listen, understand that and I appreciate those, 285 00:19:26.980 --> 00:19:30.380 those first steps of faith and stepping out. Yeah, but if you're thinking 286 00:19:30.420 --> 00:19:33.859 about it, I believe in these biblical terms, and if that mother really 287 00:19:33.019 --> 00:19:37.660 is the judge, are you just going to show up in a court room 288 00:19:37.940 --> 00:19:41.529 and there's a judge who you hate? Might be a selfish judge, he 289 00:19:41.609 --> 00:19:45.569 might be a left leaning liberal judge. But if you're before that judge and 290 00:19:45.650 --> 00:19:48.849 you're supposed to be an attorney and you know there's a person that scheduled to 291 00:19:48.970 --> 00:19:51.690 die, that judge can slam down the gavel and say guilty, are you 292 00:19:51.769 --> 00:19:55.599 going to speak aggressively to that judge? You're going to speak in a way 293 00:19:55.640 --> 00:20:00.640 that will hopefully again make your case and make that judge want to listen to 294 00:20:00.680 --> 00:20:03.279 your case. So of course you're not going to speak in a way that's 295 00:20:03.279 --> 00:20:07.309 going to turn that judge off. But the other word that really grabs me 296 00:20:07.509 --> 00:20:14.390 here is how is that person supposed to judge righteously? Yeah, and so 297 00:20:14.589 --> 00:20:19.109 as you are pleading that case, you need to be your please, your 298 00:20:19.230 --> 00:20:26.619 advocacy needs to point that Judge to righteousness. Yeah, and where do we 299 00:20:26.740 --> 00:20:30.380 find that? In the word of God and the word of God and God's 300 00:20:30.380 --> 00:20:33.059 Word and God's truth. If you think about it, though, this analogy 301 00:20:33.140 --> 00:20:37.690 goes as far as even if you're a lawyer and you're advocating on behalf of 302 00:20:37.769 --> 00:20:41.529 that child to that judge, what are some what's some of the things that 303 00:20:41.970 --> 00:20:47.490 lawyers use in order to prove that their client is not guilty and doesn't deserve 304 00:20:47.569 --> 00:20:49.279 the death penalty? Yeah, well, they use facts, for sure, 305 00:20:49.440 --> 00:20:55.680 and they use facts that that will show that that client is in innocent and 306 00:20:55.799 --> 00:20:59.200 that that client, like deserve today evidence, you know, I have have 307 00:20:59.400 --> 00:21:03.200 evidence be a you know, think number of the different pieces of evidence that 308 00:21:03.279 --> 00:21:07.549 they have and you know, I think those kind of tie into the three 309 00:21:07.630 --> 00:21:11.069 talking points that we use in our side wall accouncil training, which are what 310 00:21:11.230 --> 00:21:12.710 God says about this, what God says about the baby, the mom, 311 00:21:12.910 --> 00:21:17.509 abortion, all of that, and then the humanity of the baby and the 312 00:21:17.589 --> 00:21:21.380 resources that are available. So you're like to the judge you're trying to appeal 313 00:21:21.420 --> 00:21:23.299 and say, well, God says this child is valuable, God says your 314 00:21:23.339 --> 00:21:26.460 circumstances not too hard you know, if you're appealing to the mother. Yeah, 315 00:21:26.500 --> 00:21:30.299 so what God says about it is is a piece of evidence that's try 316 00:21:30.500 --> 00:21:33.130 the humanity of the baby, because the judge, the mother in this scenario, 317 00:21:33.609 --> 00:21:37.089 doesn't actually believe the baby is a human being in some level. Right, 318 00:21:37.170 --> 00:21:41.730 she's been convinced, she's believed some lies, and so we're going to 319 00:21:41.769 --> 00:21:45.809 combat those lies with evidence and we're going to say your baby is precious, 320 00:21:45.089 --> 00:21:49.079 judge, this baby doesn't deserve this, this innocent person doesn't deserve to die. 321 00:21:49.160 --> 00:21:52.640 First of all, I've got to establish that it's a person, right, 322 00:21:52.680 --> 00:21:56.039 yeah, and so who's that is evidence? Has a heart that's already 323 00:21:56.079 --> 00:22:00.319 beating, maybe has brainways six weeks, all the human DNA they'll ever have 324 00:22:00.480 --> 00:22:03.589 at the moment of conception, and then, of course, the resources. 325 00:22:03.630 --> 00:22:07.910 Here's all this evidence of why this child doesn't have to die, why this 326 00:22:07.990 --> 00:22:11.349 innocent person doesn't have to die. Know, you think the situation is such, 327 00:22:11.990 --> 00:22:15.509 and we're appealing again to the mother, who is the judge in the 328 00:22:15.589 --> 00:22:18.059 situation. You think it's such that this baby has got to die, this 329 00:22:18.180 --> 00:22:22.220 person is just got to die, because look at all these circumstances. But 330 00:22:22.420 --> 00:22:26.220 look at the rest sources. Look at these is evidence of the resources that 331 00:22:26.380 --> 00:22:30.049 show you that your circumstance is not impossible. That's right, and so so 332 00:22:30.410 --> 00:22:34.130 a good lawyer is always rational and logical, but I think all and I 333 00:22:34.250 --> 00:22:37.410 think that speaks to what you have just described. But I will say a 334 00:22:37.569 --> 00:22:44.049 good lawyer also does appeal to the emotions in that heap, he or she 335 00:22:44.319 --> 00:22:52.200 presents a case that sways you so that you sense rightness and wrongness. It's 336 00:22:52.319 --> 00:22:55.799 good and he's little, and and so there are some things that we say 337 00:22:55.880 --> 00:23:00.309 that are true facts, because we would never lie, but that also do 338 00:23:00.509 --> 00:23:06.829 appeal to the natural maternal instincts of a mother. For example, one that 339 00:23:06.990 --> 00:23:12.339 really at least moves me is your baby has vocal courts developed by twelve weeks 340 00:23:12.380 --> 00:23:17.259 and that baby can cry in the womb. And I say that not only 341 00:23:17.339 --> 00:23:22.059 as a fact and evidence, but also there's an emotional picture that's painted when 342 00:23:22.099 --> 00:23:25.940 you say a baby can cry in the womb, and when you picture that, 343 00:23:26.619 --> 00:23:32.009 I think anyone with a shred of maternal instinct is going to be moved 344 00:23:32.089 --> 00:23:34.009 by that sort of a statement. So I do think that's that's an important 345 00:23:34.009 --> 00:23:38.730 part of good sidewalk advocacy. Yeah, yeah, one of the things that 346 00:23:38.809 --> 00:23:41.640 I'll say. You know, it's true that at the moment of conception, 347 00:23:41.759 --> 00:23:45.079 this is like medical fact, right, so we use medical science, right, 348 00:23:45.559 --> 00:23:48.599 that that may be at the moment of conception is a unique human being. 