Aug. 18, 2022

Logical and Scientific Reasons to Stand for Life

Logical and Scientific Reasons to Stand for Life

While our primary reasons to stand for life come from the Word of God we also have logical and scientific reasons to stand against abortion. The science is clear life begins at conception but there are other great scientific and logical arguments tha...

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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life Podcast

While our primary reasons to stand for life come from the Word of God we also have logical and scientific reasons to stand against abortion. The science is clear life begins at conception but there are other great scientific and logical arguments that we can use to refute pro-abortion arguments. In this episode, we share some of those arguments and help equip you as you stand for life in your city.

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.720 Yeah, I mean it's it's really you don't have to be a super deep 2 00:00:03.839 --> 00:00:09.160 thinking person to figure that out right. But just the fact that biologists agree 3 00:00:09.199 --> 00:00:12.759 with like reality, I guess, can help people who don't agree with reality 4 00:00:12.800 --> 00:00:19.039 come to reality. I Am Yours, I'm yours, I'm yours, and 5 00:00:19.320 --> 00:00:25.719 me Lord, I'm yours, I'm yours. I'm welcome to the Gospel Center 6 00:00:25.760 --> 00:00:31.199 Pro Life Podcast, a podcast designed to equip, encourage and challenge you in 7 00:00:31.239 --> 00:00:35.320 pro life ministry, and always with a focus on the Gospel. Stay tuned. 8 00:00:37.280 --> 00:00:48.560 I felt your past touch your hearty welcome back to the Gospel Center pro 9 00:00:48.640 --> 00:00:52.840 life podcast. Appreciate you guys joining us. This is Daniel Parks. I 10 00:00:52.880 --> 00:00:57.200 am joined with Vicky Cassi, Org everyone, and we're blessed to be able 11 00:00:57.240 --> 00:01:00.359 to bring these episodes to you to help encourage you, helping form you, 12 00:01:00.039 --> 00:01:03.880 help you be effective out on the sidewalks as you're reaching out to men and 13 00:01:03.880 --> 00:01:07.120 women at the abortion centers to bring help and hope and to bring the Gospel 14 00:01:07.200 --> 00:01:12.000 those places of darkness and death, and we hope that these episodes have been 15 00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:15.439 a blessing to you. Please, if they have been, leave us a 16 00:01:15.439 --> 00:01:22.159 review. We have Um um several reviews actually on our podcast. We've mentioned 17 00:01:22.319 --> 00:01:26.120 a couple of times and we're actually thinking about doing an episode to read through 18 00:01:26.200 --> 00:01:30.000 some of those fun reviews that are pro abortion friends have left. We've got 19 00:01:30.040 --> 00:01:34.359 more reviews on our podcast and probably any other pro life podcast on the face 20 00:01:34.359 --> 00:01:38.200 of the planet. That is quite an accomplishment. Yes, the sad thing 21 00:01:38.319 --> 00:01:42.159 is they're all one star because our pro abortion friends apparently have a lot of 22 00:01:42.159 --> 00:01:45.599 followers on Tiktok. But it's kind of fun reading some of their comments. 23 00:01:45.719 --> 00:01:49.560 Some of them are grievous and gross and disgusting. Um, some of them 24 00:01:49.560 --> 00:01:53.879 are fun to read. So but either way, yeah, yeah, Um. 25 00:01:53.920 --> 00:01:56.760 Either way, though, we would encourage you guys to leave us a 26 00:01:56.920 --> 00:02:00.000 five star review if you're able to let other folks know about this podcast that 27 00:02:00.079 --> 00:02:04.079 you think they would be blessed to listen to it. Just reach out and 28 00:02:04.280 --> 00:02:07.639 shared on social media and every other avenue that you have so that more folks 29 00:02:07.680 --> 00:02:14.560 can get equipped and encouraged. So we're gonna jump right into our episode today. 30 00:02:14.680 --> 00:02:20.360 We're gonna talk about scientific reasons to not abort or not to abort, 31 00:02:20.879 --> 00:02:23.919 scientific reasons to stand for life. Maybe that's a better way to word it 32 00:02:23.960 --> 00:02:28.400 scientific reasons to protect the PREBORN, and so we're gonna dig into some of 33 00:02:28.400 --> 00:02:30.639 that. So this could be applied whenever you're reaching out at the abortion center, 34 00:02:30.879 --> 00:02:35.719 maybe to a mom going in, certainly maybe to a friend that has 35 00:02:35.919 --> 00:02:39.080 a mom that's inside there, the boyfriend, family member or whatever, maybe 36 00:02:39.120 --> 00:02:44.719 in conversations with some of your friends that might be pro abortion or, quote, 37 00:02:44.759 --> 00:02:47.800 pro choice. So what are some of the scientific reasons that we should 38 00:02:47.840 --> 00:02:53.080 stand? Now we know, because this is a gospel centered pro life podcast 39 00:02:53.680 --> 00:02:57.639 and because we know that the foundation of truth is the God of truth himself, 40 00:02:58.520 --> 00:03:00.919 that we need to bring God into the equation. Right, if God 41 00:03:01.560 --> 00:03:06.080 um, if God's not even the equation, then really, what value does 42 00:03:06.159 --> 00:03:08.840 human life have beyond any other animal or creature or whatever? Right, we 43 00:03:08.919 --> 00:03:15.840 believe that human beings have an intrinsic value that is other than any other creature, 44 00:03:15.240 --> 00:03:19.919 because human beings