June 2, 2022

Painting a Positive Vision For Abortion Minded Families

Painting a Positive Vision For Abortion Minded Families

Many of the families we encounter at the abortion centers have very dire situations. A powerful way to help these families choose life and get on track in the right direction is to paint a positive vision for them. In this episode, we give some princ...

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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life Podcast

Many of the families we encounter at the abortion centers have very dire situations. A powerful way to help these families choose life and get on track in the right direction is to paint a positive vision for them. In this episode, we give some principles on how to do this effectively.


WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:05.919 He's created me for good works and those those were laid out before I was 2 00:00:05.960 --> 00:00:11.000 born. Yeah, that is an amazing picture to me. Yeah, it's 3 00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:16.399 always good to know that your God's gift to humanity. That's always a good 4 00:00:16.440 --> 00:00:22.280 thing, todd, that is for sure. I Am Yours, I am 5 00:00:22.399 --> 00:00:27.719 yours, I am yours, and me, Lord, I am yours, 6 00:00:28.079 --> 00:00:32.799 I am yours. I'm welcome to the Gospel Center Pro Life Podcast, a 7 00:00:32.880 --> 00:00:38.520 podcast designed to equip, encourage and challenge you in pro life ministry, and 8 00:00:38.679 --> 00:00:45.759 always with a focus on the Gospel. Stay tuned. I felt show passish, 9 00:00:46.719 --> 00:00:56.840 touch your heart. Use Hey, they're welcome to the Gospel centered pro 10 00:00:56.920 --> 00:01:02.359 life podcast. I'm Vicky cassier. I'm here with Daniel Parks and say hi 11 00:01:02.479 --> 00:01:08.040 Daniel. Hi Daniel. That's so. We are here, as as always, 12 00:01:08.040 --> 00:01:15.200 hoping to encourage and and equip people who are speaking on behalf of the 13 00:01:15.359 --> 00:01:19.760 unborn and trying to create a culture of life in their community. And a 14 00:01:19.760 --> 00:01:23.879 lot of a lot of recent events have really, I don't know, brought 15 00:01:23.920 --> 00:01:26.920 that home to me, yeah, very forcibly, that this is not a 16 00:01:26.920 --> 00:01:32.640 culture of life right now, in in our nation, in our world, 17 00:01:32.680 --> 00:01:37.879 it is a culture of death. There is, sadly, a lack of 18 00:01:38.000 --> 00:01:42.840 understanding of the sanctity of life. Yeah, and I think it really does 19 00:01:42.879 --> 00:01:51.359 begin with the unborn. Yeah, how do we feel as people about our 20 00:01:51.439 --> 00:01:57.040 unborn neighbors? Right, and are we fighting for those little unborn people? 21 00:01:57.400 --> 00:02:01.799 Yeah, and and so to that end, that, that's why we do 22 00:02:01.840 --> 00:02:07.360 all of our podcasts. We believe we are called very clearly by God to 23 00:02:07.439 --> 00:02:15.319 be speaking for those for those babies in the womb, and and breathing culture 24 00:02:15.319 --> 00:02:21.960 of life into those moms and families that are here to destroy their their children. 25 00:02:22.039 --> 00:02:28.919 Yeah. So what this particular podcast came about actually from kind of an 26 00:02:29.000 --> 00:02:35.759 unusual source. I was listening to a leadership podcast and it was laying out 27 00:02:36.080 --> 00:02:43.080 how to be the best leader you could be through, first of all, 28 00:02:43.120 --> 00:02:47.120 creating a positive vision, yeah, of who you want to be, right, 29 00:02:47.159 --> 00:02:51.919 what what a great leader looks like? Create that positive vision and then 30 00:02:51.960 --> 00:02:57.199 laying out the steps to achieve that positive vision. And as I was listening 31 00:02:57.240 --> 00:03:00.759 to that and thinking about it, I really thought this could be applied to 32 00:03:00.800 --> 00:03:04.879 the side Wi. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, a 33 00:03:04.919 --> 00:03:07.919 scripture comes to mind and proverbs twenty nine, verse eighteen. I think I've 34 00:03:07.960 --> 00:03:13.199 probably shared this a lot. The Lord really spoke to me some years back 35 00:03:13.520 --> 00:03:17.360 through a message that another brother preached about this proverb in particular, about being 36 00:03:17.439 --> 00:03:22.520 a father to my children, yeah, and being a good husband and just 37 00:03:22.560 --> 00:03:25.599 all the aspects of my life, leadership and all of that stuff. PROVERBS 38 00:03:25.639 --> 00:03:30.800 TE verse Eighteen Says Without Vision The people perish. And in essence, so 39 00:03:30.879 --> 00:03:34.000 we look at that word, and you guys know that scripture. Well, 40 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:37.520 I'm sure without vision the people perish. But if you look the word perish, 41 00:03:37.520 --> 00:03:39.039 it doesn't mean to go to hell. It's not like you know, 42 00:03:39.199 --> 00:03:43.599 they they will not perish but have everlasting life. You know John Sixteen. 