349 00:23:49.119 --> 00:23:53.400 So I'll say that, but also will appeal to the emotions by playing 350 00:23:53.480 --> 00:23:57.910 on that fact and say there has never been, nor will there ever be, 351 00:23:59.230 --> 00:24:02.509 another person like that baby you carry in your womb. Right, that's 352 00:24:02.549 --> 00:24:06.869 a that's a true statement, but I'm using terminology and words that will appeal 353 00:24:07.470 --> 00:24:11.220 to her her emotions. Right, an emotional appeal, and to imagine that 354 00:24:11.380 --> 00:24:17.660 emotional appeals are invalid because they're not based in science or the word of God 355 00:24:18.539 --> 00:24:25.009 is is ridiculous. We give emotional appeals all the time and emotional appeals should 356 00:24:25.009 --> 00:24:29.089 be given. I mean it's sort of like it's part of our humanity, 357 00:24:29.650 --> 00:24:33.809 is that we have these emotions. God appeals to his people, and you 358 00:24:33.930 --> 00:24:37.930 look through the prophets, how God emotionally appeals to the children of Israel turned 359 00:24:37.970 --> 00:24:41.519 back to him. He pours out. Look what I've done? I stretch 360 00:24:41.559 --> 00:24:45.319 out my hands all day long to a wicked and obstinate people. Yeah, 361 00:24:45.319 --> 00:24:48.519 and you get this this picture of God being so weary with always reaching out 362 00:24:48.559 --> 00:24:52.869 and we're not returning and we're not coming to him, or he gathers them 363 00:24:52.910 --> 00:24:55.349 as a hen. Yeah, gather's her chicks under the way. So, 364 00:24:55.509 --> 00:24:59.230 of course, if all of our advocacy, if all of our as an 365 00:24:59.269 --> 00:25:02.549 attorney on behalf of that baby is just wrapped up in emotions, well, 366 00:25:02.789 --> 00:25:04.630 we're going to miss the mark. They're right, right. Their emotions, 367 00:25:04.750 --> 00:25:07.619 though, on the other hand, they're definite, definitely, I definitely agree 368 00:25:07.619 --> 00:25:11.740 with you that that is only a very small portion of what we do. 369 00:25:11.140 --> 00:25:18.700 But their emotions have already been worked upon in a way that against the case 370 00:25:18.059 --> 00:25:22.569 for the baby. Yeah, absolutely, by the abortion industry. Oh, 371 00:25:22.650 --> 00:25:26.089 you'll be so much better off with without this child, all those dreams and 372 00:25:26.210 --> 00:25:29.650 goals that you have. And yes, you really are too poor and unable 373 00:25:30.009 --> 00:25:33.730 and and just think how much better life will be without this child. So 374 00:25:33.970 --> 00:25:37.599 we want to work on emotions righteously and with facts, but emotions that are 375 00:25:37.640 --> 00:25:42.599 going to again sway them to truly regard their child the way that God, 376 00:25:42.960 --> 00:25:47.920 which desired they regard there absolutely ought me all of this and of course, 377 00:25:48.440 --> 00:25:49.910 if you guys are listened, listen to us for any amount of time. 378 00:25:49.950 --> 00:25:53.390 You know, this is the Gospel Center, Prayer Life podcast. We don't 379 00:25:53.430 --> 00:25:57.950 just make make emotional appeals. We're appealing from the word of God. That's 380 00:25:57.990 --> 00:26:02.549 right, and we ought to have. The word of God is what changes 381 00:26:02.589 --> 00:26:04.900 a heart, not just emotions or whatever, but God in his word does 382 00:26:04.980 --> 00:26:10.420 make emotional appeals. Jesus makes emotional appeals and and we see this all through 383 00:26:10.500 --> 00:26:15.660 the scripture and again as counselors on behalf of that baby, as attorneys on 384 00:26:15.700 --> 00:26:18.210 behalf of that baby, we're we're appealing to the mother and she have to 385 00:26:18.289 --> 00:26:22.210 think about this, because there are folks that come out to an abortion center 386 00:26:22.289 --> 00:26:26.450 like I've mentioned, who just set up and they just preach and they, 387 00:26:26.890 --> 00:26:30.809 you know, bring a message of repent and I get it. I understand 388 00:26:30.849 --> 00:26:34.079 that and I'm not against a message of repentance. We're going that's the goal. 389 00:26:34.559 --> 00:26:38.240 We're aiming for repentance. Want to them to see their sin so that 390 00:26:38.319 --> 00:26:41.640 they'll repent. But that's that's the key. We want them to see their 391 00:26:41.720 --> 00:26:45.359 sin. If all you do is say repent and you've not laid out the 392 00:26:45.480 --> 00:26:49.789 case for why abortion is sin, yeah, then they don't really know what 393 00:26:49.910 --> 00:26:53.430 they are repenting of. Yeah, yeah, they don't really understand what you're 394 00:26:53.470 --> 00:26:57.950 saying. Yeah, yeah, because I've had people here in Charlotte stand in 395 00:26:59.029 --> 00:27:03.299 front of the abortion clinic on the sidewalk and literally just yell repent, repent. 