are the only creature that are made in the image of 45 00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:23.800 God. So that's foundational. That's absolutely the case. But also we have 46 00:03:23.879 --> 00:03:30.240 to acknowledge all truth is God's truth, right, all truth is God's truth, 47 00:03:30.719 --> 00:03:36.000 and so scientific truths that have been uncovered kind of reveal this truth that 48 00:03:36.080 --> 00:03:40.719 the Bible speaks of that every human being is Um is precious and should be 49 00:03:40.759 --> 00:03:45.840 protected, and that human life doesn't just begin when a person is born, 50 00:03:45.879 --> 00:03:50.159 but human life begins at conception and as a matter of fact, I don't 51 00:03:50.159 --> 00:03:54.159 know if you have it in the article, but about nine. So if 52 00:03:54.199 --> 00:03:58.240 you if you ask the question, and I've been doing this with probortion people 53 00:03:58.319 --> 00:04:01.240 lately, asked them the question when does life begin and they say well, 54 00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:04.479 no one really knows. And so the next question is, who is most 55 00:04:04.560 --> 00:04:08.960 qualified in your estimation to answer that question? Do you have that in the 56 00:04:09.039 --> 00:04:14.159 article? I don't. I'm interesting. So. So who is most qualified 57 00:04:14.360 --> 00:04:17.759 in your estimation? Talking to a pro abortion person who loves science and all 58 00:04:17.800 --> 00:04:21.319 these other things, claims to love science, at least until science doesn't fit 59 00:04:21.360 --> 00:04:26.759 their agenda. So what asked them, who is most qualified in your estimation 60 00:04:26.839 --> 00:04:30.839 to tell us when life begins? Would it be biologists? And they would 61 00:04:30.839 --> 00:04:33.839 say I think so. Biologists should be able to tell us, at least 62 00:04:33.879 --> 00:04:40.199 they're the most qualified to tell us when life begins. Did you know that, 63 00:04:40.240 --> 00:04:44.759 according to a secular research paper, and I actually probably should put the 64 00:04:44.800 --> 00:04:51.199 link somewhere here, that of biologists agree that life begins at conception. It 65 00:04:51.319 --> 00:04:56.560 does, right, yeah, I mean it's it's really you don't have to 66 00:04:56.639 --> 00:05:00.920 be a super deep thinking person to figure that out right. But just the 67 00:05:00.959 --> 00:05:04.639 fact that biologists agree with like reality, I guess, can help people who 68 00:05:04.720 --> 00:05:10.800 don't agree with reality come to reality. So you're actually going against science to 69 00:05:11.000 --> 00:05:15.959 say that life doesn't begin at conception or no one really knows. Of scientists 70 00:05:16.240 --> 00:05:21.879 say that life begins at conception. As a secular, scientifically minded person, 71 00:05:21.920 --> 00:05:26.560 wouldn't you just agree that life begins at conception? But of course they push 72 00:05:26.639 --> 00:05:29.720 back and they'll say things like well, it may be life, but it's 73 00:05:29.759 --> 00:05:31.319 not a person, and then you get into a personhood and all the other 74 00:05:31.319 --> 00:05:33.639 stuff. We may dig into some of that, but that's just, on 75 00:05:33.680 --> 00:05:38.120 its face, kind of the flow of the conversation that I have with pro 76 00:05:38.160 --> 00:05:42.199 abortion people. WHO's most qualified, in your estimation, tells when life begins? 77 00:05:43.160 --> 00:05:47.120 Well, I think it's biologists. Okay, biologists say that life begins 78 00:05:47.120 --> 00:05:53.959 at conception. What do they say? I mean, they're probably like biologists 79 00:05:54.000 --> 00:05:58.560 that deal with metaphysics and who knows what else. They're probably like wicked biologists 80 00:05:58.639 --> 00:06:01.240 or who knows what they are. I can't imagine that there's seven percent that 81 00:06:01.319 --> 00:06:05.920 wouldn't agree with the fact that life begins at the moment that spurn spurn meets 82 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:13.079 egg. But all of the medical journals I have ever read say that they 83 00:06:13.560 --> 00:06:19.519 uniformly believe human life begins at conception. So Um, yeah, and and 84 00:06:19.560 --> 00:06:25.519 the reason that these are all important things. I loved how you phrased it, 85 00:06:26.120 --> 00:06:30.120 that everything points to God, whether it's directly out of the Bible or 86 00:06:30.160 --> 00:06:35.240 whether it's just the proof of all creation. All creation does declare his glory. 87 00:06:35.279 --> 00:06:41.000 We should be able to find God in in everything. Um, but 88 00:06:41.639 --> 00:06:46.079 so often, especially in more liberal cities that are serving in front of abortion 89 00:06:46.120 --> 00:06:50.319 centers, people will tell them I don't believe in God, and I'll listen 90 00:06:50.360 --> 00:06:54.199 to you, I'll talk with you, but you can't talk about God. 91 00:06:54.439 --> 00:06:58.639 Don't bring God into the equation, and I will always find a way to 92 00:06:58.720 --> 00:07:04.720 do so. But I also think it's very important and actually not hard to 93 00:07:05.000 --> 00:07:13.079 argue for the sanctity of human life, unborn human life, from a strictly 94 00:07:13.240 --> 00:07:17.360 scientific perspective, and that's what we're trying to do in this article and podcast. 