43 00:03:43.639 --> 00:03:46.680 It's not that go to hell kind of perish. That word and Hebrew actually 44 00:03:46.680 --> 00:03:51.280 means to cast off restraint and live like a savage. It's there's no restraint 45 00:03:51.319 --> 00:03:54.800 in your life. What's being said? They're well, actually a positive vision 46 00:03:55.080 --> 00:04:00.599 restrained you. It'll restrain you to be the father that God has called you 47 00:04:00.639 --> 00:04:03.199 to be. It'll restrain you, keep you on the straight and narrow, 48 00:04:03.319 --> 00:04:05.879 so to speak, to be the leader that God has called you to be, 49 00:04:05.919 --> 00:04:09.800 to be the husband, to be the wife that God has called you 50 00:04:09.840 --> 00:04:14.800 to be. Without Vision, people perish. We cast off restraint. The 51 00:04:14.800 --> 00:04:17.279 picture is one of an Olympic athlete. Right, Olympic athlete, what do 52 00:04:17.319 --> 00:04:20.920 they do? They make sacrifices. They make sacrifices and what they eat. 53 00:04:20.959 --> 00:04:26.439 They might they make sacrifices in how they spend their time. They make sacrifices 54 00:04:26.439 --> 00:04:29.360 and what they do to their body, lifting weights and all these other things. 55 00:04:29.360 --> 00:04:33.000 But their cells are all kinds of rigorous stuff. Right. They make 56 00:04:33.040 --> 00:04:36.519 sacrifices and who they hang out with and how much time they spend and doing 57 00:04:36.560 --> 00:04:40.439 all kinds of things. Why do they do that? Because they have a 58 00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:45.519 vision of themselves standing on that podium with a gold medal around their neck. 59 00:04:45.600 --> 00:04:50.040 That vision restrains them, keeps on on the straight and narrow to discipline themselves 60 00:04:50.399 --> 00:04:55.480 to get to that goal, to get to that vision, right. Yeah, 61 00:04:55.480 --> 00:04:58.800 and so that can apply to us as leaders and those who want to 62 00:04:58.800 --> 00:05:00.759 be better leaders. We have a vision of what a good leader is. 63 00:05:00.759 --> 00:05:03.480 That's what we want to be and that vision, if we keep it before 64 00:05:03.519 --> 00:05:06.040 our eyes, is going to restrain us and keep us on the straight and 65 00:05:06.120 --> 00:05:10.920 narrow to shoot toward that goal. Yeah, in the same way for the 66 00:05:10.920 --> 00:05:14.040 men and the women that we minister to at the abortion center. We can 67 00:05:14.040 --> 00:05:18.199 convey this same reality. We can paint a positive vision. Some of the 68 00:05:18.240 --> 00:05:21.680 things that I'll do, some of the things that I'll say on the microphone. 69 00:05:21.720 --> 00:05:26.720 A lot of times I'll say, Mama, right now you're pregnant and 70 00:05:26.759 --> 00:05:30.399 you're a mother and maybe you don't think you can be a good mother, 71 00:05:30.639 --> 00:05:31.680 mother to that child, but I want to tell you, with the grace 72 00:05:31.759 --> 00:05:34.519 of God, not only can you be a mother to that child, you 73 00:05:34.519 --> 00:05:39.120 can be a good mother. I'll say the same things to the DADS. 74 00:05:39.480 --> 00:05:42.480 Yeah, you can be a good father to this child. Maybe you didn't 75 00:05:42.519 --> 00:05:44.759 have a good dad, maybe you didn't have a dad in your life at 76 00:05:44.800 --> 00:05:47.360 all, but God wants to give You a vision for what you can be 77 00:05:47.600 --> 00:05:50.120 as a father. You can be, with the grace of God, a 78 00:05:50.199 --> 00:05:54.399 good father for that child. And that's kind of like a, you know, 79 00:05:54.680 --> 00:05:58.959 quick one line or so statement that I would give to encourage these women 80 00:05:58.959 --> 00:06:00.480 and these men with a pose, a division and of course, if I 81 00:06:00.519 --> 00:06:03.720 get more in depth with them, I can paint a positive vision on how 82 00:06:03.720 --> 00:06:08.360 their children are going to love them and they're going to raise their children to 83 00:06:08.399 --> 00:06:11.839 love and serve God and there as a family together or going to serve the 84 00:06:11.839 --> 00:06:15.680 Lord together. They're going to together do things for others. Together, they're 85 00:06:15.720 --> 00:06:19.120 going to have that relationship that God intended them to have as a family. 