396 00:27:03.380 --> 00:27:07.339 Okay, that you have to first of all explain what you're talking about 397 00:27:07.339 --> 00:27:11.460 when you're saying repent, right, because it is a word commonly used in 398 00:27:12.380 --> 00:27:15.089 church circles, and it should be. It's a biblical word. Yeah, 399 00:27:15.410 --> 00:27:21.210 but there's also a corresponding explanation with the word repent. It means to turn 400 00:27:21.210 --> 00:27:26.289 away from what you're doing to something else, and so I think we need 401 00:27:26.329 --> 00:27:30.599 to be very explanator. We're talking about repenting when you're walking into an abortion 402 00:27:30.680 --> 00:27:33.400 clinic. What is it to repent? What's to stop in your tracks, 403 00:27:33.680 --> 00:27:37.720 to turn around and go the other way? And repentance can mean coming over 404 00:27:37.799 --> 00:27:41.000 and talking to US sidewalk counselor and of course it does mean leaving the abortion 405 00:27:41.079 --> 00:27:45.470 clinic. Right, right. So again we're appealing to that mother. She 406 00:27:45.789 --> 00:27:48.589 is the judge, like it or lump it, in this situation. She 407 00:27:48.829 --> 00:27:53.309 is the one that could slam down that galvel and say this shold is guilty 408 00:27:53.670 --> 00:27:56.430 condemned to death. Yeah, and you know what? We can call in 409 00:27:56.630 --> 00:28:00.740 other witnesses. Now, that is yeah, necessarily in analogy goes along, 410 00:28:00.779 --> 00:28:03.420 Wi me tell you. But I'm thinking as you're talking that yes, she 411 00:28:03.500 --> 00:28:07.500 is the judge, but there are people do influence the judge in a real 412 00:28:07.539 --> 00:28:12.569 court room and in the courtroom of the abortion center, there are other witnesses 413 00:28:12.650 --> 00:28:17.049 that you can call in. And and I'm not talking about just other sidewalk 414 00:28:17.089 --> 00:28:21.289 counselors, but the other people that can influence that woman and and and it's 415 00:28:21.569 --> 00:28:25.210 largely the father of the baby, if the father the baby's on your side, 416 00:28:25.809 --> 00:28:30.160 friends, drivers, the mother, the abortion minded mom, whatever, 417 00:28:30.279 --> 00:28:34.359 there are other people who could be called in. Their testimony could be called 418 00:28:34.400 --> 00:28:40.680 upon to also sway that judge. Yeah, mother absolutely in which which way 419 00:28:40.759 --> 00:28:41.829 she's going to get. And if you think about it, we've seen this 420 00:28:41.950 --> 00:28:45.670 play out a lot many times. Young man standing out there shooting the breeze, 421 00:28:45.710 --> 00:28:48.230 waiting for their girlfriend to have the abortion and come back out. And 422 00:28:48.269 --> 00:28:52.750 I'll try to appeal to him, if I can win him over and convince 423 00:28:52.829 --> 00:28:56.619 him it, lay out a case to him and win him over to become 424 00:28:56.660 --> 00:29:00.500 a witness on behalf of that baby. See how this analogies. It's so 425 00:29:00.660 --> 00:29:04.019 good. And if I can get him to be a witness on behalf of 426 00:29:04.099 --> 00:29:08.579 that baby, my words could just fall to the ground, but his words 427 00:29:08.859 --> 00:29:12.970 will have far more weight than mine. Yeah, and he can convince the 428 00:29:14.130 --> 00:29:17.849 judge. Right, hey, judge, and I mean let's think about it. 429 00:29:18.009 --> 00:29:22.410 What if, for example, this is the judge's sister, if you 430 00:29:22.490 --> 00:29:25.559 could have a listen, if you were going to go before a judge as 431 00:29:25.880 --> 00:29:30.039 a lawyer and plead the case for an innocent person, what if you were 432 00:29:30.119 --> 00:29:33.160 good friends with a judge's sister? You think maybe you can put in a 433 00:29:33.240 --> 00:29:34.599 good word, you know, you think maybe you can do some kind of 434 00:29:34.640 --> 00:29:37.519 behind the scenes talking, you know, and maybe talking a little bit of 435 00:29:37.559 --> 00:29:41.430 underhand and stuff here, but which we would do, but wouldn't do. 436 00:29:41.589 --> 00:29:45.470 But in the scenario when we've got an abortion on abortion engaged woman inside the 437 00:29:45.470 --> 00:29:48.750 abortion in those in her sisters out in the parking lot waiting for her, 438 00:29:48.910 --> 00:29:52.299 if I can convince her, Hey, go in there and influence of going 439 00:29:52.339 --> 00:29:56.019 there and influence this mother. Yeah, and talk to her, tell her 440 00:29:56.140 --> 00:30:00.059 that will help her, tell her that her baby is precious. I mean 441 00:30:00.140 --> 00:30:03.980 we have literally seen this play out, absolutely and we've seen lives safe because 442 00:30:03.460 --> 00:30:07.809 we're taking the time to try to influence witnesses on behalf of that baby. 443 00:30:07.809 --> 00:30:11.049 Yeah, I got another good one. This is so good, so so 444 00:30:11.410 --> 00:30:18.930 all judges are impressed by the attorneys, the advocates, who can say you 445 00:30:18.009 --> 00:30:23.119 must make this decision because of some precedent. Yeah, right, absolutely so. 446 00:30:23.200 --> 00:30:27.359 As I'm thinking about our abortion minded mom so often we see them walk 447 00:30:27.400 --> 00:30:30.759 in with another child. There's a child in the car, there's and so 448 00:30:30.920 --> 00:30:37.269 the precedent is you gave life, you brought to term that other baby that's 449 00:30:37.309 --> 00:30:41.670 in the back seat of your car. Does that baby have value? Do 450 00:30:41.789 --> 00:30:45.990 you love that baby? Is that baby precious? was that baby precious from 451 00:30:45.990 --> 00:30:48.509 the moment of conception? All of which she'd have to answer yes, logically. 452 00:30:48.549 --> 00:30:53.220 Well, the precedent has been set. Yeah, you know the value 453 00:30:53.940 --> 00:30:57.140 of your children. Yeah, and that baby in the womb. And even 454 00:30:57.180 --> 00:31:02.259 the precedent of the faithfulness of God. That's how I will mention that. 455 00:31:02.819 --> 00:31:07.049 Wasn't called faithful whenever you are pregnant with this child and he carried you through 456 00:31:07.170 --> 00:31:11.410 and you're here today in that child of blessing. Yeah, even sharing testimonies 457 00:31:11.849 --> 00:31:15.730 again, testimony, yeah, of people who we've encountered that have chosen life 458 00:31:15.730 --> 00:31:21.200 in similar situations to that mother. Will help, right, it'll help sway 459 00:31:21.200 --> 00:31:23.119 the judge. So, anyway, guess I hope this is a helpful analogy. 