95 00:07:17.680 --> 00:07:20.399 Yeah, I mean the science is on our side. There's no doubt 96 00:07:20.399 --> 00:07:25.319 about that, even to the point where you know you have ultrasound technology now 97 00:07:25.319 --> 00:07:28.800 that if you deny that a baby in the womb at six weeks bees, 98 00:07:28.879 --> 00:07:30.959 but as early as you can see it with an ultrasound, a regular ultrasound, 99 00:07:31.319 --> 00:07:35.199 but at six weeks, if you deny that, that that embryo is 100 00:07:35.240 --> 00:07:42.639 alive, you're just denying reality. Yeah, that's you have an agenda and 101 00:07:42.759 --> 00:07:47.079 you've you've let go of reality in order to enforce your agenda. And if 102 00:07:47.160 --> 00:07:57.959 you attack, as in US attack that premise that life does begin at concept, 103 00:07:58.120 --> 00:08:01.920 does not begin at conception, you attack act that pro choice premise. 104 00:08:01.639 --> 00:08:07.600 They can't build on it to where they have ended up saying that it's okay 105 00:08:07.680 --> 00:08:11.399 to kill a baby and on born baby. Really all the way up until 106 00:08:11.439 --> 00:08:15.879 birth. They're going to have to keep shifting their definition of when life begins, 107 00:08:16.319 --> 00:08:20.040 because most will say that yet it's not human, that that's that's where 108 00:08:20.079 --> 00:08:22.959 we differ. They claim it it's not a person, it's not human, 109 00:08:24.639 --> 00:08:26.839 and that I don't even know if I go directly into this in the article, 110 00:08:26.879 --> 00:08:28.680 so I'll say it right now. It's one of the first things I 111 00:08:28.920 --> 00:08:33.919 always say on the mic Um when I'm calling out, you know, of 112 00:08:33.000 --> 00:08:37.960 our sound system to the women is from the moment of conception, all the 113 00:08:37.120 --> 00:08:43.480 human DNA, not the squirreld DNA, Turtle DNA, human DNA, is 114 00:08:43.519 --> 00:08:50.559 all present already at the moment of conception, and so that tells us that 115 00:08:50.720 --> 00:08:56.440 is the earliest beginning of human life, not just of life but of human 116 00:08:56.559 --> 00:09:05.440 life. And until really a abortion, personhood and human humanhood meant the same 117 00:09:05.480 --> 00:09:07.519 thing, right. Yeah, yeah, and now they're trying to know to 118 00:09:07.559 --> 00:09:11.080 be a person, all you have to do is be a human. So 119 00:09:11.120 --> 00:09:16.320 here's another train of thought that I've kind of walked through and talked through pro 120 00:09:16.480 --> 00:09:18.960 boards out here at Latrobe and other pro boards and other cities and just try 121 00:09:20.000 --> 00:09:24.279 to help them to understand how ridiculous some of what they say is. When 122 00:09:24.320 --> 00:09:26.120 I asked them when does life begin? And they say, well, we 123 00:09:26.200 --> 00:09:31.279 don't know, we don't really know. And so an analogy I'll give. 124 00:09:31.320 --> 00:09:35.039 Okay, there's a school down the road from your house and someone's about to 125 00:09:35.080 --> 00:09:39.639 take a wrecking ball and knock that school down, um because they're gonna build 126 00:09:39.720 --> 00:09:43.600 something else there. If they were about to swing the wrecking ball, and 127 00:09:43.639 --> 00:09:46.120 I walk up to the guy who's in control of the wrecking ball and I 128 00:09:46.159 --> 00:09:50.279 say is there? Is there any human lives inside of that building, and 129 00:09:50.320 --> 00:09:54.720 he says I don't know, like we really can't know, then you shouldn't 130 00:09:54.720 --> 00:10:00.080 swing the wrecking ball. If you're not sure that there's not a huge in 131 00:10:00.200 --> 00:10:03.840 life, not a child, inside of that building, then you don't need. 132 00:10:03.080 --> 00:10:07.039 You don't need to crank up the machine that's going to destroy the place 133 00:10:07.159 --> 00:10:09.399 right in the same way, if you say, well, we don't really 134 00:10:09.440 --> 00:10:13.120 know when life begins, what you're saying is it could be a human life, 135 00:10:13.120 --> 00:10:16.440 it could be a person, but it could not be. So when 136 00:10:16.519 --> 00:10:18.159 in doubt, throw it out. That's the mentality win in down well, 137 00:10:18.159 --> 00:10:22.320 we're not really sure it's let's just go ahead and kill it anyway. And 138 00:10:22.879 --> 00:10:26.840 like that just doesn't fly. Another thing is too this is another question I 139 00:10:26.879 --> 00:10:30.559 ask pro abortion people when they say, well, because some of them have 140 00:10:30.639 --> 00:10:35.000 said it's not a person, it might may be alive, because you'd have 141 00:10:35.039 --> 00:10:37.720 to not deny reality and deny science and most of them you can get to 142 00:10:37.759 --> 00:10:41.360 that position to realize that yes, it is a life, but it's not 143 00:10:41.399 --> 00:10:46.399 a person. So it's a life and it's a human life. This is 144 00:10:46.600 --> 00:10:50.159 my train of thought. It's a human life because too humans conceived this life, 145 00:10:50.639 --> 00:10:56.200 but it's not a person. Okay. Are there any other human lives 146 00:10:56.240 --> 00:11:00.559 that are not persons? Is it only the unborn? Are there poll that 147 00:11:00.600 --> 00:11:03.159 are different than you that are also not persons? Because that's essentially what you're 148 00:11:03.159 --> 00:11:07.279 saying. You're saying this is a human life, but because of traits that 149 00:11:07.360 --> 00:11:09.159 it has that I don't, or that it doesn't have that I do, 150 00:11:09.679 --> 