86 00:06:19.160 --> 00:06:24.040 Paint a positive vision. She can make it through college, you can. 87 00:06:24.120 --> 00:06:26.160 You can do this, you can make it through college, you can be 88 00:06:26.199 --> 00:06:28.959 a good mother of this child. Why you go through college? God can 89 00:06:28.959 --> 00:06:32.600 give you a good job. Painting a Positive Vision Helps to restrain them, 90 00:06:32.680 --> 00:06:36.360 keep them on the straight and narrow and hopefully point them to the right direction 91 00:06:36.480 --> 00:06:40.279 first and foremost, and then keep them going in that direction. Yeah, 92 00:06:40.279 --> 00:06:43.439 because you know, the vision that they're painting for themselves right now is based 93 00:06:43.480 --> 00:06:47.600 on their struggles and fears. It is not based on a positive vision of 94 00:06:47.639 --> 00:06:50.879 what God would have to be. And I think that's the crux of the 95 00:06:50.959 --> 00:06:55.920 vision that you're trying to paint is, well, what is the person that 96 00:06:56.079 --> 00:07:00.879 God happen be? Since painting it's really vision, right. Yeah, helping 97 00:07:00.040 --> 00:07:03.600 to paint God's vision right for them. Not My vision, right, not 98 00:07:03.680 --> 00:07:08.560 your vision, certainly not. Lest somebody's going to paint the vision for you. 99 00:07:08.720 --> 00:07:11.519 Right, somebody's going to going to paint what your future is going to 100 00:07:11.560 --> 00:07:14.000 be. Yeah, it's going to be the devil. It's going to be 101 00:07:14.079 --> 00:07:17.959 the world, it's going to be you. Why not get into God's word 102 00:07:18.000 --> 00:07:21.800 and get near to the Lord in prayers, seek his face and figure out 103 00:07:21.839 --> 00:07:25.639 what his vision for you is? Right, it's going to be much better 104 00:07:25.680 --> 00:07:28.600 than anyone else's. Yeah, and that's what we're trying to do for these 105 00:07:28.680 --> 00:07:30.839 mothers. And we really do know, based on God's Word and based on 106 00:07:30.879 --> 00:07:34.680 experience, what God's vision is for them. Yeah, we know that God's 107 00:07:34.759 --> 00:07:39.000 vision for them is best right for them, for us, for everybody. 108 00:07:39.160 --> 00:07:42.199 Right. At the time that I was looking into this, our pastor did 109 00:07:42.240 --> 00:07:46.160 a sermon on Ephesians and we were in effesions to ten, which is the 110 00:07:46.160 --> 00:07:50.279 first. We are God's workmanship, created Christ Jesus for good works which God 111 00:07:50.360 --> 00:07:55.920 has prepared before we were even born. And he made the point which I 112 00:07:55.959 --> 00:07:59.199 had never known, and I actually researched it and it's true. One of 113 00:07:59.199 --> 00:08:03.360 the translations of workmanship means masterpiece. Yeah, we are God's masterpiece, and 114 00:08:03.439 --> 00:08:07.560 I really lived there for a while. Yeah, thinking of that. You 115 00:08:07.600 --> 00:08:11.959 know, it made me sit up a little taller, like I got masterpiece 116 00:08:13.240 --> 00:08:18.839 and he's created me for he tells me in he's created me for good works 117 00:08:20.160 --> 00:08:24.120 and those those were laid out before I was born. Yeah, that is 118 00:08:24.160 --> 00:08:28.480 an amazing picture to me. Yeah. So, always good to know that 119 00:08:28.519 --> 00:08:35.000 your God's gift to humanity. That's always a good thing. That that is 120 00:08:35.039 --> 00:08:41.039 for sure. And and so our gift to humanity we all are. We 121 00:08:41.159 --> 00:08:46.720 all are. So, so creating a positive and encouraging vision is critical. 122 00:08:46.759 --> 00:08:50.080 And but there's a third aspect of painting a vision, okay, which I 123 00:08:50.080 --> 00:08:54.360 think is where we fall short sometimes, yeah, as counselors, and that's 124 00:08:54.360 --> 00:09:00.440 making it Achieva right. Yeah, so a positive vision, right, encouraging 125 00:09:00.559 --> 00:09:05.720 vision, but an achievable and achievable vision. And I have found since I 126 00:09:05.759 --> 00:09:09.480 wrote this podcast and have been thinking about it, I it has changed how 127 00:09:09.519 --> 00:09:13.559 I speak on on the microphone or speak when I'm calling out to the women. 