460 00:31:23.319 --> 00:31:26.799 Yeah, because again we're trying to persuade the judge, who is the 461 00:31:26.880 --> 00:31:32.279 mother in this situation, that her baby is innocent and doesn't deserve to die. 462 00:31:32.869 --> 00:31:34.309 Also, you don't want you to think about how you would talk to 463 00:31:34.390 --> 00:31:38.950 a judge because again, I see some some aggressiveness in front of abortion clinics 464 00:31:38.950 --> 00:31:45.109 where people are really aggressive and our name calling, Our Name calling or whatever 465 00:31:45.150 --> 00:31:48.019 right they're doing. Yeah, think about, though, you're standing in front 466 00:31:48.019 --> 00:31:52.339 of a judge and again, this judge might be a total like, you 467 00:31:52.460 --> 00:31:57.220 know, in our world view, left leaning total just has has no point 468 00:31:57.259 --> 00:32:01.529 of contact with you at all as far as anything politically or whatever. Yeah, 469 00:32:02.089 --> 00:32:06.769 and you know, in any other scenario you would just be in a 470 00:32:06.890 --> 00:32:10.130 very confrontational conversation with this person calling out all their wrongs. But if you're 471 00:32:10.130 --> 00:32:15.170 standing before them and they're the judge and there's an innocent person that's that can 472 00:32:15.250 --> 00:32:17.400 potentially die, you're going to speak a little softer. Well, in an 473 00:32:17.440 --> 00:32:21.319 actual court room, you rise, you call them your honor and you treat 474 00:32:21.359 --> 00:32:24.799 them with absolute respect, and I think that is again biblical. I think 475 00:32:24.839 --> 00:32:30.069 we are called to treat each other with respect. That's parts being a good 476 00:32:30.190 --> 00:32:36.309 neighbor and and honoring God. And how more important went in this analogy. 477 00:32:36.589 --> 00:32:40.630 If the person you're trying to influence, if you're disrespectful to them, that 478 00:32:40.990 --> 00:32:45.700 they have no reason to trust you or to listen to you in their mind. 479 00:32:45.900 --> 00:32:49.859 Yeah, and I've even seen, let's just take again this analogy. 480 00:32:49.900 --> 00:32:52.259 You're standing in a court room, you're an attorney on behalf of a person 481 00:32:52.339 --> 00:32:55.700 that you know is innocent and you're appealing to the judge and you begin to 482 00:32:55.740 --> 00:33:00.329 get aggressive and you began to get like condemning toward the judge and that judge 483 00:33:00.369 --> 00:33:02.890 speeds up the trial and says, you know what, Hey, guilty. 484 00:33:04.089 --> 00:33:07.809 That's exactly right, and that happens a lot. I've seen it in front 485 00:33:07.809 --> 00:33:10.410 of the abortion clinic here in Charlotte, other abortion clinics, where you have 486 00:33:10.490 --> 00:33:15.400 a mom that's walking in slowly, she's walking from her car to the door, 487 00:33:15.920 --> 00:33:20.039 and you've got someone who's calling out of that person in an aggressive way. 488 00:33:20.279 --> 00:33:22.559 That's just overthe top. Don't go in there and murder your child. 489 00:33:22.599 --> 00:33:27.430 You're a murderer if you have an abortion. and that woman speeds up said 490 00:33:27.509 --> 00:33:30.309 she laps the gambled down even quicker. She's not considering it's almost like you've 491 00:33:30.349 --> 00:33:35.750 pushed the judge to go ahead and make a decision, whereas she would actually 492 00:33:35.789 --> 00:33:38.750 consider your evidence if you would just be patient, slow down a little bit, 493 00:33:39.150 --> 00:33:44.500 speak a little soft, little more softly. Appeal to them. And 494 00:33:44.900 --> 00:33:49.140 again it's ultimately it's the Lord that's going to change the heart. But we 495 00:33:49.380 --> 00:33:52.539 have to be working alongside what the Lord is doing. Right in the Lord 496 00:33:52.660 --> 00:33:58.009 is gracious and compassionate, he's slow to anger and rich and loving kindness. 497 00:33:58.289 --> 00:34:00.970 Doesn't mean he doesn't get angry, he certainly does. But the anger of 498 00:34:01.130 --> 00:34:05.369 Man Does Not work the righteousness of God. The Bible says, and you 499 00:34:05.490 --> 00:34:08.409 know, I'll tell folks, listen, if there's any plays where it's justifiable 500 00:34:08.530 --> 00:34:14.760 to get angry and to just lose your mind, it's a it's in front 501 00:34:14.760 --> 00:34:16.760 of the abortion clinic. I get it, I understand that, but it's 502 00:34:16.920 --> 00:34:21.760 not helpful because you're going to you're not going to persuade that judge. Matter 503 00:34:21.800 --> 00:34:24.789 of fact, you might push that judge to make a premature decision. That's 504 00:34:24.829 --> 00:34:30.150 right. And and the executioner is the abortionist. Yeah, and and the 505 00:34:30.389 --> 00:34:34.750 and that's it's life for death. It's very important. It's very important what's 506 00:34:34.789 --> 00:34:38.340 happening at there. Yeah. So that analogy is very helpful in so many 507 00:34:38.380 --> 00:34:42.940 ways and there's so many other aspects that we could bring into play here, 508 00:34:43.860 --> 00:34:45.619 but I hope it helped you. Guys. We's pop into our next one. 509 00:34:45.900 --> 00:34:51.579 Yeah, Pres Primary Goal, yeah, purpose, the purpose and primary 510 00:34:51.659 --> 00:34:55.090 goal, and primary goal is so important because in in any pro life ministry, 511 00:34:55.210 --> 00:34:59.730 no matter what kind of pro life ministry you're in, there are all 512 00:34:59.769 --> 00:35:07.010 kinds of competing things that take your attention sometimes the way from that primary purpose 513 00:35:07.130 --> 00:35:10.000 and to the point where it can destroy a ministry if it becomes so fragmented, 514 00:35:10.199 --> 00:35:15.599 so distracted, and I think maybe no place more so than at that 515 00:35:15.320 --> 00:35:19.039 place of life and death, right. Yeah, yeah, and this is 516 00:35:19.320 --> 00:35:23.670 at the abortion center, literally the last moments, that's right before that judge, 517 00:35:23.829 --> 00:35:29.510 that's right, gonna Slam that gavel and say guilty. Yeah, death, 518 00:35:29.949 --> 00:35:31.949 the death penalty. Yeah, and so that's why there are no appeals? 