00:11:15.159 it somehow is not a person. and to to me that sounds really Nazi 151 00:11:15.440 --> 00:11:18.440 esque. It really sounds like you're segmenting out certain groups of people and saying 152 00:11:18.440 --> 00:11:22.200 they're non persons, but you get to maintain your personhood, and that's pretty 153 00:11:22.200 --> 00:11:26.679 convenient for you, isn't so? Again, you're trying to pin them down 154 00:11:26.679 --> 00:11:31.840 with this reality that they are being Um, they're being bigots. Actually they 155 00:11:31.879 --> 00:11:35.919 are. They are taking a population of human lives and saying their lives are 156 00:11:35.960 --> 00:11:39.120 not worthy to be protected. Right and in fact, Um. So I'll 157 00:11:39.120 --> 00:11:43.960 say, when do they become a person? To Take Your where you've gone 158 00:11:43.000 --> 00:11:45.960 with it, which was great, and then take it, you know, 159 00:11:46.039 --> 00:11:48.919 to the next step. Well, when did they become at what point in 160 00:11:48.960 --> 00:11:52.720 this process. Do they would you call them a person? They'll sometimes say 161 00:11:52.720 --> 00:11:56.200 when they take their first breath, and then you say, and how about 162 00:11:56.360 --> 00:12:00.799 that second before they again? You just bring it to their to help them 163 00:12:00.840 --> 00:12:05.159 to understand their their premises flawed. It's just flat out wrong. Um. 164 00:12:05.320 --> 00:12:09.240 So also, I think you brought up a really good point. Another point. 165 00:12:09.360 --> 00:12:11.600 I don't think it's in the article. Maybe it is, but I 166 00:12:11.639 --> 00:12:18.879 think it's very important. What other vulnerable people group do we allow ourselves to 167 00:12:18.919 --> 00:12:26.360 prey upon? And the greatest atrocities in the history of all humanity is when 168 00:12:26.639 --> 00:12:31.440 we have allowed ourselves to pray on a vulnerable people group, and that's exactly 169 00:12:31.440 --> 00:12:35.840 what's happening in abortion. So anyway, so that those are all kind of 170 00:12:35.840 --> 00:12:39.759 an over overview of some of the places that you can go, one of 171 00:12:39.799 --> 00:12:43.399 the places many people go, and I don't think it should be where they 172 00:12:43.759 --> 00:12:48.840 spend all their time, but that abortion does harm women, and there certainly 173 00:12:50.200 --> 00:12:56.120 is scientific support that abortion harms women. Of course, planned parenthood and industries 174 00:12:56.159 --> 00:13:00.919 that, um, that are supporting it will say novice is not true and 175 00:13:00.960 --> 00:13:05.240 that that literature is buried, but it's there. You you can find it. 176 00:13:05.279 --> 00:13:11.360 There are there is just no doubt that abortion does harm women. Um, 177 00:13:11.600 --> 00:13:16.399 the studies showing the link to breast cancer. UH, again, they 178 00:13:16.440 --> 00:13:20.080 will deny it, they will say this is not true. I think I've 179 00:13:20.120 --> 00:13:24.399 said many times on this podcast that my own on oncologist, when he looked 180 00:13:24.440 --> 00:13:30.440 at my breast cancer, said I had zero risk in any area. I 181 00:13:30.480 --> 00:13:33.200 didn't have the gene, I didn't have the lifestyle. I'm healthy. I 182 00:13:33.240 --> 00:13:37.799 then I always have been. Always exercise, always have eaten the right things, 183 00:13:39.440 --> 00:13:43.720 and yet I got breast cancer. And he said the only contributing factor 184 00:13:43.759 --> 00:13:46.879 that he could find in my history, and they did all kinds of tests, 185 00:13:48.639 --> 00:13:52.000 was the prior abortion, at which point I said, are you saying 186 00:13:52.279 --> 00:13:54.559 that there is a link? And he said definitively. He was the head 187 00:13:54.600 --> 00:13:58.600 of Levine Cancer Institute. I think he still is. So Um. You 188 00:13:58.600 --> 00:14:05.279 know, that's pretty significant that someone in the field has admitted there is undoubtedly 189 00:14:05.759 --> 00:14:07.960 a link. At my own personal he doesn't know what he's talking about. 190 00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:13.440 The abortion people, they know what they're client. Who makes money off of 191 00:14:13.840 --> 00:14:16.159 doing the abortions? They know what they're talking about. But the head of 192 00:14:16.159 --> 00:14:18.879 the oncology department, he doesn't really know what he's talking really. So there 193 00:14:18.960 --> 00:14:24.440 is this analysis that did look at all of these studies of breast cancer and 194 00:14:24.440 --> 00:14:28.159 it found that there was a fort increased risk of breast cancer among females who 195 00:14:28.200 --> 00:14:35.200 had at least one induced abortion, and that risk increased to seventy for those 196 00:14:35.200 --> 00:14:41.159 who had had two to three abortions respectively. S Risk goes up the and 197 00:14:41.240 --> 00:14:43.480 I have studied why. I'm not going to go into it right now, 198 00:14:43.759 --> 00:14:46.919 but I do think people should look into it because it also helps explain the 199 00:14:46.960 --> 00:14:52.679 difference between the breast cancer risk with abortion versus miscarriage, which does not appear 200 00:14:54.000 --> 00:14:56.919 to have a breast cancer risk associated with as far as I know. I 201 00:14:56.919 --> 00:15:01.440 could be wrong about that. So in this article, because we're gonna post 202 00:15:01.440 --> 00:15:05.840 this on sidewalks for