128 00:09:13.600 --> 00:09:20.120 I am spending more time painting a positive vision of what it means to 129 00:09:20.159 --> 00:09:24.399 be a mother, what it means to be a God follower. Yeah, 130 00:09:24.440 --> 00:09:30.759 and I really am feeling like this is the right place, yeah, for 131 00:09:30.759 --> 00:09:33.960 for us to be speaking the prime. We say this to you, though, 132 00:09:33.000 --> 00:09:37.759 go ahead, we're not speaking just kind of in theory, right, 133 00:09:37.799 --> 00:09:43.279 because we have we have experienced God's ability to really give us a positive vision 134 00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:46.200 and to give us grace to walk in that direction. Like, yeah, 135 00:09:46.399 --> 00:09:50.320 I've seen growth in you. Hopefully you've seen some growth in me. We've 136 00:09:50.360 --> 00:09:52.879 seen growth in our own selves, others, brothers and sisters in the Lord, 137 00:09:52.879 --> 00:09:56.320 like we see God growing and God moving in their lives. Also, 138 00:09:56.399 --> 00:10:01.039 we've had the privilege of walking with thousands of women over the years that have 139 00:10:01.159 --> 00:10:07.840 chosen life and we've seen God take them from very dire situations into some pretty 140 00:10:07.840 --> 00:10:11.679 glorious situations. Now that the road there is not an easy path. Yeah, 141 00:10:11.720 --> 00:10:15.799 and there's always struggles on the way and their struggles when we get there 142 00:10:15.799 --> 00:10:18.919 as well, but we've been able to see what God will do and so 143 00:10:18.000 --> 00:10:22.279 we can speak in faith, out of a position of faith and experience, 144 00:10:22.320 --> 00:10:26.600 to these women, and you guys can to those who are listening. Your 145 00:10:26.679 --> 00:10:30.840 testimony, testimonies of others around you, is so power awerful and helping paint 146 00:10:30.840 --> 00:10:35.000 a positive vision. It is. It is and I know in my own 147 00:10:35.000 --> 00:10:41.759 life a very great example of painting a positive vision, helping to elevate someone 148 00:10:41.799 --> 00:10:46.679 to be more than they believed they could be. Is Daniel Park speaking to 149 00:10:46.720 --> 00:10:54.360 me when I was a somewhat new counselor and saying you thought that I needed 150 00:10:54.480 --> 00:11:00.679 to be doing this new role training and coordinating the volunteers. And remember at 151 00:11:00.679 --> 00:11:03.879 first I said no, yeah, I don't think that's me. Yeah, 152 00:11:03.919 --> 00:11:09.559 and Daniel just really painted the vision. And and I wanted to live up 153 00:11:09.600 --> 00:11:13.159 to it. Yeah, and and in many ways I think I did, 154 00:11:13.200 --> 00:11:18.240 because a vision was painted. I knew that's who I wanted to be. 155 00:11:18.720 --> 00:11:24.639 I knew that there were some shortcomings that God probably wanted to to get rid 156 00:11:24.679 --> 00:11:30.960 of and to work on. And but it began with that painting of the 157 00:11:31.080 --> 00:11:35.080 Vision. And so it was done and it helped me. I know it 158 00:11:35.120 --> 00:11:39.159 can. We can do it and help others. Yeah, that's one of 159 00:11:39.240 --> 00:11:43.559 the things I'll say often times. God is not a respecter of persons. 160 00:11:43.639 --> 00:11:46.240 If he could help me to be a decent dad, a decent husband, 161 00:11:46.320 --> 00:11:50.159 yeah, and it he'sn't Christian, yeah, then Gosh, he can help 162 00:11:50.200 --> 00:11:54.559 anyone exactly. So this podcast was helpful in many ways. First of all, 163 00:11:54.600 --> 00:12:00.120 just that concept was immediately releasing for me and and and an edify and 164 00:12:00.200 --> 00:12:03.200 I felt like I can do this, I can do help paint this vision 165 00:12:03.240 --> 00:12:07.799 for the Moms, but they give some key elements in how to make the 166 00:12:09.039 --> 00:12:13.799 this positive, encouraging and achievable. Yeah, and, and I'm going to 167 00:12:13.840 --> 00:12:18.000 focus on I think we all know what it means to be impositive, positive 168 00:12:18.039 --> 00:12:20.960 and encouraging. I'm not going to dwell there, but on how can we 169 00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:24.919 make it achievable. So there were five key elements, okay, that the 170 00:12:24.960 --> 00:12:30.600 podcast mentioned. And the first one is encouraging them, and you say this 171 00:12:30.679 --> 00:12:37.000 a lot, which encourage means speak courage. Yeah, speaking courage into someone, 172 00:12:37.039 --> 00:12:41.039 put in into them that they can do this, which is your example 173 00:12:41.200 --> 00:12:45.519 of you can be the mom with God's help. Yeah, that's that's encouragement. 