519 00:35:31.989 --> 00:35:36.059 Yeah, there are any. There's no appeals into yes, taken. 520 00:35:36.179 --> 00:35:38.420 That's right, there's there's no appeal to that. Yeah, and so we 521 00:35:38.539 --> 00:35:42.420 have to, you know, be tactful in the way that we we speak 522 00:35:42.420 --> 00:35:45.619 to the judge, but we have to also understand. Taking it to to 523 00:35:45.699 --> 00:35:47.619 a different analogy, which is a fun analogy. Yeah, is that there's 524 00:35:47.619 --> 00:35:52.050 going to be distractions. Abortion is the devil's pride and joy. Yeah, 525 00:35:52.369 --> 00:35:57.530 if you're in front of an abortion clinic, don't be surprised if the enemy 526 00:35:57.650 --> 00:36:02.849 sends distractions. And the picture I give people is said, imagine the abortion 527 00:36:04.010 --> 00:36:08.480 clinic and imagining just abortion in general is a big steamy pile of manure. 528 00:36:08.840 --> 00:36:14.199 Okay, because it's bad and it's stinks, it's a mess. It is 529 00:36:14.360 --> 00:36:16.920 and we've been called by God to clean up the mess, right, and 530 00:36:17.039 --> 00:36:21.590 we're using our gospel shovels because we know that the Gospel is the only thing 531 00:36:21.670 --> 00:36:23.309 that's going to clean up the mess. That's or shovels, I like. 532 00:36:23.630 --> 00:36:28.389 Do you like that? Or using our Gospel Shovels, may by act me 533 00:36:29.670 --> 00:36:31.429 company and makes all the good stuff, and we're there to clean up the 534 00:36:31.469 --> 00:36:37.099 mess, right, and we're keeping our head down and we're scooping. It's 535 00:36:37.139 --> 00:36:38.579 a big mess and we're going to be busy for a long time, because 536 00:36:38.619 --> 00:36:42.500 you for a while. Yeah, but what happens with a big steamy Polo 537 00:36:42.539 --> 00:36:45.699 maneure? Well, it attracts, sadly, flies and other tracks. Flies 538 00:36:46.019 --> 00:36:51.409 of all kinds. Yeah, and this is kind of funny. It attracts 539 00:36:51.449 --> 00:36:54.449 flies. You know, there's green, shiny kind horse flies. Yeah, 540 00:36:54.489 --> 00:36:59.409 they just common household fly. Oh, kind of flies. It attracts in 541 00:36:59.570 --> 00:37:02.039 flies. They come for all different kinds of reasons. Some come to eat, 542 00:37:02.480 --> 00:37:07.800 yeah, some come to lay eggs, some clump come just because everybody 543 00:37:07.800 --> 00:37:10.079 else is going. Some are well meaning flies, they want to help you 544 00:37:10.159 --> 00:37:15.400 clean up the mess, but they're flies nonetheless. And see what I use 545 00:37:15.440 --> 00:37:20.230 this analogy? It's because we as Gospel centered side of all counselors, s 546 00:37:20.429 --> 00:37:23.989 blers, shovelers, shovelers will get distracted and spat and flies. Right. 547 00:37:24.030 --> 00:37:29.030 Yeah, and when you get distracted in Swaton flies and when, example, 548 00:37:29.230 --> 00:37:31.980 is pro abortion people, yeah, people that are coming out there that escorts, 549 00:37:34.139 --> 00:37:37.099 you know, counter air quotes, counter protesters. They want to try 550 00:37:37.099 --> 00:37:40.820 to get you distracted and talking to them. And I've seen pro lifers. 551 00:37:40.820 --> 00:37:45.210 I'll listen. I've done it myself where I let those people, the pro 552 00:37:45.250 --> 00:37:47.409 abortion people, be the focus. They're out there in their bright vests and 553 00:37:47.730 --> 00:37:51.889 and I just abhor what they stand for. But because they stand for murder 554 00:37:52.050 --> 00:37:54.570 and they're so deceived and you so desperately want to sell on, sometimmer just 555 00:37:54.690 --> 00:37:59.159 nasty and s they say things push your buttons. Yeah, and you get 556 00:37:59.199 --> 00:38:02.800 distracted. Yeah, and even though you were appealing to that mother. This 557 00:38:02.960 --> 00:38:07.599 is one of the reasons why distractions are just not a not a good thing, 558 00:38:07.679 --> 00:38:10.280 in distractions in this way specially. You know you've graciously appealed to that 559 00:38:10.360 --> 00:38:14.909 abortion minded mom. She's gone into the abortion clinic. She's considered what you 560 00:38:14.989 --> 00:38:17.110 said. She's gone on into the abortion clinic. She might actually come back 561 00:38:17.150 --> 00:38:22.150 out and talk you, who knows. Meanwhile, you've gotten distracted swaton flies. 562 00:38:22.150 --> 00:38:24.190 You're arguing with a pro abortion advocate, and that woman who saw you 563 00:38:24.670 --> 00:38:28.380 as she was going in you're really nice and kind and she's thinking maybe I 564 00:38:28.420 --> 00:38:30.659 want to go out there and talk. Now looks out the window and see 565 00:38:30.699 --> 00:38:32.739 you're out there fighting with one of the pro abortion people, and so the 566 00:38:32.820 --> 00:38:37.380 same stuff she's got going on her heart, the confusion, the ants, 567 00:38:37.500 --> 00:38:39.179 the anger she's seen out there on the sidewalk and she's like, well, 568 00:38:39.619 --> 00:38:42.690 they got nothing more than what I got going on. I'm not going to 569 00:38:42.769 --> 00:38:45.449 talk to that person. I don't need to listen or you know, and 570 00:38:45.730 --> 00:38:49.170 if you think about it, what's happened in that scenario? With this analogy? 571 00:38:49.650 --> 00:38:52.570 You've dropped your shovel, yeah, and you've dropped it in the manure 572 00:38:52.929 --> 00:38:54.409 and it's splashed up on you. That's right. You know you'RE gonna pick 573 00:38:54.409 --> 00:38:57.679 up a dirty show. Yeah, you can pick up over your hands and 574 00:38:57.719 --> 00:39:00.239 it's going to slip in, slide, and you have lost your effectiveness. 