life, will you have like footnotes and links to these 203 00:15:05.840 --> 00:15:09.759 studies? They are in there somewhere and if they're not, off finding, 204 00:15:09.840 --> 00:15:13.440 but I'm pretty sure that they are, because I uh yeah, uh yeah, 205 00:15:13.559 --> 00:15:16.480 I do. I put up at the top of it from Um. 206 00:15:16.519 --> 00:15:22.679 This is the bulk of the medical information, is from from compass care, 207 00:15:22.799 --> 00:15:26.440 dot info, slash health information, abortion, and it goes on and on, 208 00:15:26.480 --> 00:15:31.000 but I do have that link. And then in that article. Um 209 00:15:31.120 --> 00:15:35.559 are all of the links of the research studies which I cite in this article, 210 00:15:35.639 --> 00:15:39.039 so you can look those up for yourselves, which is really, I 211 00:15:39.080 --> 00:15:43.120 think, a good thing to do. STDS, public inflammatory disease, that 212 00:15:43.799 --> 00:15:52.559 there's been a strong link between abortion and those Um mental health issues, which 213 00:15:52.799 --> 00:15:58.600 include suicide. Now we see that. We I don't know that I see 214 00:15:58.639 --> 00:16:03.360 suicide. I have. I've seen people threatening suicide as the result of abortion, 215 00:16:03.720 --> 00:16:07.919 but I do see the depression, that despair, the angst and often 216 00:16:07.960 --> 00:16:12.320 the suicidal thoughts that that follow abortion. And the literature supports that. Is 217 00:16:12.360 --> 00:16:18.399 there more women who have had an abortion and Um commit suicide than those who 218 00:16:18.440 --> 00:16:26.759 have not. So Um infertility and future child bearing is another thing that Um 219 00:16:26.840 --> 00:16:32.240 that is a linked with increased abortions. You know, it makes sense. 220 00:16:32.840 --> 00:16:37.600 Complications can arise that cause infection, damage to the uterus and other, you 221 00:16:37.639 --> 00:16:42.039 know, other reproductive organs, and so it can increase the risk for future 222 00:16:42.559 --> 00:16:47.360 child bearing. And some of the saddest stories we hear on the sidewalk are 223 00:16:47.399 --> 00:16:51.279 the women who come back and they do that tell us I had an abortion 224 00:16:51.399 --> 00:16:55.840 here years and years ago because it wasn't the right time for a family and 225 00:16:55.879 --> 00:16:59.480 then I got married, I was ready to start a family and I couldn't. 226 00:17:00.039 --> 00:17:03.759 I couldn't get pregnant. The only baby I ever had was the baby 227 00:17:03.799 --> 00:17:08.599 that I killed. So Um, yeah. So uh, there. You 228 00:17:08.640 --> 00:17:14.680 can read the article, look up these links, but that is a definitely 229 00:17:14.720 --> 00:17:18.599 a tactic you can take in talking to the people. Is Abortion not only 230 00:17:18.640 --> 00:17:25.359 clearly destroys the baby, but it destroys the women in so many ways. 231 00:17:26.559 --> 00:17:32.400 One of the things that I have recently started saying and thinking about is the 232 00:17:32.440 --> 00:17:37.279 only human relationship that everyone shares, it's the only one, is the relationship 233 00:17:37.359 --> 00:17:41.519 between a mother and a child. Now, the you know, because the 234 00:17:41.559 --> 00:17:44.960 father could be long out of the picture by the time a baby is born, 235 00:17:45.759 --> 00:17:51.039 but every child experiences a relationship with the mother. The mother could die 236 00:17:51.359 --> 00:17:56.480 in childbirth or whatever. Sometimes that happened, so that experience was limited to 237 00:17:56.559 --> 00:18:00.400 while the baby was in the womb. But that baby here a heartbeat, 238 00:18:00.559 --> 00:18:04.000 presumably, depending on yeah, yeah, they would have heard a heartbeat. 239 00:18:04.359 --> 00:18:08.640 Um, if the baby is born now and their mother has died. So 240 00:18:08.920 --> 00:18:18.160 Um, it's the most primary and universal relationship on Earth, human relationship on 241 00:18:18.200 --> 00:18:22.799 earth, and I hadn't really thought much about that before. But think about 242 00:18:22.880 --> 00:18:30.680 that and how abortion severs that, severs that most primary universal relationship. How 243 00:18:30.720 --> 00:18:37.039 could it not damage both the child, obviously, but the mother as well? 244 00:18:37.200 --> 00:18:42.759 Yeah. So, so that's an area you can you can go into. 245 00:18:44.039 --> 00:18:48.319 Um, we touched upon the logic of why we should protect the vulnerable. 246 00:18:48.680 --> 00:18:52.680 Why should we protect a vulnerable people group? Is it such a big 247 00:18:52.680 --> 00:18:56.839 deal? Right? Well, I mean I think kind of like just intrinsically, 248 00:18:56.920 --> 00:19:02.559 we know that those that can't protect themselves need our protection. You know, 249 00:19:02.640 --> 00:19:07.720 it's like, you know, if you see typically right, if you 250 00:19:07.799 --> 00:19:11.640 see, and this is an analogy to people drowning in a pond, flailing 251 00:19:11.680 --> 00:19:15.079 and can't can't get out because they can't swim, one's a thirty year old 252 00:19:15.119 --> 00:19:18.480 man and one's a six year old child, you're gonna save the six year 253 00:19:18.480 --> 00:19:22.200 old child first, especially if he's bobbing underwater. The man is floating on 254 00:19:22.279 --> 00:19:26.200 his back doing okay, but that child's gonna Drown. Yeah, but either, 255 00:19:26.319 --> 00:19:30.839 if they're even if they're both not doing