174 00:12:45.600 --> 00:12:48.000 You can do this, first of all. Yeah, so saying they 175 00:12:48.039 --> 00:12:52.720 can do it is first thing. Second is resources. Right, how are 176 00:12:52.759 --> 00:12:56.360 you going to reach this vision? In other words, what are what are 177 00:12:56.399 --> 00:13:00.240 some things that are going to help you along the way? First and foremost, 178 00:13:00.240 --> 00:13:03.480 God, yeah, which you mentioned, but as sidewalk counselors, well, 179 00:13:03.840 --> 00:13:07.320 we have a lot of resources. Yeah, there are a lot of 180 00:13:07.320 --> 00:13:09.559 things that we can mention. Yeah, yeah, no doubt that can help. 181 00:13:09.559 --> 00:13:15.399 There's I mean you can encounter a woman who is homeless or under threat 182 00:13:15.440 --> 00:13:16.799 of being homeless as she has this baby. She don't want to have an 183 00:13:16.840 --> 00:13:20.879 abortion, but she don't want to be homeless. You get it right. 184 00:13:20.039 --> 00:13:24.440 Right, there's resources, there's housing ministries, and these housing ministries a lot 185 00:13:24.440 --> 00:13:28.360 of times they help paint a positive vision because they're not just trying to give 186 00:13:28.399 --> 00:13:33.519 the woman a play leased to stay. They also have programs and things. 187 00:13:33.559 --> 00:13:37.919 There's housing ministries. They're awesome. They have programs where the woman has to 188 00:13:37.960 --> 00:13:39.480 work. There's a lot of times there's criteria. If they're going to stay 189 00:13:39.480 --> 00:13:43.639 in a housing program she has to work. But what they do and she 190 00:13:43.679 --> 00:13:46.440 has to save money, and I don't know all of them, but a 191 00:13:46.480 --> 00:13:48.720 lot of them are like this. You have to work, you have to 192 00:13:48.759 --> 00:13:52.639 save money, you often have to go to classes, parenting classes, whatever. 193 00:13:52.320 --> 00:13:56.120 But the money that they say, and I want in particular the money 194 00:13:56.159 --> 00:14:00.519 that they save, that ministry actually matches that money so that they can actually 195 00:14:00.559 --> 00:14:03.679 be on their feet in a couple of years. They can have enough money 196 00:14:03.720 --> 00:14:05.399 to put it down payment on a house. Yeah, I mean some of 197 00:14:05.399 --> 00:14:11.279 these women could never imagine that they would be a homeowner. Yeah, but 198 00:14:11.360 --> 00:14:15.320 you can paint that vision like they can. They can own their own house 199 00:14:15.399 --> 00:14:18.639 in a nice area of town. Yeah, yeah, I'm super smiling at 200 00:14:18.679 --> 00:14:24.600 that because one of the very first MOMS I ever counseled pretty desperate situation as 201 00:14:24.639 --> 00:14:28.600 I'm looking back on her, but she was so humble and had a very 202 00:14:28.600 --> 00:14:33.120 teachable spirit. She just bought her first house I start this. She literally 203 00:14:33.120 --> 00:14:35.519 probably was one of the very first. So nine or ten years ago, 204 00:14:35.559 --> 00:14:39.360 as when I started with her. She's she's gotten into politics. Now she's 205 00:14:39.399 --> 00:14:43.279 got this amazing roles. She just bought our first house. I think she's 206 00:14:43.360 --> 00:14:50.399 engaged. So anyway. So resources are really important. But the other thing 207 00:14:50.440 --> 00:14:54.919 the podcast said was very often, when you've painted this positive vision that we 208 00:14:54.000 --> 00:14:58.320 all see, yea, we want that and you okay, you've given me 209 00:14:58.440 --> 00:15:01.279 some ideas on how to get there. But so it's overwhelming, right, 210 00:15:01.360 --> 00:15:07.120 yeah, and so the third key element is give them the small steps that 211 00:15:07.120 --> 00:15:11.879 that person could take towards that vision. Yeah, the small step. So 212 00:15:11.960 --> 00:15:18.440 break it down. Let's make a call to raise this housing person. Yeah, 213 00:15:18.480 --> 00:15:22.559 and what we actually will do first of all is will say, come 214 00:15:22.559 --> 00:15:24.320 and look at your baby on our free mobile off Tine. Get them out 215 00:15:24.320 --> 00:15:30.480 of the immediate crisis. So and then then we'll set up a mentorship with 216 00:15:30.519 --> 00:15:33.039 you, then we'll make the calls with you and link resources to your specific 217 00:15:33.039 --> 00:15:37.440 obstacles. But make them small steps, not just there's this great big goal 218 00:15:37.559 --> 00:15:41.200 at the end, like the Olympiad that you gave as the example. Yes, 219 00:15:41.279 --> 00:15:45.480 they've got the vision. I'm going to be standing on the podium get 220 00:15:45.519 --> 00:15:50.559 getting gold, writing that gold medal hung around my neck. But that vision 221 00:15:50.679 --> 00:15:54.639 is not sufficient in and of itself. That Olympiad has to figure out what 222 00:15:54.639 --> 00:15:58.720 what are the steps for me to get there, and break it down that 223 00:15:58.799 --> 00:16:03.039 they are achievable steps each step of the way. Yeah, so I thought 224 00:16:03.080 --> 00:16:06.360 that was a really good point. Yeah, absolutely, but even that can 225 00:16:06.399 --> 00:16:10.559 be overwhelming. Listing the letting them know there are small steps and here's the 226 00:16:10.600 --> 00:16:15.679 steps. But maybe even most important, more important, is the number fourth 227 00:16:15.799 --> 00:16:19.639 key element. Tell them the immediate next step. Yeah, yeah, just 228 00:16:19.759 --> 00:16:22.879 give them one footage front of the other. The exactly how do you eat 229 00:16:22.919 --> 00:16:26.120 an elephant? One Bite at a time, bite at a time. I 230 00:16:26.159 --> 00:16:30.639 love that, because that's really the what we're trying to say here. Give 231 00:16:30.720 --> 00:16:36.720 them the immediate next step. Yeah, to move them out of crisis towards 232 00:16:36.799 --> 00:16:38.960 the vision, from a false vision, which is I'm going to be the 233 00:16:38.960 --> 00:16:45.360 mother of a dead baby because it's my only option and choice to the real 234 00:16:45.480 --> 00:16:48.360 vision God has for them. Yeah, which is I can save, nurture, 235 00:16:48.480 --> 00:16:52.559 protect this baby and be the mother God, yeah, created me to 236 00:16:52.600 --> 00:16:56.759 be. Yeah. Absolutely. And then the fifth one is lay out an 237 00:16:56.759 --> 00:17:03.919 immediate reward. Yeah. So the immediate reward is going to differ with every 238 00:17:03.919 --> 00:17:07.160 woman. The first immediate reward is you're not going to have on your conscience 239 00:17:07.599 --> 00:17:12.359 the death of your own child. Right. There are many things that that 240 00:17:12.400 --> 00:17:15.119 could go into each of these areas. I think in the next part of 241 00:17:15.160 --> 00:17:21.799 this we talked about specifically what we can do with with each part. But 242 00:17:21.920 --> 00:17:26.680 think about that. What is going to be an immediate reward? Yeah, 243 00:17:26.720 --> 00:17:30.160 that that you can offer, yeah, to these women. I mean I 244 00:17:30.160 --> 00:17:36.119 would say one of those things for sure is the mental program having a friend. 245 00:17:36.480 --> 00:17:38.039 That that's an immediate reward. Yeah, and we connect you with the 246 00:17:38.039 --> 00:17:41.799 mentor. They're they're going to help sort through the stuff with you, they're 247 00:17:41.799 --> 00:17:45.720 going to help point you to resources. Yeah, but the first thing is 248 00:17:45.799 --> 00:17:49.160 just connect with them and you'll have someone walking with you through this thing, 249 00:17:49.599 --> 00:17:55.200 somebody who shoulder you can cry on, right, and that's an a powerful, 250 00:17:55.240 --> 00:17:57.039 immediate reward. Now, not every mom's going to see it like that, 251 00:17:57.400 --> 00:18:00.920 right, some, some don't want to open their lives up to someone, 252 00:18:00.960 --> 00:18:04.440 and we can understand that for sure, but these mentors are trained and 253 00:18:04.759 --> 00:18:07.559 they're they're just to be a friend. To me, that's a reward, 254 00:18:07.720 --> 00:18:14.319 right. Yeah, yeah, and I think those are all great. I 255 00:18:14.359 --> 00:18:21.640 had at a woman recently that I felt like the steps that I took her 256 00:18:21.640 --> 00:18:26.319 through kind of were these steps, but she she had stopped. There was 257 00:18:26.359 --> 00:18:30.839 a language barrier, so I that definitely affected how much I could speak to 258 00:18:30.880 --> 00:18:38.680 her. But in terms of the main steps, when I offered her resources, 259 00:18:38.720 --> 00:18:42.720 the baby shower was one thing, right, that that I offered her 260 00:18:42.799 --> 00:18:49.359 right away and her face lit up. Creating the positive vision and encouraging her. 261 00:18:49.680 --> 00:18:52.759 One of the things I think all of us say is the baby is 262 00:18:52.799 --> 00:18:56.519 made in God's image, and so, are you right? That's it. 263 00:18:56.759 --> 00:19:00.599 One of the first visions I think we need to create. Yeah, for 264 00:19:00.680 --> 00:19:04.960 those women. Yeah, God's positive vision of them. Right, that's one 265 00:19:04.960 --> 00:19:07.519 of our talking points. What God says, what God says about you. 266 00:19:07.839 --> 00:19:11.519 Yeah, you're made in his image, you're loved and known by him, 267 00:19:11.559 --> 00:19:15.240 and that does, I think, paint that positive vision that you're not just 268 00:19:15.799 --> 00:19:21.559 some nobody that that nobody cares about, but God cares about you and because 269 00:19:21.640 --> 00:19:25.240 of that you can trust him and you can walk with him right out of 270 00:19:25.240 --> 00:19:29.359 that place, right away from a board. Right. Yeah, he has 271 00:19:29.400 --> 00:19:32.319 even more or for you. Has If the God who made the heavens and 272 00:19:32.359 --> 00:19:36.440 the earth loves you and sees you as precious, how much more does he 273 00:19:36.480 --> 00:19:41.119 have for you? Yeah, yeah, it's but the way of positive outcome. 