575 00:39:00.280 --> 00:39:04.119 Yeah, absolutely. So that's why I've got to be careful. Also, 576 00:39:04.840 --> 00:39:07.599 and I've seen it, where you'll attract, remember I said, some well 577 00:39:07.679 --> 00:39:12.630 meaning flies. There's some quote, pro lifers or whatever that come out there, 578 00:39:12.670 --> 00:39:15.829 right, and the reality is there, just there because, hey, 579 00:39:15.829 --> 00:39:17.150 it looks like fun just to be there. Yeah, and they end up 580 00:39:17.150 --> 00:39:22.030 being a distraction. Then you find yourself arguing with them, arguing methodology, 581 00:39:22.469 --> 00:39:24.860 arguing theology, out in front of the abortion clinic. And Listen, I'm 582 00:39:24.900 --> 00:39:29.380 a theology Geek. Okay, I read theology, I like theology. I 583 00:39:29.500 --> 00:39:34.099 study theology. Theology is important. It does matter. Yes, the people 584 00:39:34.099 --> 00:39:37.690 that say theology doesn't matter don't know their bibles. Theology does matter. But 585 00:39:37.849 --> 00:39:43.250 arguing theology in front of an abortion clinic is swaton flies. I'm telling you, 586 00:39:43.369 --> 00:39:45.329 it's Swat and flies. That can be had in some other context. 587 00:39:45.730 --> 00:39:49.969 But again, if you're arguing with your with each other, and I don't 588 00:39:50.010 --> 00:39:52.119 care what you say, you might not be with that group or you may 589 00:39:52.440 --> 00:39:57.000 say, well, we disassociate with that group. But from an abortion minded 590 00:39:57.079 --> 00:40:00.199 mom, again, that judge. Looking from that side to the sidewalk where 591 00:40:00.199 --> 00:40:04.679 you are, she sees one group of people. That doesn't matter how separated 592 00:40:04.760 --> 00:40:07.269 you are to matter if you've got two different kinds of t shirts on both 593 00:40:08.510 --> 00:40:12.230 groups. Are All three groups, or whatever they're standing on the on the 594 00:40:12.269 --> 00:40:15.309 pro life side of the sidewalk, so to spam, are all one monolithic 595 00:40:15.429 --> 00:40:20.309 group to her. So if you're fighting among yourselves, again you're displaying nothing 596 00:40:20.389 --> 00:40:23.260 but the same confusion, angst and all that stuff that she's got going on 597 00:40:23.380 --> 00:40:28.460 her heart. And again, your Swat and flies right. Another funny example 598 00:40:28.699 --> 00:40:32.820 is we have, and it's just like so obvious this what this is. 599 00:40:32.860 --> 00:40:37.570 We have a man who at the abortion clinic here, owns a business just 600 00:40:37.650 --> 00:40:44.050 around the corner right and he walks through almost every day on his lunch hour 601 00:40:44.489 --> 00:40:49.570 and he just rails on us for teaching false theology, for believing that God 602 00:40:49.690 --> 00:40:54.159 has triune so where houses her said idolager's trinity? God worshippers and he wants 603 00:40:54.199 --> 00:40:58.400 to get in. Listen. I've gotten in those conversations. I've talked to 604 00:40:58.440 --> 00:41:01.679 him lengthy conversations for an hour. But guess what, it was just Swat 605 00:41:01.760 --> 00:41:06.150 and flies. He was just a distraction that came to get me focused off 606 00:41:06.230 --> 00:41:08.070 of why I was there. You know, when you feel called to go 607 00:41:08.150 --> 00:41:13.190 to an abortion clinic, that's a that's a pretty unique calling. You know, 608 00:41:13.349 --> 00:41:15.230 for a lot of Christians it just never would enter into the equation for 609 00:41:15.309 --> 00:41:19.820 them. I believe there's a lot more Christians that are called out there than 610 00:41:19.860 --> 00:41:22.300 actually go. But when you got that calling, understand you didn't. God 611 00:41:22.340 --> 00:41:27.019 didn't call you to go out then reach the pro abortion escorts. He didn't 612 00:41:27.059 --> 00:41:29.940 call you to go out there and reaches reach the security guard, even though 613 00:41:29.940 --> 00:41:31.780 they're all valuable. Exactly. They're all I'm not I'm not equating them with 614 00:41:31.889 --> 00:41:36.650 flies because they're not valuable human being. It's just an analogy. So breaks 615 00:41:36.690 --> 00:41:38.809 down. They're human beings. They're made in God's image. Yeah, God 616 00:41:38.849 --> 00:41:42.369 would save them in a moment if they would turn to him. Yeah, 617 00:41:42.449 --> 00:41:45.809 but he didn't call you there to reach them. They may get reached by 618 00:41:46.090 --> 00:41:49.519 kind of default. Right, you're preaching the Gospel. They're here in the 619 00:41:49.559 --> 00:41:52.280 Gospel. Right, God could reach they're seeing live solely. There are times 620 00:41:52.519 --> 00:41:55.280 when it's appropriate to have a conversation with them. Right, but if you 621 00:41:55.440 --> 00:41:59.480 let them be the focus, you're going to get distracted, you're going to 622 00:41:59.519 --> 00:42:01.750 Drop Your Shovel, your Gospel Shovel, in the mass, you're going to 623 00:42:01.789 --> 00:42:06.389 get the mess on you and it's not going to go so well. Right, 624 00:42:06.510 --> 00:42:09.349 take it from me, learn from Mama's Day. Don't get distracted Swat 625 00:42:09.429 --> 00:42:13.909 and flies. Now, what in the world does this have to do with 626 00:42:13.989 --> 00:42:19.260 the Bible? And there are, there are actually many, many examples in 627 00:42:19.340 --> 00:42:22.860 the Bible of leaders doing good work, doing good ministry, called by God, 628 00:42:23.699 --> 00:42:29.820 who get distracted by things that are valuable and important. Yeah, and 629 00:42:30.250 --> 00:42:36.849 in doing so they their effectiveness in their main ministry is dampened. YEA, 630 00:42:36.969 --> 00:42:39.650 so they it's like I said when we started out, the good is always 631 00:42:39.650 --> 00:42:43.449 the enemy of the best. Right, right, get distracted, I get 632 00:42:43.489 --> 00:42:45.920 off course. And one of those stories, yeah, is the story of 633 00:42:46.000 --> 00:42:50.039 Moses. Yeah, it's great, great and great, you know, and 634 00:42:50.440 --> 00:42:53.840 probably more appropriate than than even your maneuver and flies. Yeah, and maybe, 635 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:57.400 maybe. And so where's that story yet? Okay, so that. 636 00:42:57.639 --> 00:43:02.309 So that story is in exodus eighteen. Okay, exodus eighteen. And and 637 00:43:02.469 --> 00:43:08.550 really the story where Moses gets distracted and how he learns to deal with that, 638 00:43:08.829 --> 00:43:15.300 based on Wise Council, is pretty much in verses thirteen through twenty seven. 