so well, you're gonna Save 256 00:19:30.880 --> 00:19:34.920 the Child first because you recognize that child is a lot more vulnerable. We 257 00:19:34.920 --> 00:19:41.039 we flipped that upside down when we um are okay with abortion. Right, 258 00:19:41.079 --> 00:19:44.440 these children in the womb are the most vulnerable, right, they can't even 259 00:19:44.480 --> 00:19:48.559 speak for themselves. And so again you flip that on on its head and 260 00:19:48.839 --> 00:19:55.720 we become a pretty, Um, pretty callous society and I believe the abortion, 261 00:19:56.519 --> 00:20:00.799 the whole abortion agenda, that culture of death, has really taken root 262 00:20:00.839 --> 00:20:04.720 in our society where we have become pretty callous, pretty callous to the suffering 263 00:20:04.720 --> 00:20:10.440 and the pain of other people, pretty selfish, and I believe, you 264 00:20:10.480 --> 00:20:15.319 know, US not protecting the most vulnerable is the root of that. Yeah, 265 00:20:15.839 --> 00:20:19.319 I mean that is exactly what the abortion movement does in so many areas. 266 00:20:19.319 --> 00:20:26.039 But flipping things on its head, flipping what is typically touted as a 267 00:20:26.240 --> 00:20:33.799 sign of healthy and strong humanity, which is to protect the vulnerable, and 268 00:20:33.839 --> 00:20:37.119 instead we're going to prey on the vulnerable because we can, because we're stronger 269 00:20:37.160 --> 00:20:42.640 and we're able. So, Um, I think that's a powerful argument that 270 00:20:42.640 --> 00:20:52.000 that could be mentioned human design. So the one organ in all human beings 271 00:20:52.480 --> 00:20:59.559 that is of no use to the person in which that organ resides is the 272 00:20:59.599 --> 00:21:02.920 womb. The womb doesn't do the mother any good. I just said this 273 00:21:03.000 --> 00:21:06.160 today to a woman I was counseling car side said, does the wound do 274 00:21:06.200 --> 00:21:11.200 you any good? No, it doesn't contribute in any way to the health 275 00:21:11.240 --> 00:21:17.720 of the woman. It is purely there for another human being. There is 276 00:21:17.759 --> 00:21:22.480 a reason. There's a reason why we don't disrupt God's design. I will 277 00:21:22.519 --> 00:21:26.039 bring in God. They told me not to talk about God, maybe, 278 00:21:26.279 --> 00:21:32.119 but that's a point at where I will talk about this is designed for another 279 00:21:32.680 --> 00:21:37.079 person, another human being, another body again, which is kind of dismantling 280 00:21:37.079 --> 00:21:42.480 them. My Body, my choice. Yeah, absolutely. So, Um, 281 00:21:42.559 --> 00:21:49.160 let's see human rights, just thinking about human rights as certainly as our 282 00:21:49.200 --> 00:21:53.799 founding documents say, they're in alienable, and I'll ask people what does that 283 00:21:53.839 --> 00:22:00.160 mean? A lot of people don't know. But our society, I. 284 00:22:00.200 --> 00:22:04.400 Don't come from outer space. No, inalienable. So it didn't come from 285 00:22:04.400 --> 00:22:10.079 outer space. So it's intrinsic. It's there. It's bestowed upon us, 286 00:22:10.160 --> 00:22:14.039 not by government, you know, not by the mother or father. The 287 00:22:14.240 --> 00:22:18.240 human right to life is a human right bestowed upon us by God. It 288 00:22:18.359 --> 00:22:22.880 is an intrinsic right because God has created us and given us that right. 289 00:22:22.920 --> 00:22:30.559 He's the author of life. Um, and I think it's UH in today's 290 00:22:30.640 --> 00:22:36.319 age, I have found that if I start talking about school shootings with with 291 00:22:36.359 --> 00:22:38.920 a mom and say why do you think they're happening? Why do you think 292 00:22:38.920 --> 00:22:41.920 there's so much of this happen? They'll say people just don't care anymore. 293 00:22:41.960 --> 00:22:47.920 People don't care about the value of life. This will be an abortion minded 294 00:22:47.920 --> 00:22:52.640 mom saying this to me. What a great springboard for you to take off. 295 00:22:52.720 --> 00:22:56.680 Then on Um and I'll say you're absolutely right, and I think it 296 00:22:56.680 --> 00:23:03.640 begins with the unborn. If value the least of us, one day we're 297 00:23:03.640 --> 00:23:06.839 going to be the least of us and we're going to be devalued by someone. 298 00:23:07.799 --> 00:23:11.279 Yeah, it's it's that culture of death and Um. Like I said 299 00:23:11.279 --> 00:23:17.519 earlier, it is a cancer in our society. We become callous to the 300 00:23:17.599 --> 00:23:22.279 plight of even the most innocent and it really does have an effect on society. 301 00:23:23.039 --> 00:23:27.480 So kind of uh, I guess. Wrapping up this episode, Let's 302 00:23:27.519 --> 00:23:33.720 talk about the sled methods. We're talking about apologetics, giving an apologetic we 303 00:23:33.799 --> 00:23:40.319 talked about scientific apologetics for the value of human life. Why abortion should be 304 00:23:40.359 --> 00:23:44.920 illegal, why we should fight against abortion. It hurts women, it destroys 305 00:23:44.960 --> 00:23:49.240 innocent lives. Um, but Scott Klusendorff is a guy I don't know him 306 00:23:49.279 --> 00:23:52.960 personally, but I've read and I've watched a lot of his videos, read 307 00:23:52.960 --> 00:23:56.440 a lot of his literature and he really has, I think, a powerful 308 00:23:56.720 --> 00:24:04.119 method of helping people understand, Um, what gives us value as human beings. 