274 00:19:41.480 --> 00:19:44.160 Yeah, that's all great. And then I asked her if she had 275 00:19:44.160 --> 00:19:48.559 other children, and she nodded, and I asked her if she loved them 276 00:19:48.559 --> 00:19:52.240 and was a good mother to them, and again she nodded, and then 277 00:19:52.279 --> 00:19:56.079 I said, well, you could be that same good loving mother to the 278 00:19:56.160 --> 00:20:00.599 child in your womb. So painting the positive vision of really who she already 279 00:20:00.880 --> 00:20:06.559 was to her other children. And then at that point she opened up the 280 00:20:06.599 --> 00:20:12.519 pamphlet and saw the abortion victim. Yeah, and that was another key element 281 00:20:12.920 --> 00:20:22.079 in that painting of the positive vision. is warning of the consequences of rejecting, 282 00:20:22.160 --> 00:20:26.279 yeah, the vision which the abortion victim picture did. Yeah, that's 283 00:20:26.359 --> 00:20:30.440 what happens if you if there is no restraint, like you said, yeah, 284 00:20:30.440 --> 00:20:33.480 on on the vision that God has painted for you. Yeah, contrasting 285 00:20:33.519 --> 00:20:37.920 the positive vision that God has for them, that he wants them to embrace, 286 00:20:37.000 --> 00:20:41.400 right, with the negative vision of if you continue on the path of 287 00:20:41.480 --> 00:20:45.519 your own, here can be the result? That's there's a negative consequent life 288 00:20:45.640 --> 00:20:49.119 is going to be destructive, and Jesus talks about that. He talks about 289 00:20:49.160 --> 00:20:52.400 the path that leads to life. Yeah, the path that leads to death. 290 00:20:52.440 --> 00:20:56.920 I think that's a very appropriate scripture to share, right, he says, 291 00:20:56.039 --> 00:21:00.559 why? Is the way broad? Is the gate that leads to destruction, 292 00:21:00.640 --> 00:21:03.759 and many are going down that path. Yeah, but he said narrow 293 00:21:03.920 --> 00:21:07.440 is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it. 294 00:21:07.519 --> 00:21:11.839 And so we can help these women find that narrow way, we can 295 00:21:11.839 --> 00:21:15.759 point them toward that narrow way. Yeah, and as we paint a positive 296 00:21:15.799 --> 00:21:19.000 vision, I'll believe that will lend itself to these women grabbing a hole. 297 00:21:19.160 --> 00:21:22.160 These men also was not let's not forget about the men. I've done this 298 00:21:22.200 --> 00:21:26.920 with many of the men that I've ministered to, again, encouraging them. 299 00:21:26.960 --> 00:21:30.480 You could be a good dad. I mean, imagine you and your son 300 00:21:30.599 --> 00:21:33.960 going fishing together. You know, just imagine you and your son throwing a 301 00:21:33.960 --> 00:21:37.039 football and you're to get a mental pick. I mean a picture, literally, 302 00:21:37.079 --> 00:21:41.559 a picture in their head of these things that are very positive and good 303 00:21:41.559 --> 00:21:45.079 things, and I I so much prefer this approach to hearing what I do 304 00:21:45.200 --> 00:21:51.880 hear called out sometimes you're a coward right. Well, that may be true, 305 00:21:51.960 --> 00:21:57.079 it is true, but you're just kind of reinforcing this negative self image 306 00:21:57.119 --> 00:22:03.640 they already have. And what a better thing to do to instead show them 307 00:22:03.680 --> 00:22:07.400 this is who you could be before God. And then don't forget about offering 308 00:22:07.400 --> 00:22:12.200 those small steps. In the the situation with the woman, I stopped that 309 00:22:12.279 --> 00:22:17.400 then I said, after we talked about loving her other children, being her 310 00:22:17.400 --> 00:22:21.440 mother to the other children, looking at the consequence if she rejected it, 311 00:22:21.480 --> 00:22:23.839 and then I said, could I make an appointment? Can I call right 312 00:22:23.880 --> 00:22:27.279 now for an appointment for an notch, sound and cheek. She just nodded 313 00:22:27.359 --> 00:22:33.960 and that set her on a whole step towards mentorship, choosing life and everything. 