639 00:43:15.539 --> 00:43:16.179 Okay, well, I'm not going to read all of that. You 640 00:43:16.260 --> 00:43:22.059 guys can read that. But base through the picture is God called Moses to 641 00:43:22.139 --> 00:43:24.139 be a deliverer of the children of Israel, right, to go down to 642 00:43:24.300 --> 00:43:28.769 Egypt to deliver his people. You guys know the story the ten plagues. 643 00:43:28.769 --> 00:43:32.449 Ultimately, Moses leads the children of Israel through the Wilderness. Yeah, but 644 00:43:32.610 --> 00:43:36.809 some things happen in the wilderness and the children of is Alary, Israel, 645 00:43:36.969 --> 00:43:39.489 certainly got distracted, yeah, from getting to the Promised Land. Yeah, 646 00:43:39.650 --> 00:43:44.000 yeah, and for forty years wandered in the wilderness. Yeah, but Moses 647 00:43:44.079 --> 00:43:46.719 was called to lead them, was called to lead them to the promised land. 648 00:43:46.840 --> 00:43:51.119 Right, right, but he gets distracted. Yeah, they're grumbling, 649 00:43:51.239 --> 00:43:54.639 they have all kinds of complaints and problems and they go to Moses and they 650 00:43:54.789 --> 00:44:00.230 and they say to Moses, because he's the leader, solve these some of 651 00:44:00.309 --> 00:44:01.630 these problems. Yeah, I mean, he's got a lot of people, 652 00:44:02.070 --> 00:44:07.309 he's got and they want him. Moses, we need you to sort through 653 00:44:07.630 --> 00:44:09.659 all of our issues. Right, I've got an argument with my neighbor here. 654 00:44:09.659 --> 00:44:12.900 I need you to sort through there. Right. I've got a little 655 00:44:12.940 --> 00:44:15.139 bit of concern here with with the law that you gave or some of these 656 00:44:15.179 --> 00:44:17.780 rules and stuff, and I'm not really sure. Can you clarify here? 657 00:44:17.940 --> 00:44:21.699 Right, and you give some clearity here. Can you speak into this situation? 658 00:44:21.780 --> 00:44:25.050 Yeah, and so Moses, though he's called to deliver and lead the 659 00:44:25.090 --> 00:44:29.610 children of Israel through the Wilderness to the Promised Land, is getting distracted with 660 00:44:29.809 --> 00:44:34.969 all kinds of other complaints and all kinds of other concerns. So he's growing 661 00:44:35.050 --> 00:44:42.199 weary and he's growing overwhelmed. Not Distraction can lead to many other terrible things, 662 00:44:42.320 --> 00:44:45.480 just absolute just being just overburdened. And that was what happened with Moses. 663 00:44:45.519 --> 00:44:49.880 He was overburdened with all this and he didn't even recognize it, which 664 00:44:49.880 --> 00:44:53.710 I think is interesting. It was it was his fatherin law who recognized it. 665 00:44:53.829 --> 00:44:58.989 Moses himself was just doing his best and screwing trying to solve all of 666 00:44:59.070 --> 00:45:01.469 this. Yeah, and what a certain he's called on. Hey, you 667 00:45:01.909 --> 00:45:05.550 cannot do all this. Maybe. Yeah, well, here it is. 668 00:45:05.590 --> 00:45:08.059 It's so. It says. So. When Moses Father in law saw all 669 00:45:08.139 --> 00:45:10.539 that he did for the people, he said, what is this thing that 670 00:45:10.619 --> 00:45:15.340 you're doing for the people? Why do you alone sit and all the people 671 00:45:15.460 --> 00:45:19.619 stand before you? Morning until evening? He's Tuking till he's name. That's 672 00:45:19.659 --> 00:45:22.809 not leading, that's standing there solving all these varieties and rather than lead them 673 00:45:22.849 --> 00:45:28.170 through the Wilderness and really getting with God, Getting Direction from the Lord, 674 00:45:28.210 --> 00:45:30.130 because that's what Moses was doing, spending time with the Lord, get direction 675 00:45:30.170 --> 00:45:35.130 from him and being loved through the wildern right, he's dealing with all these 676 00:45:35.250 --> 00:45:37.559 everyday quarrels with the people. Yeah, and Moses said to his father in 677 00:45:37.599 --> 00:45:40.280 law, because the people come to me and it to inquire of God, 678 00:45:40.360 --> 00:45:45.599 so that we want you, Moses, to be the mediator between God. 679 00:45:45.719 --> 00:45:47.719 For us that's a good thing. It's a good that's a great thing. 680 00:45:49.000 --> 00:45:51.590 Right. So is it the best? If, but is it the best? 681 00:45:51.710 --> 00:45:54.630 Right? And so Moses father in law, goes on to say this 682 00:45:54.829 --> 00:45:59.389 is not a good thing. Yes, what you're doing is not. He's 683 00:45:59.469 --> 00:46:02.590 basically saying, Moses, you're getting distractive from the main thing here. Yeah, 684 00:46:02.630 --> 00:46:07.380 you're dropping your shovel and renewer. Right, getting the mess on you. 685 00:46:07.579 --> 00:46:10.980 Right. Is it good to reach pro abortion people? Yeah, for 686 00:46:12.139 --> 00:46:15.619 the Lord, just as these good right to be inquired. For the I 687 00:46:15.659 --> 00:46:19.730 mean Lord, if you're an in front of an abortion for any amount of 688 00:46:19.769 --> 00:46:22.170 time, you'll get questions from people that will try to distract you, especially 689 00:46:22.210 --> 00:46:25.809 talking to pro abortion people. I mean I've had, quote, good conversation 690 00:46:25.969 --> 00:46:30.530 with the pro abortion people to about theology, about the existence of God. 691 00:46:31.090 --> 00:46:36.639 But guess what I find out? I'm sitting here talking to this person about 692 00:46:37.199 --> 