Elijah and Vicky share the top 24 basics to effective sidewalk outreach in a series of podcasts to be released during this month. This refresher is not only for those starting out but maybe especially for those who have done …
Elijah and Vicky share the top 24 basics to effective sidewalk outreach in a series of podcasts to be released during this month. This refresher is not only for those starting out but maybe especially for those who have done …
Elijah and Vicky share the top 24 basics to effective sidewalk outreach in a series of podcasts to be released during this month. This refresher is not only for those starting out but maybe especially for those who have done …
Elijah and Vicky begin the New Year with a podcast about painting the vision of the new beginning of life with the baby for the moms as well as the new life possible for them in Jesus. Practical tips are …
Daniel, Vicky, and a special guest share ministry highs and lows, favorite verses, and an announcement for the coming year. https://sidewalks4life.com/equipping-articles/
It is not always easy to balance the need for compassion to the moms with the necessity of speaking convicting truth. That balance is essential to optimize the likelihood the women will come talk with us and consider what we …
Personal testimony is a powerful thing to share at abortion centers. Our personal story of abortion or of choosing life in spite of adversity can sway a woman to reconsider taking her own child’s life. However, there are opti...
Lately, we have encountered increased aggression and spiritual attack as we serve on the sidewalks of abortion centers. This episode explores how we can effectively resist the devil and his attacks on us and on our teammates....
A common reason given for the desire to abort is that either the mom or the baby will suffer if brought to term. In this episode, we examine the fallacy of this point of view as well as scriptural support …
God’s word is powerful, and can make the difference between a mom choosing life or death. We are called to use His Word wisely and to be prepared to use it with discernment and at the appropriate time. This podcast …
Addressing the disproportionate number of minorities being killed in abortions is not one of our three key talking points we have found to be effective. However, we cannot be unaware of the truth of this sad fact. Should we address …
In this episode, Daniel and Vicky give a gentle rebuke along with encouragement. Many of us have grown disheartened with apparent church apathy regarding abortion. We ask, “Where is the church?” And grow discouraged. In this podcast, we exhort all …
In this episode, Daniel and Vicky, who are both runners, speak about the lessons learned in the discipline of running and how they can be directly applied to Sidewalk outreach. The Bible has many verses that speak of running and …
The issue of undocumented immigrant moms coming to abortion centers is a growing challenge. Sidewalk Outreach Teams need to be prepared in how to effectively counsel and meet the needs of this group. In this podcast, we explore the unique …
This episode is an inspiring time of relating true stories of when the Holy Spirit intercedes powerfully while we are ministering on the sidewalks of the abortion centers. His presence is sometimes miraculous words He brings to us, sometimes miraculo...
God calls us to be holy as He is holy. This is true in every area of our lives but especially in ministry. In this episode, we explore the concept of walking in holiness as it pertains to sidewalk outreach …
We need to be prepared in season and out of season with biblical truth as 2 Timothy 4:2 reminds us. It is sometimes daunting to know what scripture best fits the issue you may face as you minister to abortion-determined …
Many sidewalk outreach teams minister on the sidewalks of Planned Parenthood facilities. A large income source now for PP is transgender people seeking hormone therapy. While our primary interest is reaching abortion-determined women, we want to offe...
In sidewalk outreach, we often hear the pro-abortion people taunting us with this question: “Don’t you have better ways to spend your time?” Sometimes, the struggle and lack of visible fruit are so significant that we even ask ourselves this …
Abortion is devastating under any circumstances, but the risks to teens are enormous and devastating. This episode examines some issues teens face following abortion, including increased suicide, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. https:...
Sometimes we feel that if we could find the one formula, that one thing we could do or have on the sidewalk, we could be more effective. In this episode, we examine the truth that effective sidewalk ministry is not …
We face adversity and often hostility when we speak for the unborn in front of an abortion center. The book of Acts gives practical advice on how to do this well, as we explore how Paul spoke to a hostile …
In this episode, we deal with the issue of modern-day child sacrifice. We give Biblical guidance on how to speak scripturally about the horror of abortion, with examples from pagan practices regarding the shedding of innocent blood. https://sidewalks...
We often see people who are fearful and hesitant to share or speak with us. Sometimes it is because they are in the country illegally and are afraid we will turn them over to authorities. In this episode, we share …