314 00:22:33.000 --> 00:22:37.319 So I thought that played out kind of what I've what we're trying to 315 00:22:37.400 --> 00:22:41.920 present in yeah, in this podcast. Yeah, absolutely, lay out that. 316 00:22:41.920 --> 00:22:45.599 That one the next thing they need to do, and then help them 317 00:22:45.640 --> 00:22:48.279 do that. If possible, help them do that next step. Yeah, 318 00:22:48.359 --> 00:22:52.000 yeah, for the men, I think a positive next step for them. 319 00:22:52.240 --> 00:22:56.400 I'm thinking of a man who's in the parking lot or his girlfriends inside the 320 00:22:56.440 --> 00:22:59.799 abortion center. I'm trying to paint this positive vision. Next step for him 321 00:22:59.920 --> 00:23:02.759 is going to be a big step. But as go in there, just 322 00:23:02.799 --> 00:23:04.039 go in there and speak with her. I'm not even saying go in there 323 00:23:04.079 --> 00:23:07.240 and get her out. I might say that, but for the most part 324 00:23:07.240 --> 00:23:08.319 I'm like, just go in there and speak with her. Let me give 325 00:23:08.359 --> 00:23:11.119 you this brochure. I'll put the brochure in his hand, like I'm doing. 326 00:23:11.200 --> 00:23:14.519 I'm doing everything shout of going in there, because I can't go in 327 00:23:14.559 --> 00:23:17.160 there, putting the brochure in his hand. I'm giving some talking points. 328 00:23:17.480 --> 00:23:18.319 Man, go in there. I'll be praying for you. I've done that 329 00:23:18.359 --> 00:23:22.039 a lot of times. Yeah, and I've seen it where these young men 330 00:23:22.119 --> 00:23:26.240 go in. I've spoken courage into them, they walk in there, they 331 00:23:26.279 --> 00:23:29.720 speak to her, they both come out holding hands, hug on the front 332 00:23:29.799 --> 00:23:32.920 porch and leave. I've seen that a lot of times. We're just speaking 333 00:23:33.000 --> 00:23:36.279 courage into him, painting a positive vision. You can be a good dad 334 00:23:36.279 --> 00:23:38.279 in the first step is to go in there and speak on behalf of your 335 00:23:38.319 --> 00:23:44.440 baby and painting that positive vision for him and giving him kind of an easy, 336 00:23:44.559 --> 00:23:49.279 not easy actually, but immediate and maybe pretty difficult, but hey, 337 00:23:49.279 --> 00:23:53.240 we're in this thing with you. Next step is is really powerful. God. 338 00:23:53.319 --> 00:23:57.279 Yes, that's a perfect example, I think, because I've seen it 339 00:23:57.319 --> 00:24:00.640 too, so many times. There was someone last week that dad did go 340 00:24:00.680 --> 00:24:06.839 in and then call that yelled out to us, we're safe in this baby 341 00:24:07.039 --> 00:24:11.440 as they as they left together, and he did. He did indeed save 342 00:24:11.559 --> 00:24:15.640 save that baby. Yeah, by going in and speaking. So it's so 343 00:24:15.759 --> 00:24:22.440 powerful. A positive messages so in so many ways, I think, so 344 00:24:22.599 --> 00:24:27.599 much better instead of playing on the weaknesses that we see, and I think 345 00:24:27.640 --> 00:24:33.599 it's easy for us to just call them out on their sin and their weaknesses 346 00:24:33.160 --> 00:24:40.400 rather than painting that positive vision. But I think it is so much more 347 00:24:40.440 --> 00:24:45.319 life altering. Yeah, to say you can be this person. Yeah, 348 00:24:45.400 --> 00:24:48.240 God created you to be and you you don't have to do it alone. 349 00:24:48.359 --> 00:24:52.680 The Holy Spirit will help you. Yeah, you take that first step of 350 00:24:52.720 --> 00:24:56.079 faith, he's right there. He's right there with us. Yeah, it's 351 00:24:56.119 --> 00:25:02.079 what he wants for us. So, yeah, that's good. God is 352 00:25:02.119 --> 00:25:07.000 for us. Who can be against us? Yeah, yeah, well, 353 00:25:07.000 --> 00:25:10.160 guys, we hope that this podcast episode was a blessing to you. We 354 00:25:10.160 --> 00:25:12.519 hope that all of these episodes are a blessing. We love to hear from 355 00:25:12.559 --> 00:25:15.519 you. If you have suggestions for future episode, you can reach out to 356 00:25:15.559 --> 00:25:18.319 me, Daniel, I love life dot Org. You reach her, Vicki, 357 00:25:18.599 --> 00:25:22.519 with a why I love life dot Org. We love to hear these 358 00:25:22.559 --> 00:25:26.559 suggestions for future podcast episode. We'd love to hear your feedback on this episode 359 00:25:26.680 --> 00:25:30.279 or other episodes. We'd also love for you to share this episode with others 360 00:25:30.279 --> 00:25:33.680 on Social Media and also leave us a review, either on apple podcast or 361 00:25:33.720 --> 00:25:37.160 whatever other podcast service you use. It helps us get up in the rankings 362 00:25:37.160 --> 00:25:41.440 and gets more people aware of this podcast. So, yeah, we hope 363 00:25:41.599 --> 00:25:45.359 that you guys are blessed by this and until next time, God, bless 364 00:25:45.559 --> 00:25:56.920 God, that shit all. Give me our love for love. Give me 365 00:25:57.559 --> 00:26:10.799 our love for gratitude. I know it will cost me my life. Nothing's 366 00:26:10.920 --> 00:26:22.279 too precious. And some met you