00:46:39.360 whatever you want. I mean, they'll take you around the mountain. You'll 693 00:46:39.360 --> 00:46:43.280 think, okay, I'm going to reach this person right and listen, God 694 00:46:43.320 --> 00:46:45.239 can do it. So I'm not discounting that. But you give every apologetic 695 00:46:45.320 --> 00:46:51.150 under the sun and you find out you you've actually began and ended in the 696 00:46:51.190 --> 00:46:53.510 same place. Right, and we're not listening to you. They were distracting 697 00:46:53.550 --> 00:46:57.949 you. And while you're having that conversation with that pro abortion person, there's 698 00:46:57.949 --> 00:47:00.190 a mom that just zipped into the driveway, just walked into the door of 699 00:47:00.230 --> 00:47:06.219 the abortion clinic, and she didn't get any kind of Christian voice, no 700 00:47:06.380 --> 00:47:08.820 appeal to her, no ad because all of your attention was focused on that 701 00:47:08.900 --> 00:47:12.699 probortion person. That's right, there's no one speaking for that being. And 702 00:47:12.780 --> 00:47:15.130 the same way in this story with Moses, he's poured into these people, 703 00:47:15.170 --> 00:47:20.369 he's sorting through their issues, they're bringing their things before him and rather than 704 00:47:20.409 --> 00:47:23.489 being the deliver that he's called to be, he gets distracted and becomes a 705 00:47:23.650 --> 00:47:28.369 judge between the people. Right, jeth row ultimately gives him some wise counsel 706 00:47:28.409 --> 00:47:30.079 and says, Hey, you need to find some other guys. They can 707 00:47:30.239 --> 00:47:35.199 do this, delegate to what you're doing. Yeah, yeah, and so 708 00:47:36.519 --> 00:47:38.320 hopefully that helps you guys. That picture helps you guys, because it can. 709 00:47:38.599 --> 00:47:43.199 You can easily get distracted out there and there can be some delegation of 710 00:47:43.320 --> 00:47:45.710 things within sidewalk counseling. I mean, we've done it as far as we've 711 00:47:45.710 --> 00:47:50.510 got a big enough team. The pro abortion people we know because we've read 712 00:47:50.550 --> 00:47:52.949 their training information. So we're cuted into what they're doing. They're trying to 713 00:47:52.949 --> 00:47:57.590 get us in conversations. We know it's because they want to distract us from 714 00:47:57.590 --> 00:48:00.139 engaging with board abortion minded women, right. They say that in they're training. 715 00:48:00.340 --> 00:48:04.260 Yeah, and so we do is kind of turn their tactic on them 716 00:48:04.300 --> 00:48:07.059 and we've got a big enough team, will send somebody to go and talk 717 00:48:07.179 --> 00:48:10.219 to them and get an endless conversation so that if a vehicle stops, for 718 00:48:10.300 --> 00:48:14.650 example, they don't come and jump in between the person talking to that lady 719 00:48:14.690 --> 00:48:17.570 in the car and interrupt the the the conversation so that they drive on in. 720 00:48:17.889 --> 00:48:21.090 They're in a conversation with us, right, and they don't want to 721 00:48:21.090 --> 00:48:22.889 pull away from it because we're trying to be compelling. And Yeah, all 722 00:48:22.929 --> 00:48:25.530 that we're saying. And so we were set kind of lovingated. We have 723 00:48:25.809 --> 00:48:30.119 delegated so that we can keep the main thing, the main thing. Yeah, 724 00:48:30.280 --> 00:48:34.519 absolutely. Yeah, and I get distracted by flies and a little curious 725 00:48:34.519 --> 00:48:39.280 about what those mate well meaning flies are, the well meaning flies and, 726 00:48:39.440 --> 00:48:43.389 like I said, some of the Christians that show up. Well, I 727 00:48:43.909 --> 00:48:46.190 I meant real well meaning flies. I'm not familiar with that. Oh well, 728 00:48:46.309 --> 00:48:50.550 that was just part of the analogy. That's maybe we're actually breaks down. 729 00:48:50.750 --> 00:48:55.659 Okay, but again, the picture is don't get distracted. Yeah, 730 00:48:55.820 --> 00:49:00.219 why are you there? Focus on why you're there. So hopefully this helps 731 00:49:00.260 --> 00:49:05.340 you guys with sidewall counseling ministry and maybe just pro life ministry in general. 732 00:49:05.380 --> 00:49:09.170 Yeah, these analogies help me. For sure share these analogies with other people, 733 00:49:09.210 --> 00:49:12.929 especially the fun manure one, because I'm yeah, it's Feah. I 734 00:49:12.969 --> 00:49:16.130 think it really helped. Yeah, but the one about racing upside what consolers 735 00:49:16.170 --> 00:49:20.289 and training other sidewalk counselors. I think those three year or any pro life 736 00:49:20.329 --> 00:49:23.599 ministry, I think those three areas are all really really important to to keep 737 00:49:23.639 --> 00:49:28.400 in mind your philosophy, your practice and your purpose. Yeah, and how 738 00:49:28.440 --> 00:49:31.679 to stay fact, absolutely purpose. Absolutely the judge analogy really does help. 739 00:49:31.920 --> 00:49:36.719 It does. I can't get focused on all you who were trying to reach 740 00:49:36.800 --> 00:49:39.030 there. You know we're trying to say that innocent baby, but we're appealing 741 00:49:39.070 --> 00:49:43.429 to the judge. So hope these were blessing. You guys. Share a 742 00:49:43.469 --> 00:49:45.789 little bit of feedback with us if you want to shoot me an email. 743 00:49:45.789 --> 00:49:50.710 D Parks at cities for lifecom. Vicky is vcssi orget cities for lifecom. 744 00:49:50.789 --> 00:49:52.019 Check out our sidewalks for life side. I think we're going to put this 745 00:49:52.139 --> 00:49:54.619 out as an article. Think it's already and there you okay, yeah, 746 00:49:54.659 --> 00:49:59.139 on sidewalks for life. It's I'll walks in be forore lifecom. Share this 747 00:49:59.219 --> 00:50:07.250 podcast. Until next time, God bless. Give me out love for love. 748 00:50:09.969 --> 00:50:19.409 Give me our love for gratitude. I know it will cost me my 749 00:50:19.769 --> 00:50:27.159 love. Nothing's too precious in some you