309 00:24:04.160 --> 00:24:08.720 And kind of just a spoiler alert here. What gives us value as 310 00:24:08.759 --> 00:24:14.519 human beings is the fact that we're human beings. No trait that I have 311 00:24:14.720 --> 00:24:18.960 or that you have makes me more valuable than you or you more valuable than 312 00:24:18.039 --> 00:24:22.640 me. It's not the traits that we possess or that we don't possess, 313 00:24:22.000 --> 00:24:26.640 it's the very fact that we're human. And so it's got cluesendorff lays out 314 00:24:26.720 --> 00:24:32.440 this sled method to help people understand the value of human life, and sled 315 00:24:32.559 --> 00:24:37.240 stands for size, level of development, environment and degree of dependency. So 316 00:24:37.279 --> 00:24:40.279 I don't know if you want to talk through that and kind of how you 317 00:24:40.359 --> 00:24:42.599 use that apologetic to help people see the value of human life. I use 318 00:24:42.680 --> 00:24:47.440 this all the time. This um I don't go into great depth, but 319 00:24:47.519 --> 00:24:52.279 I will frequently use this method because it's very effective. Like you said, 320 00:24:52.119 --> 00:24:56.920 I will start with I'll ask the question what gives us value? Can you 321 00:24:56.960 --> 00:25:00.880 tell me what gives you value? I'll ask them, um that oftentimes they 322 00:25:00.920 --> 00:25:06.680 don't know. They often times can't answer that. And if they can't answer 323 00:25:06.720 --> 00:25:08.799 it, well, no, wonder then that they're not valuing their baby. 324 00:25:08.960 --> 00:25:12.519 They don't value themselves. They don't know why they are of any value. 325 00:25:14.200 --> 00:25:18.759 So I'll start with well, you know, I'm I'm a fairly small woman. 326 00:25:18.240 --> 00:25:22.559 Am I of less value than a larger women? Women? No, 327 00:25:22.279 --> 00:25:27.720 the everyone will admit now. No, size doesn't determine value. Um. 328 00:25:27.799 --> 00:25:33.960 And then how how about? Um, uh, you know the you're two 329 00:25:34.000 --> 00:25:38.279 year old WHO's smaller than your three year old. Is your two year old 330 00:25:38.319 --> 00:25:44.039 of less value? No. Well, how about your unborn baby that's smaller 331 00:25:44.079 --> 00:25:48.480 than you're two year old? We've just determined it's not the size that gives 332 00:25:48.559 --> 00:25:52.720 value. So they'll agree with that. The usually okay, that makes sense 333 00:25:52.759 --> 00:25:57.519 because you're being logical. Um, how about level of development? So we're 334 00:25:57.559 --> 00:26:03.359 we're all at different levels of development, and something I trot out often when 335 00:26:03.359 --> 00:26:07.440 I'm talking about human development is the human being is not fully developed. The 336 00:26:07.519 --> 00:26:12.079 brain is not fully developed until about age thirty. It's in the late twenties, 337 00:26:12.119 --> 00:26:18.680 early thirties when the there's the nerves that go to the frontal lobe, 338 00:26:18.880 --> 00:26:22.839 which is the seat of judgment of the brain, which makes a lot of 339 00:26:22.960 --> 00:26:29.319 sense why young adults and teenagers and all sometimes don't make the best judgments about 340 00:26:29.359 --> 00:26:33.160 things. Because they're those nerves. Don't have the nerve sheath that surrounds the 341 00:26:33.200 --> 00:26:38.440 nerve that helps with the transmission of of Um, the transmission of those nerves, 342 00:26:38.839 --> 00:26:44.440 and that's why teenagers do stupid is. There is a neurological reason. 343 00:26:44.519 --> 00:26:48.920 They are not those nerves sheaths are not fully milinated. That word is hard 344 00:26:48.960 --> 00:26:52.839 to say, but but so they are not complete. They are not complete. 345 00:26:52.880 --> 00:26:56.720 The development of those nerves is not complete. And it doesn't happen to 346 00:26:56.799 --> 00:27:00.400 the thirties, then I'll say, so, would it be okay, since 347 00:27:00.400 --> 00:27:04.680 they're not fully developed, that we just kill everyone under thirty when they you 348 00:27:04.680 --> 00:27:08.160 know, maybe they've done some really stupid things or whatever, you don't like 349 00:27:08.240 --> 00:27:11.480 them. And of course everyone says no, that's ridiculous. Well, that's 350 00:27:11.519 --> 00:27:15.880 the logic that is often used. That baby isn't fully developed. Therefore it's 351 00:27:15.920 --> 00:27:19.039 okay to kill that baby in the womb. And I'll say, do you 352 00:27:19.119 --> 00:27:23.000 see why that argument is really not a good argument for killing that child and 353 00:27:23.000 --> 00:27:27.319 they'll agree, usually. Um. Then I'll say, okay, how about 354 00:27:27.519 --> 00:27:32.799 where I live? I live in North Carolina, ten miles away is South 355 00:27:32.839 --> 00:27:34.519 Carolina, because we're pretty close to the border. Am I right about that? 356 00:27:34.680 --> 00:27:38.880 They were pretty close. Um, am I am. I have more 357 00:27:38.960 --> 00:27:45.400 value because I live in North Carolina then the person who lives in South Carolina. 358 00:27:45.480 --> 00:27:48.920 And they'll say no, of course not. Well, why not? 359 00:27:48.279 --> 00:27:52.599 Well, because where you live doesn't determine your value. All right. Well, 360 00:27:52.640 --> 00:27:56.480 how about the baby in the womb? is she of more or less 361 00:27:56.559 --> 00:28:00.359 value than the baby outside of the womb? It's just different environment, whether 362 00:28:00.359 --> 00:28:03.240 you're inside a house or outside. In a house, you're still a human 363 00:28:03.279 --> 00:28:07.799 being and you're still valuable. And the inside or outside. That's right. 364 00:28:07.920 --> 00:28:11.359 And so, yeah, and that's a great thing, saying in or outside 365 00:28:11.359 --> 00:28:14.400 a house, because everyone can relate to that. In the womb is the 366 00:28:14.400 --> 00:28:18.799 baby's house, and and and, but it doesn't change value because the babies 367 00:28:18.880 --> 00:28:21.599 in the house are out of the House. It's still the same baby. 368 00:28:22.039 --> 00:28:25.599 Um. And then the last one that they say is, and we hear 369 00:28:25.640 --> 00:28:30.319 this one a lot, babies are Um. An unborn child is fully dependent 370 00:28:30.759 --> 00:28:34.160 upon their mother for life, and that is true. They are, but 371 00:28:34.279 --> 00:28:38.319 so is a newborn, and in fact so is my father in the last 372 00:28:38.400 --> 00:28:42.759 years of his life, dependent upon oxygen and the doctors and the treatments they 373 00:28:42.759 --> 00:28:48.640 were giving him Um or anyone on uh, you know, dialysis. There 374 00:28:48.680 --> 00:28:55.759 are so many examples medically of people who would die except that they're dependent on 375 00:28:56.000 --> 00:29:00.839 some other person to either provide an intervention in or to provide care or whatever. 376 00:29:02.960 --> 00:29:06.720 And yet does was my dad of less value? No, of course 377 00:29:06.799 --> 00:29:11.640 not. Or a person on dialysis while they're on that dialysis machine, when 378 00:29:11.680 --> 00:29:15.759 they would die if you suddenly just shut it down. What does that make 379 00:29:15.799 --> 00:29:18.160 them of less value? Of course not. And the same is true of 380 00:29:18.160 --> 00:29:22.680 the baby in the womb. Uh, the baby is dependent on the mother 381 00:29:22.759 --> 00:29:26.559 and will be for many years, but her value is not determined by that 382 00:29:26.640 --> 00:29:30.519 dependency. And so what it boils down to? Is it size that gives 383 00:29:30.559 --> 00:29:34.839 the human being their value? No. Is it level of development? No, 384 00:29:36.279 --> 00:29:38.799 is it environment? No, is it degree of dependency? And of 385 00:29:38.799 --> 00:29:44.359 course these are all the arguments that pro abortion people give. Those things can't 386 00:29:44.400 --> 00:29:48.359 give humans value, because there are humans other than the preborn that have those 387 00:29:48.400 --> 00:29:55.079 things different. All of us are in varying ranges of development and dependency and 388 00:29:55.119 --> 00:29:59.519 all that stuff. So what is it that gives a human their value? 389 00:29:59.720 --> 00:30:03.440 It's the very fact that they're human. They're human and they're made and God, 390 00:30:03.480 --> 00:30:04.960 and that's when I will bring God in. I will, I will 391 00:30:06.039 --> 00:30:08.440 bring in that sentence and let it say. If they won't let me do 392 00:30:08.559 --> 00:30:14.640 more, the only thing that makes sense. Why? We're human and we're 393 00:30:14.640 --> 00:30:18.519 made in God's holy image and our value comes from that and you can't. 394 00:30:18.720 --> 00:30:25.559 It doesn't change from conception till death. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, 395 00:30:25.559 --> 00:30:29.119 guys, hopefully this was helpful. Hopefully this equipped you to be able 396 00:30:29.160 --> 00:30:33.039 to give an apologetic and there's a lot of other resources out there. There 397 00:30:33.039 --> 00:30:37.039 are certainly people that do things as far as apologetics a lot better than us. 398 00:30:37.079 --> 00:30:41.960 You can check out Scott Klusendorf. I believe the organization is Life Institute, 399 00:30:41.319 --> 00:30:45.519 Life Training Institute. Anyway, you can look it up. I'm not 400 00:30:45.519 --> 00:30:48.039 going to try to spell CLUESENDORF for you, though, so you can google 401 00:30:48.039 --> 00:30:51.319 it just like it sounds. Yeah, Um Seth Gruber, there's another guy. 402 00:30:51.480 --> 00:30:53.799 He does a great job with apologetics, great speaker. He's done a 403 00:30:53.799 --> 00:30:57.200 lot of stuff with love life. Is certainly a guy that God has used 404 00:30:57.200 --> 00:31:00.759 out on the West Coast, certainly to get some church is mobilized and equip 405 00:31:00.799 --> 00:31:04.240 and train some folks. So check out Seth Groeber his podcast. It's called 406 00:31:04.359 --> 00:31:08.519 unaboarded and so really powerful podcast. So definitely check him out and check out 407 00:31:08.559 --> 00:31:11.920 some of his apologetic materials, videos and stuff that he's put out on Um, 408 00:31:12.240 --> 00:31:17.000 on Youtube and social media. And so again, hopefully this was equipping 409 00:31:17.039 --> 00:31:18.200 and encouraging to you guys. You can reach out to us. You can 410 00:31:18.200 --> 00:31:21.799 reach me, Daniel, I love life dot Org, and reach her Vicky, 411 00:31:21.920 --> 00:31:23.240 with a why I love life dot Org. We love to hear from 412 00:31:23.240 --> 00:31:27.920 you, maybe with some suggestions of future podcasts and Um. Yeah, until 413 00:31:27.920 --> 00:31:34.880 next time, God, bless God, bless you are. Give me our 414 00:31:36.200 --> 00:31:48.440 love for love, give me our love for gratitude. I know it will 415 00:31:48.599 --> 00:32:02.079 cost me my life. Nothing's too precious. And some you M